Life support team
Asking for help can be hard, but it's worth it. Megan Blandford talks with three women who used coaching to make their lives better.
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I told the truth in my sister's obituary, so that others might choose to live
The most alone I have ever felt was standing on my front porch on a chilly February evening. My sister had taped a note to the front door that said "Eleni, if you're the first one here don't go in the basement. Just call 911. I don't want you to see me like this. I love you! Love, Aletha."
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Can meditation help cure chronic back pain?
A new study explored how stress reduction can help relieve physical discomfort.
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Do self-tracking devices actually lead to lifestyle changes?
Does the obsession with collecting data on ourselves spur us to change our behaviour or merely increase anxiety?
The healthy chef
Here are my top 10 staples, ingredients that can be pulled out at any time to create simple, delicious meals.
Why do mosquitoes like some people more than others?
Are you a mosquito magnet? If so, your genes may be to blame.
Telling people I have genital herpes is empowering
Ella Dawson blogs about dating with genital herpes to promote normality in the face of stigma.
What's so wrong with having a little patience?
In our bright and blinking technological age, intellectual immersion is rarely lauded. But it should be.
Period Project
How do homeless women deal with their periods?
The government provides condoms at homeless shelters, so why not tampons?
Four killed in Jerusalem synagogue
Two Palestinians armed with a meat cleaver and a gun shot dead after killing four rabbis, the deadliest such incident in six years in the holy city. 00:55