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Liberalism, conservatism, and Catholicism

I explore the differences and connections among the three tendencies in my latest piece at Crisis Magazine.


What should we do about natural law?

I’ve published the first of a series of pieces about natural law and how to bring it more public attention at Catholic World Report.


Theory, practice, and the Church

What’s all this about doctrine versus discipline in the Church? I try to unriddle some of the considerations in my latest piece in Catholic World Report.


What a pastoral Church would look like

We hear the word “pastoral” quite a bit today, but the intended meaning is sometimes puzzling. I try to straighten everything out in my latest piece at Crisis Magazine.


The Donald

I give an explanation of the Trump phenomenon at Chronicles Magazine.


Where shall we go?

That’s the question for Church and society today. I talk about it in my latest piece at Crisis Magazine.


Why the unreality?

Non-progressives often find it hard to understand why even the battiest left-liberal views have such durability and power. I attempt an explanation in my latest piece at Catholic World Report.


More thoughts about immigration

I continue discussing immigration at Catholic World Report.


Subordinating the sacred to the secular

For a salute to the German bishops as model churchmen for our time–sort of–see my latest column at Crisis Magazine.


Is emigration the answer?

My current column at Catholic World Report looks at international migration from the standpoint of source countries and their people, and suggests skepticism about whether it solves many problems. Next month I’ll look at it from the standpoint of recipient countries like America.


What do we do about an intrusive and unhinged public order?

My October column in Crisis deals with just that question.


Public order, identity, and the church

That series of abstractions is in fact the topic of my new column at Catholic World Report.


Living with Papa when he's a bit quirky

That’s the topic of my new column in Crisis Magazine.

August columns

I have a piece at Catholic World Report on the pitfalls of world government and one at Crisis Magazine on the consequences of the changes leading to the recent Supreme Court decision on “gay marriage.”


Technocracy Now

I have an essay in the current First Things on the current political and social situation and how to respond to it. The whole thing is available here.


Finding our way forward in bad times

I’ve a couple of pieces on that topic, one at Crisis Magazine on the virtue of docility–readiness to learn and be taught–in a time of teachers who are both weak and willful, and one at Catholic World Report on the collectivist temptation in present day Catholic thought.


New review

A Catholic blogger reviews my book Against Inclusiveness.


What prospects for thought?

I follow up last month’s piece at Catholic World Report on the destruction of thought with another on its possible future.


The Church and the god of this world

Current public thought excludes basic realities, so we shouldn’t use it as a basis of discussion with people today. That’s the thought behind my latest piece at Crisis Magazine.


Notes on a book against modernist and postmodernist art

The book is Who Says That’s Art?: A Commonsense View of the Visual Arts, by Michelle Marder Kamhi. It was recommended by a friend who’s also a friend of the author.



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