Let's hope this proposal doesn't get up. While Turnbull may see some short-term political gain, it would have significant longer-term negative consequences for our national economy, and for the very fabric of our society.
The sources of this story never asked for money. What they wanted was for some of the wealthiest and most powerful figures in governments and companies across the globe to be exposed for acting corruptly, and with impunity, for years.
I'm praying still for Bernie Sanders, because he's the only one willing, at least in the name of fiscal sanity, to cut back on our foreign interventions, bring the troops home, and with these trillions of dollars no longer wasted on malice, try to protect the "homeland" by actually rebuilding it and putting money into its people, schools, and infrastructure.
Quidditch, for the uninitiated, came from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books. Played by wizards, the teams fly on broomsticks to secure goals and catch the "snitch" -- a tiny, gold, insect-like ball. On land, Quidditch is played on a field and the snitch is a person with a sock dangling from their trousers.
Rural isolation is dangerous. The nights that were interspersed with abuse and violence were never talked about. That was part of the community shame -- preference for silence, preferred ignorance.
When I was first told I had to have my ball removed, I didn't really know what to think. Would it impact my sex life? Would I still be able to have children? Would others judge me? Would I be less of a man?
We've all heard of drug addicts, alcoholics and even sex addicts, but now there's an explanation for another form of a continuous self-destructive pattern: love addiction.
What is at stake is not just a political or economic decision. Much more than that, what is at stake is a profoundly moral and even legal question. The gap between the obligation to protect and actual compliance is simply unacceptable and endangering the global order. It requires an urgent call for mutual accountability, beyond the interests of any nation, government or institution.
Britain has now joined Mexico and France in taxing businesses when they compromise the health of our children. I don't believe it's anti-business. In the UK, kids and teenagers' single largest source of sugar is from sugary sweetened drinks and with one-third of kids overweight or obese, these statistics cannot be taken lightly anymore. Of course, industry totally disagree - what they all agree on is personal responsibility and self-regulation, and look where that got us.
The announcement of a sugary drinks tax has sent ripples around the world, especially in countries where they're also struggling with childhood obesity.
There were no fewer than 40 different Virtual Reality seminars over the course of this year's SXSW Interactive festival, which saw tech leaders revisiting some ideas of yesteryear, having another crack, and succeeding handsomely. It seems that everything old is new again.
Thanks for all your comments and questions on social media, your interest is just fantastic. I've answered some of the most commonly asked questions, and listed them here. I'll try to answer more, but before posting new questions, please check through these to make sure I've not already covered that topic... This is a very common misconception that there is no gravity in space. Gravity is everywhere in space! It's what keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth, it keeps Earth in orbit about the Sun and holds galaxies together.
My joints would ache throughout the day, throbbing headaches were a daily occurrence and I was falling asleep at my desk. I worked a 50-60 hour a week job, which was exhausting, and all I ever wanted to do in my free time was sit on the couch, watch TV and eat. I was consuming around 4000 calories per day -- over double the daily recommendation for a woman.
A friend recently asked me what the hardest transition was when I became a mom. I didn't have an answer, because they were all hard. Everything changed.
I felt like I needed to do something radical. Do I move to an ashram in India and spend the rest of my years in a silent meditation? Do I shave my head and join the Hare Krishnas? What do I need to do to slow down the years that are approaching, because the past 45 have slipped by so fast that it takes my breath away.
While the self-proclaimed Islamic State has lost a significant amount of its territory and leadership, including its second-in-command, Brussels shows that it will become even more aggressive in its foreign operations as it loses ground, with some stating the attack is an indication of panic in the group. Here are seven suggestions that may help resolve the civil war in Syria, end the refugee crisis and alleviate the terrorist threat posed by ISIS to Europe and the rest of the world.
Maintaining a solid financial future doesn't come from picking stocks and making accurate predictions about the future. It comes from doing a few simple things well.
In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, Jakarta and Belgium, intelligence collectors and police everywhere are under immense pressure to collect the necessary intelligence to protect us from future violence.
In the week before Christmas last year, the Australian Bureau of Statistics quietly trashed your privacy. We have only a few months to claim it back.
It wasn't unpredictable that we'd see a backlash to the historic breakthrough of the first black president and the long-overdue adoption of more progressive social values. It's less predictable how that backlash will play out in the long run.