Putin’s navy gives us a taste of his strategic anxiety

Edit The Australian 13 Nov 2014
It highlights the sensitivities associated with other power blocs making mischief in your backyard ... On 1 July 1911, the Agadir crisis (one of the lead-up causes of tensions between the great powers prior to World War I), was fomented with the deployment of the German gunboat Panther off the coast of Morocco ostensibly to protect German trade interests but really to test the strength of the British-French alliance ... ....

1914 Serbia, 2014 Pakistan

Edit The Hindu 28 Jun 2014
Conscious too that Vienna and Belgrade were not the only players but had Germany behind Austro-Hungary and France behind Serbia, statesmen comforted themselves with the thought that all this was déjà vu, that the first Balkan crisis had been tided over and the much more serious Agadir crisis of 1911 over a German gun-boat, the Panther, having ......

Profile: Sir Edward Grey

Edit The Irish Times 14 May 2014
In the years after the first World War, Sir Edward Grey, by now failing in sight, stayed awake at night in his cottage on the banks of Itchen chalk river in Hampshire, examining the actions he took in the years before July 2014 ... Three years before, during the Agadir Crisis, London had made it clear it would not remain indifferent to Berlin’s manoeuvres in Morocco, though Lloyd George, rather than Grey, put it into words ... ....

A duty to the French?

Edit The Irish Times 14 May 2014
Privately, however, Asquith was absorbed more by the home rule crisis in Ireland, but also by his new mistress, Venetia Stanley, to whom he was then ... Indeed, by the Agadir crisis of 1911 in Morocco many of his fellow Liberals in the Cabinet began to be concerned about the depth of ties when it emerged that military staff talks had taken place....