Horrific video shows pigs being ‘forced into small cages with Tasers’ before they are ‘lowered into gas chambers’ and killed

Published 7 December 2015

Confronting footage of pigs apparently being forced into 'gas chambers' as they scream and try to escape before they are gutted and drained of blood has been captured by a group of animal activists.

  • Shocking video alleges animals are mistreated at Victoria slaughterhouses
  • Footage was taken by Animal Liberation Victoria by sneaking into abattoirs
  • Pigs being forced into cages with Tasers and lowered into gas chamber
  • Animals squealed and screamed as they tried to escape the small cages

The videos were secretly recorded by Animal Liberation Victoria and Animal Liberation New South Wales inside three local abattoirs during a two-year investigation and released on Monday

The footage is believed to have been recorded inside slaughterhouses in Laverton and Benella, Victoria – which activist groups claim have been recognised for industry ‘best practice’ – and appears to show pigs being herded into cages by workers wielding large electronic prodders.

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Horrific footage of pigs being forced into ‘gas chambers’ as they screamed and tried to escape, before they are gutted and bled out has been captured by a group of animal activists

The cages then appear to be lowered into a gas chamber where the animals fight for air and escape while squealing and screaming before collapsing.

One of the abattoirs says that it is ‘RSPCA accredited’ on its website.

‘The industry tells the public that gas chambers are a humane slaughter method and wants us to believe that the pigs gently fall asleep, however nothing could be further from the truth.’ Animal Liberation Victoria said in a statement.

The videos were secretly recorded by Animal Liberation Victoria and Animal Liberation New South Wales inside three local abattoirs during a two-year investigation
The footage shows the animals being forced into cages with a Taser before being lowered into a ‘gas chamber’
Pigs in the video were seen piled on top of each other as they tried to escape the cages
Shocking images from inside the abattoir show a number of pigs hung up after they were killed
A worker is seen in a room where the pig were cut with a knife before they were bled out

‘The investigation involved climbing down into a gas chamber while wearing an oxygen tank to position hidden cameras. The activist who did so immediately noticed their eyes burning, which led to the discovery that when carbon dioxide reacts with liquids or mucus coated membranes (like that of the eyes, nostrils, sinuses, throat, and lungs), it forms carbonic acid.

‘From their first lungful of gas, these pigs are burning from the inside out.’

The confronting footage was released as activists chained themselves to an abattoir in Laverton in an attempt to block trucks transporting the pigs.

Watch the Footage


A worker at one of the Victorian abattoirs was caught on camera viciously kicking the pigs in an attempt to herd them
A worker is pictured dragging what appears to be a dead pig through a pen, just metres from live animals packed into a small space
A video hidden inside one of the cages used to lower the pigs into the gas chamber captured disturbing footage of the moment they were killed
The pigs were seen desperately trying to escape the cage and get fresh air as they were lowered into the gas chamber

‘All activists involved in this action have taken a vow of non-violence and are putting themselves peacefully between the innocent animals and the horrific death that awaits them,’ ALV Founder Patty Mark said.

‘We are closing down this slaughterhouse for as long as we can – not just to draw attention to this torturous method of killing – but to draw attention to the violence that is inherent in animal agriculture.

‘This action is an attempt to bring the real concept of peace and respect for others into our troubled world. To strike at the very roots of violence and destruction.’

A spokesman for Minister for Agriculture Barnaby Joyce said their needs to be a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to animal abuse, and that he ‘hoped action was being taken’ after the video emerged.

Daily Mail Australia contacted the companies filmed in the video.

Two pigs begins to collapse after they were lowered into the gas chamber
A group of activists have chained themselves to one of the cages in protest against the treatment of animals
‘We are closing down this slaughterhouse for as long as we can, not just to draw attention to this torturous method of killing, but to draw attention to the violence that is inherent in animal agriculture,’ they said

By Liam Quinn, The Daily Mail Australia » Full Story

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