With more than a decade of focused experience, I’ve dedicated my career to meeting the potential of the digital world:

  • Market Strategy: In my current role, I develop and execute product strategy for software used each day by thousands of client subscribers. I’ve implemented digital-transformation strategies for multiple Fortune 500 clients, drawing from both direct practical experience and critical strategic thinking.
  • Technology: With experience as a product leader, technology consultant and front-end developer, I’ve planned, integrated, developed and deployed at all levels of the technology stack.
  • Content: In six years of work at two of the web’s most-visited news sites, I wrote, edited and produced news content viewed by millions of web users, developing the strong communication and coordination skills that span from the project room to the board room.
  • Leadership: Whether leading teams, providing insight, managing resources or mentoring employees, I have a strong record of driving achievement.

I write when it strikes me; you can read it here. Drop me a line and we’ll talk shop, Pittsburgh sports or obscure historical trivia.