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Buying shares? Check these numbers


Scott Phillips

No single metric is enough, but these four should help you narrow the field.

Before you invest in shares, there are a few numbers to check.

Before you invest in shares, there are a few numbers to check. Photo: Greg Newington

Last week I wrote about most investors' favourite metric, the P/E ratio. It's a decent yardstick, but it's not enough. Here's a quick primer on some of the numbers you should look at – and watch out for.

Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E)

The P/E ratio tells you what you're paying for what you get. If the P/E is, say, 12.5, then you're paying $12.50 for each dollar of (usually, last year's) earnings. The lower that number, the better.

Watch out for: Even a low P/E company can be risky. Dick Smith sported a P/E of 2.2 times in its final week of life.

Earnings Yield

Calculated as earnings divided by price, it's the inverse of the P/E. Frankly, it makes more sense, because it turns the calculation into a simple percentage return. Your P/E of 12.5 is now a more intuitive 8 per cent earnings yield.

Watch out for: Again, it's backward looking, and doesn't take the future into account. Use it as a starting point, but don't forget to factor in your expectations of profit growth in future years.

Return on Equity (ROE)

ROE tells you how well a company uses its funds. Company A has $100 of net assets (what it owns minus what it owes) and earns $25 in profits, so its ROE is 25 per cent. Company B needs $300 of net assets to earn $15 and has an ROE of 5 per cent. The company that earns more with less is a higher quality business.

Watch out for: A quality business can still be selling for a stupidly expensive price. Don't be afraid to pay up for quality, but no business can make up for ill-disciplined buying.

Dividend Yield

Accounting profits can be gamed, which decreases P/E, boosts Earnings Yield and bolsters ROE. But cash in your pocket is, well, cash. So a company that's paying a good dividend is less likely to drastically underperform.

Watch out for: Companies can cut or cancel the payout – as resource companies have done in recent times – their share prices can tank and they can go broke. A dividend is a reasonable indicator of financial health, but no guarantee.

Foolish takeaway

There are no easy answers and no fail-safe rules. But combining the metrics above, using a little common sense and looking forward, not backward, you'll start to sort the wheat from the chaff.

New report: Forget BHP and Woolworths. These three "new breed" top blue chips for 2016 pay fully franked dividends and offer the very real prospect of significant capital appreciation. Click here to learn more.

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