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 Border doctor tackles euthanasia 

Border doctor tackles euthanasia

16 May, 2011 12:00 AM
A BORDER surgeon will outline his opposition to euthanasia as the battle over life and death heats up.

Ear, nose and throat specialist Dr Roland von Marburg will speak at the Commercial Club, Albury tomorrow night, on “Euthanasia — Myths and Realities” to be followed by a public discussion.

Dr von Marburg said the timing was right as the discussion about euthanasia had been gaining momentum in the public domain.

“I try to avoid emotive words because you don’t want to get emotional about these issues, I don’t think that helps anyone, but we do need to recognise what euthanasia is,” he said.

“There are three or four common arguments that I don’t really think hold much water.

“There can be a lack of compassion that’s probably getting them to the point that they are despairing and depressed.

“And the way the debate has been framed has also been misleading I think.”

Albury-based Dr von Marburg said he also wanted to debunk some of the myths about euthanasia.

“Often the argument is put up that I don’t want to live on a machine for the rest of my life,” he said.

“The short answer to that from a medical point of view is you’d be right.

“I think we’re understanding much more as a profession that you don’t need to put 95-year-olds in intensive care, on ventilators in the hope that they will miraculously turn around and get better.”

The talk is free and will be in the Commercial Club’s Waratah Room tomorrow from 7.30pm.

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In reality I'm all for Euthanasia if the person has written a "Living Will" and this is what their wish is...

Society sees it as fitting not to let an Animal suffer with certain types of injuries or illnesses ~ so then why can't people have the right to choose the same for themselves...

Having started my Nursing many years ago in a 30 Bed Geriatric Ward ~ my decision was made long long ago ~ quality is much more than quantity...

Living Wills may not be Legal in Australia ~ but you can still write one with your Will ~ and stipulate you are not to be kept alive on Life Support ~ and I think it should include your choice for Euthanasia in event of some Terminal illnesses...

When Family get all emotionally involved ~ the most important thing is usually often overlooked ~ what the person really wants for themselves...!!!

And what about people without family ~ give them choice too...

Thus ~ I think that Living Wills and Euthanasia should be Legal ~ and give People the CHOICE to do what THEY want with THEIR OWN lives...

Is it not better to remember that Family member as they were when healthy ~ not how many of them end up after much pain and suffering...???

Posted by SyBelle, 16/05/2011 9:36:51 AM, on The Border Mail
My poor little granny was 96 years old and bed ridden for years.

she was going and wanted to go but the hospital had to keep giving her blood transfushions to keep her alive for that little bit longer, for what?

for everyone to see her suffer a little longer.

we should have the option to end it at that time of life.

Posted by little me, 16/05/2011 3:24:15 PM, on The Border Mail
My father was brought back to life during an operation. He was being called from a better place than where he was.........but the law tells us that we really needed to see the poor bugger suffer for another six months. Don't get me started on this debate!!!!
Posted by johno, 16/05/2011 4:19:40 PM, on The Border Mail
My Life My Decision! Each to their own - hence there is no need for a discussion. My Life My Decision! Simple really!
Posted by ordinary bloke, 16/05/2011 9:29:36 PM, on The Border Mail
'little me' and 'johno', I fully appreciate your views on this and, having had family members in similar situations, whole heartedly agree with you that in modern medicine, longevity should not be our only goal. However, the scenarios you both describe relate to the withdrawal of, or decision not to commence, life-prolonging therapy in cases where there is compromised quality of life. This is distinct from euthanasia, which is the deliberate induction of death in an individual who would otherwise remain alive. Refusal to commence (or continue) life prolonging therapy IS legal in all state and territories of Australia, and is the reason why explicit consent should be sought prior to instituting any active therapy in modern medicine. A classic example is the paliation of an oncology patient, who wishes not to receive active treatment, and is well within their rights to do so. In this scenario, euthanasia would instead involve ACTIVELY administering an agent to bring about the earlier death of the individual, which most practitioners would agree, is an unnecessary measure given the availability of quality palliative care to comfort them rather than kill them.
Posted by Clarity, 17/05/2011 12:49:48 AM, on The Border Mail
Religion and Politics should remain separate. Of course, a Catholic doctor will have a strong opinion on euthanasia - but he should save that opinion for church and consider the suffering of patients and their families first and foremost.
Posted by Vanessa Paris, 17/05/2011 7:11:35 AM, on The Border Mail
Should be personal choice - who has the right to argue my personal choice?

As mentioned before we dont allow an animal to suffer but expect it to be ok for our own?

Will Dr Rowlands thoughts change when his an old bed ridden man - there is a reason why these people become depressed - weather supported or not, who'd want to live in pain?

Posted by julie emmins, 17/05/2011 11:17:43 AM, on The Border Mail
@Vanessa Paris, where was the mention of religion at all in the article?
Posted by contributor, 17/05/2011 11:54:00 AM, on The Border Mail
What would an ENT surgeon know about euthanasia.

While at work listening to the radio,I was amused by Roland von Marburgs comments about euthanasia. Is this the same surgeon who does not operate at the Albury Base hospital simply because it is a public hospital, Is this the same surgeon who was suspended by the NSW medical board in 2008 relating to "issues relating to professional conduct".

Mr von marburgs comments on the radio were laughable.He claims to care for the disabled and elderley in our community. I dont think so.

Posted by radio listener, 18/05/2011 4:51:01 PM, on The Border Mail

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Dr Roland von Marburg will be talking about euthanasia at the Commercial Club in Albury tomorrow. Picture: MATTHEW SMITHWICK
Dr Roland von Marburg will be talking about euthanasia at the Commercial Club in Albury tomorrow. Picture: MATTHEW SMITHWICK

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