Women's Health Goulburn North East

57 Rowan Street, Wangaratta, 3677
Tel 03 5722 3009 | Fax 03 5722 3020
Email whealth@whealth.com.au

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Making Two Worlds Work
Making Two World Work
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Latest News

NEWSLETTER - Gender & Disaster Pod
January Communique

Enabling Women Leadership Program
Women’s Health Goulburn North East is partnering with Women with Disabilities Victoria to deliver the Enabling Women Leadership Program in Wangaratta in April/May this year.

Health Promotion

Healthy EatingHealthy Eating
A gendered issue
Hume region health
promotion priority

Breast FeedingBreastfeeding
Why breastfeed?
Support breastfeeding
Increasing breastfeeding

Sexual and Reproductive HealthSexual and Reproductive Health
Improving outcomes for
rural women and
young people

Prevention of Violence
Against Women and Children

Current Work

Courageous Conversations
You’re invited to learn about and join the conversation about gender equity and respectful relationships.

NILS(NILS) No Interest Loans Scheme
Interest free loans for
women on low income
and exiting family violence

Ongoing Work

Regional planning
Women of the Hume region
Local stats about women


Other Work

BSafe – personal alarm system
Women Gathering
International Women's Day
Raped by a Partner - research report
Partner Rape DVD
Respectful Relationship Education


New Resources

A resource to assist workers to
deliver financial information to
women applying for a No Interest Loan

Keep Your Boat AfloatKeep Your Boat Afloat
Essential First Steps to re-establish financial security after leaving
domestic violence

Keep Your Boat AfloatKeep Your Boat Afloat
Ten Tips to thriving
after Domestic

Keep Your Boat AfloatKeep Your Boat Afloat
Resources alerting young women
of the signs of
Domestic Violence/Financial Abuse

It’s Up To You For 72
Being prepared for
72 hours following
a disaster

Trauma and Young ChildrenTrauma and Young Children
- a caring approach
offers opportunity to access expertise
in working with children with trauma

Current Research

Legal Services Board FundingWomen, Workers, Lawyers Project
provides free specialist family violence legal advice via Skype to
women and workers

Men | Black Saturday BushfiresMen on Black Saturday
Risk and opportunities
for change.
Report and resources

Living Longer on LessLiving Longer on Less
Women speak on
superannuation and