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Wednesday 03/23/2016
Cuba trip provides essential lesson
Posted: March 23, 2016

Rabbi Jeremy Schneider of Temple Kol Ami recently returned from a mission to Cuba with his synagogue; here are his reflections about the trip, written on the plane making the journey back from Havana to Phoenix via Miami. 

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Wednesday 03/09/2016
Seeing community dollars at work in Israel
Posted: March 09, 2016

Absorbing 30,000 new immigrants, addressing inequality of religious funding, providing pensions for Soviet olim from 35 years ago, negotiating egalitarian prayer space at the Western Wall and providing Israeli shlichim at college campuses around the world to combat the BDS [boycott, sanctions and divestment] movement describes a small part of the work the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) does. I was thrilled to attend my first Board of Governors meeting in Tel Aviv. Through it, I gained a deeper appreciation for a small part of what the Jewish Agency is tasked with doing. 

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Wednesday 02/17/2016
Bernie Sanders’ Jewishness: Does it matter?
Posted: February 17, 2016

Something is conspicuously missing from the current political cycle: meaningful attention to the ethnic identity of the candidates. It is interesting to note that Judaism does make an appearance among the principals. Donald Trump, current leader of the Republican pack and longtime supporter of Israel and Jewish causes, is a Presbyterian. However, his daughter, Ivanka, is an Orthodox Jewish convert whose husband is an observant Jew. She has two children and is expecting a third. Thus, Trump has a Jewish daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.

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Wednesday 02/10/2016
Silent invocation protects our rights
Posted: February 10, 2016

While as Americans, we are, indeed, free to worship as we wish without government interference, the reality is that there are blocs of citizens who feel uncomfortable with alternative religious groups’ desire to express their deep spiritual convictions (or lack thereof). Locally, this has manifested itself in the desire to block the self-described Church of Satan to lead the opening prayers before a Phoenix City Council meeting scheduled to take place Feb. 17. There has been furor over the group’s desire to open the meeting with a prayer, with many wondering if the group is a sincere expression of American tolerance of alternative religious values, or a ploy to gain attention for themselves and disrupt the normative “Judeo-Christian” value system.

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Wednesday 02/03/2016
Thanks for making 2015 campaign a success
Posted: February 03, 2016

Esther and I would like to start by thanking you all for allowing us the incredible honor and experience of leading the 2015 Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix annual campaign. We are proud and grateful that this campaign is the most successful since the beginning of the Great Recession (“Federation campaign raises $3.5M in 2015,” Jewish News, Jan. 29). Your generosity made it possible.

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Wednesday 01/20/2016
A dark day for Jews around the world
Posted: January 20, 2016

The implementation of the Iran deal on Jan. 16 by executive action with the aid of the European Union and the blessing of the United Nations is a dark cloud that has settled across world Jewry and civilized nations as well. The forced normalization of Iran, the world’s largest sponsor of international terror, by lifting crippling sanctions that have kept Iran rightfully as a pariah state, was heralded by President Obama as his crowning foreign policy achievement. 

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Wednesday 01/13/2016
Jewish values more important than money
Posted: January 13, 2016

I was born in the Bergen-Belsen DP (Displaced Persons) camp just after the end of World War II. Most people think that after the concentration camps were liberated, things were fine. To the contrary, at Bergen-Belsen approximately 15,000 people died after liberation, and I was almost one of them. It was a place of hopelessness. People had lost entire families and had nowhere to go. My father, of blessed memory, one of 13 children, was his sole family survivor. My mother, of blessed memory, one of seven children, thought she was the sole survivor, but several years later found a surviving sister. My parents, brothers and I languished in that DP camp for almost five years until it closed and we came to the United States, through the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS).

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Wednesday 12/02/2015
Wedding shows face of ‘Am Yisrael’
Posted: December 02, 2015

“This is Am Yisrael,” she said, pointing to the enormous crowd. Noa Litman whispered these words in my ears Nov. 26, in the midst of her daughter’s wedding. I couldn’t believe it. Just days before, Rabbi Yaakov and Netanel Litman – her husband and son – had been murdered by terrorists.

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