- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 988
Video Dedicated to some of other Pharaohs Less Known or Unknown for the people. They also belong to the history of ancient egypt. Here you can see: HUNI (III Dyn),SNEFRU (IV Dyn),DJEDEFRA (IV Dyn),USERKAF (V Dyn),SAHURE (V Dyn),PEPI I (VI Dyn),AMENEMHET III (XII Dyn),SOBEKHOTEP IV (XIII Dyn),SOBEKHOTEP V (XIII Dyn)NEFERHOTEP i (XIII Dyn),,HOREMHEB (XVIII Dyn),MERNEPTAH (XIX Dyn),SIPTAH (XIX Dyn),RAMESSES VI (XX Dyn),OSORKON I (XXI Dyn)
Seminari sobre art egipci a la zona tebana. Organitzat per la Societat Catalana d’Egiptologia juntament amb el Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya -Barcelona. Es tracta d’una jornada d’estudi sobre la pintura tebana durant l’Imperi Nou: artistes i temàtiques. Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya -Barcelona. 19 de maig de 2016. Les ponents d’aquest seminari seran la Dra. Inmaculada Vivas (Professora del Departament d’Història de l’Art, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), la Licenciada María Silvina Vera (Professora d’art egipci de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán i membre de la missió arqueològica de Neferhotep) i la Dra. Irene Cordón (membre de la Societat Catalana d’Egiptologia). Actuarà com a moderadora la Dra. Núria Castellano. Inmaculada Vivas: El artis...
Seminari sobre art egipci a la zona tebana 2. Organitzat per la Societat Catalana d’Egiptologia juntament amb el Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya -Barcelona. Es tracta d’una jornada d’estudi sobre la pintura tebana durant l’Imperi Nou: artistes i temàtiques. Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya -Barcelona. 19 de maig de 2016. Les ponents d’aquest seminari seran la Dra. Inmaculada Vivas (Professora del Departament d’Història de l’Art, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), la Licenciada María Silvina Vera (Professora d’art egipci de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán i membre de la missió arqueològica de Neferhotep) i la Dra. Irene Cordón (membre de la Societat Catalana d’Egiptologia). Actuarà com a moderadora la Dra. Núria Castellano. Inmaculada Vivas: El art...
Seminari sobre art egipci a la zona tebana 3. Organitzat per la Societat Catalana d’Egiptologia juntament amb el Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya -Barcelona. Es tracta d’una jornada d’estudi sobre la pintura tebana durant l’Imperi Nou: artistes i temàtiques. Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya -Barcelona. 19 de maig de 2016. Les ponents d’aquest seminari seran la Dra. Inmaculada Vivas (Professora del Departament d’Història de l’Art, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), la Licenciada María Silvina Vera (Professora d’art egipci de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán i membre de la missió arqueològica de Neferhotep) i la Dra. Irene Cordón (membre de la Societat Catalana d’Egiptologia). Actuarà com a moderadora la Dra. Núria Castellano. Inmaculada Vivas: El art...
“1. Hezekiah and Taharka The biblical synchronism in this period involves Hezekiah. The imminent arrival of Assyria’s enemy Taharka, the last pharaoh of the 25th dynasty, helped Hezekiah by putting Sennacherib to flight in 709 B.C. Taharka later rebelled against the Assyrian domination of Egypt, dying in 664 B.C. when Ashurbanipal sacked Thebes. “2. Josiah and Necho After Ninevah’s destruction, Pharaoh Necho II of the 26th dynasty marched to Carchemish, where the Assyrian remnant was making its last stand. On the way, according to 2 Chronicles 35, Necho killed Judah’s king Josiah at Megiddo. Returning from his 605 B.C. defeat at Carchemish, Necho took Jehoahaz as a hostage and placed Jehoiakim on the throne of Judah. “3. Jeremiah and Hophra One final biblical synchronism occurs in conn...
Without Googling this, can you guess the Best-Selling "Book" of all time? YES! The "Holy Bible," or the Holy Scriptures, is the best-selling "book" of all time worldwide! It is also the most translated "book" of all time, and has been the best-selling "book" for centuries: even today! So why has there been a push to hide and remove TRUTH from the eyes of the public? TRUTH Revealed! Lies EXPOSED! Link to the post HERE: http://beforeitsnews.com/books/2015/12/the-best-selling-book-of-all-time-exactly-what-you-think-2498446.html ***At first I wasn't going to leave links for the Biblical evidences, but I will anyway so that you are WITHOUT EXCUSE as to knowing who Your TRUE Creator Is: YAH. LINKS Noah's Ark-CIA: http://lisahavennews.net/2015/01/21/cia-and-dia-documents-on-noahs-ark-found...
Who was the Pharaoh at the time of the Exodus, when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt? What was his name? When did he die? Did he die in the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba today), with his army? Or did he continue to rule Egypt from 1446BC to about 1425BC? Did the Pharaoh believe that he possessed an "immortal soul" that would travel with the Sun God, in the afterlife after death?
Tomb Paintings IV: - CEILING PATTERNS - colors & beauty of the paintings on ceilings in tombs are also wonderful, and worthy to see, as examples i selected ceilings of tombs of: inerkha,neferhotep,nefersekheru,neferronpet,userhet,roy,suroy,senenmut,pabasa,sennefer etc.
We discuss scribal texts like the "Satire on the Trades," autobiographies (Weni, Harkhuf, Qar, Stela of Tjetji, Amenemhet and Khnumhotep II, Iykhernofret), and royal stelae (Semna Stela, Neferhotep, Kamose Texts, Poetical Stela of Thutmose III, Israel Stela, Bentresh Stela, Victory Stela of Piye, Famine Stela, Satrap Stela) .