Save thousands sending cash overseas

There are all sorts of reasons why you might make a currency transfer. Maybe you’re buying a property abroad, perhaps you are sending money to family overseas, you might be working abroad and need to repatriate your salary, or maybe you’re paying university fees overseas. Whatever the reason, you’ll want to make sure you’re not being stung by uncompetitive exchange rates so your money goes as far as possible. A lot of people just use their bank to make the transfer, thinking it’s the easiest way, but not knowing there are currency specialists that offer better exchange rates ...

  • Most Britons use the big banks to make currency transfers even though many offer terrible exchange rates

Making foreign exchange work for you

Every year, tens of thousands of people move their money across borders, whether it’s to buy a property abroad, receive a pension overseas or pay international school fees. The amount you’ll pay or receive will ultimately depend on the exchange rate you’re given, and with these changing all the time – sometimes dramatically...

Buying abroad
How to fix your costs on overseas property

Four ways to benefit from a strong pound

The pound has been strong against the euro in 2015. In August it was 13 per cent stronger against the single currency than a year before. Back in August 2014 one pound bought you €1.25. A year later it would have bought you €1.41. Sterling strength is good news for expats, holidaymakers and those involved in importing for business, who can...