
The revolution will not be sober

  • Posted on: 28 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The revolution will not be sober: the problem with notions of “radical sobriety” & “intoxication culture”

From HIV HEPC Anarchist - By Zoë Dodd & Alexander McClelland

As radicals and writers working on issues of criminalization and drug liberation, we believe that altering the relationships we have with our minds and bodies through substance use is a form of resistance and emancipation. For us, drug liberation is the emancipation of drugs deemed illegal and the people who use them from the control of the state and social structures. In our experience, drug use can facilitate authentic, compassionate, and emotionally bonded social relationships that are not possible otherwise. Drug use can be therapeutic and provide autonomy outside of the pathologizing system of western medicine for coping with trauma and difficult life experiences.

Greece: Armed Anarchist demonstration against drug dealers

  • Posted on: 16 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Massive show of strength as anarchists, antifascists and anti-authoritarians took to the streets of Exarcheia against drug dealing mafias and police. The demonstration was guarded by comrades armed with openly displayed guns (who can be seen on the video from 01:53), something that has not been seen at demonstrations in recent times but was deemed necessary due to the serious threat posed by the heavily armed drug mafias who work in collusion with the police.