Commuters bear brunt of admn apathy

Edit The Times of India 27 Sep 2016
Lucknow. Traffic mayhem in the city because of Anganwadi workers taking to streets gave hell to commuters at all major crossings from Charbagh to Gole market from 10am to 9pm on Tuesday ... Akanksha Singh, a CA whose office is on Sapru Marg said, "I had a meeting with an international client in the office, but I got late in reaching by three hours." ... " I have been standing here for past four hours," she said ... RELATED....

Children who beat cancer bring message of hope during Taj visit

Edit The Times of India 26 Sep 2016
AGRA. Five-year-old Vaishnavi Yadav was only two-and-half when she was diagnosed with blood cancer. She underwent a grueling treatment and was finally cured. On Sunday, she visited the Taj in the company of her father and dozens of children who are either battling the dreaded disease or, like her, have beaten it ... Akanksha Gupta, 18, from Mumbai, who wants to become a dietician said, "I had retinoblastoma when I was seven months old....

Corridors of Power

Edit The Hindu 26 Sep 2016
Vocabulary class. Last week, an eminent lawyer got held up in traffic while trying to reach the Delhi High Court from the Supreme Court for a case involving the lease of a renowned hotel. While the court waited, the advocate’s juniors tried to engage the judge in discussions on various legal aspects ... “You know a court should never decide a case ... No smoking ... (Contributed by Akanksha Jain, Shubhomoy Sikdar and Ashok Kumar). ....

​ Children who beat cancer bring message of hope during Taj visit

Edit The Times of India 25 Sep 2016
Agra. Five-year-old Vaishnavi Yadav was only two-and-half when she was diagnosed with blood cancer. She underwent a grueling treatment and was finally cured. On Sunday, she visited the Taj in the company of her father and dozens of children who are either battling the dreaded disease or, like her, have beaten it ... Akanksha Gupta, 18, from Mumbai, who wants to become a dietician said, "I had retinoblastoma when I was seven months old....

Children who beat cancer bring message of hope during Taj Mahal visit

Edit The Times of India 25 Sep 2016
AGRA. Five-year-old Vaishnavi Yadav was only two-and-half when she was diagnosed with blood cancer. She underwent a gruelling treatment and was finally cured. On Sunday, she visited the Taj in the company of her father and dozens of children who are either battling the dreaded disease or, like her, have beaten it ... Akanksha Gupta, 18, from Mumbai, who wants to become a dietician said, "I had retinoblastoma when I was seven months old....

For me, this is the ‘best-est’ city, says Gurgaon model Akanksha Sharma

Edit The Times of India 20 Sep 2016
And Akanksha Sharma, the aspiring model who is currently studying architecture at Indraprastha University, made it to the top five on the show ... Says Akanksha, "As a child, I was always encouraged by my mother to participate in dancing, acting, modelling and fancy dress competitions ... After the show, Akanksha's popularity has grown and she now enjoys something of a following....

'My parents were quite okay when I did a bikini shoot'

Edit The Times of India 15 Sep 2016
And Akanksha Sharma, the aspiring model who is currently studying architecture at Indraprastha University, made it to the top five on the show ... Says Akanksha, "As a child, I was always encouraged by my mother to participate in dancing, acting, modelling and fancy dress competitions ... After the show, Akanksha's popularity has grown and she now enjoys something of a following....

How top companies are blending CSR with responsible growth

Edit The Times of India 15 Sep 2016
By Utkarsh Majumdar, Namrata Rana and Neeti Sanan ... CSR is largely about spending monies as a small portion of the profits made ... CSR alone is not good enough ... Key findings. 1 ... 2. Governance for business responsibility sees improvement ... 3 ... 4 ... Thermax Social Initiative Foundation's (TSIF) municipal schools programme is conducted in collaboration with the NGO, Akanksha, and covers four municipal schools with a combined student strength of 1800 ... ....

No buses for Ambad at noon, students lament

Edit The Times of India 13 Sep 2016
NASHIK. Students from Ambad village, Pathardi Phata, Rane Nagar and adjoining areas, who are pursuing their studies in various colleges across Nashik city, are a harassed lot ... Even if they do, there is seldom space for them to stand inside, forget about occupying a seat ... This entire process not only costs us time but also mental peace," Akanksha Valavdekar of Rane Nagar, a student of KTHM College, said ... RELATED. From around the web....

It's a droid, it's a clone, it's Snowbot! (NJIT - New Jersey Institute of Technology)

Edit Public Technologies 12 Sep 2016
(Source. NJIT - New Jersey Institute of Technology) ... There is no set path that ideas follow from insight to invention to innovation. They can simmer for years or strike like a bolt of lightning ... Summoning Snowbot ... human urine ... Akanksha Mukherjee and Susnata Mandal, computer science students from the Heritage Institute of technology in Kolkota, want to expand this thriving business by helping the amateur chefs play a more lucrative role....

Research must for survival of universities: UGC chief

Edit The Times of India 10 Sep 2016
Patna ... "We need research-intensive universities and meritocracy should be the hallmark of our universities," he said ... The scholars who were awarded gold medals at the convocation included Uma Bharti (B Tech), Yuthika Narayan (B Pharma), Ankita Kumari (MBBS), Sivangi Gupta (BBA), Dhiraj Kumar (BCA), Anupriya Sinha (B Com), Kumari Anamika (community college diploma) and Swikriti Anand and Akanksha Sinha (best graduates) ... RELATED....

Penn’s Perry World House Announces Inaugural Undergraduate Fellows (University of Pennsylvania)

Edit Public Technologies 09 Sep 2016
(Source. University of Pennsylvania). Perry World House at the University of Pennsylvania has named 25 undergraduates as the inaugural cohort of World House Student Fellows. The group of sophomores, juniors and seniors will participate each week in seminars, research projects, leadership opportunities and activities focused on pressing global issues ... Akanksha Santdasani, a sophomore finance and management major from Moscow ... (noodl....

Humans of Anand: ‘We’re not baby-making machines’

Edit The Times of India 08 Sep 2016
The vast operation run by Dr Nayana Patel at the Akanksha Hospital and Research Institute — the facility was even featured on Oprah — has often inspired headlines like "rent-a-womb" or "India's reproductive assembly line" ... The two, along with 60 other women, live at Akanksha in large, dorm-style wards with flat-screen TVs ... The surrogates at Akanksha are taught skills like embroidery, stitching, applying mehndi etc....