- Associated Press - Thursday, March 31, 2016

HACKENSACK, N.J. (AP) - Federal Aviation Administration officials have rejected northern New Jersey officials’ requests to delay a launch of a new flight path into Teterboro Airport.

An FAA spokeswoman tells The Record newspaper (http://bit.ly/1V8fizx ) there are no plans to push back the test run of the flight path. But agency representatives assured officials and residents during a meeting Wednesday that the change will have a limited impact.

The FAA says a six-month test of the new route will begin Monday. They say it will move jet traffic west along Route 17 to reduce noise around Hackensack University Medical Center.

But a newspaper report indicated it could take jets over a half-dozen schools and The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood. Local officials say they weren’t given sufficient warning for the change and wanted a delay.


Information from: The Record (Woodland Park, N.J.), http://www.northjersey.com