Brisbane Lions defender Justin Clarke retires at 22 from concussion

Justin Clarke left home to drive to university. He got halfway and stopped. He had driven the road hundreds of times but suddenly he had no idea which way to go.

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He knew that he knew the way but his mind was blank. He had a choice of two roads but he sat there with the car idling and traffic banking behind him, looking at the way ahead, not knowing where the roads led or which way to go. So he chose one, the wrong one, and was late for university.

"That rattled me a fair bit because I couldn't work it out. I knew I should know this and I didn't know what was going on," said Clarke.

Lions v Bulldogs
Lion Justin Clarke: forced into early retirement. Photo: Getty Images

"I always had a good sense of direction and this was a route I took all the time but suddenly I had no idea how to get there. It was pretty confronting. That really rattled me."

Clarke was living in a fog. Weeks earlier, in mid January, he had been at training with the Brisbane Lions when he flew into a marking contest and was pushed in the back as he jumped. As he tumbled forward to the ground his forehead cracked into the knee of a player running past.

He was taken to hospital fearing spinal damage and concussion. X-rays cleared him of spinal trouble and head fractures but the concussion was severe. After a week the symptoms were still strong. Eight weeks later they had barely abated: the dizziness, the headaches, the memory loss was just as severe.

"The immediate three weeks after the injury I have no memory at all," he said.

Lions v Kangaroos
Justin Clarke keeps tabs on Jarrad Waite last year. Photo: Getty Images

"I was just at home but I have no memory of anything in that time. I was sleeping a lot, then I couldn't sleep. I had shocking headaches.

"I couldn't watch sport on TV because it moved too fast so I was watching bad sitcoms that didn't have much movement - and not much storyline either. The days passed really quickly."

The blow to the head has now ended Clarke's career. On Thursday morning, he told his teammates he was retiring from football. At 22 and after 56 games, as rival clubs formulated big offers to lure the key defender away - offers he would likely have rejected in favour of the Lions - his career is now over.

It was not a choice to retire; the doctors made that decision for him. Not only was he told not to play AFL football again, he was told he can't play any form of contact sport for the rest of his life.

The most positive thing they said was my memory function will return to normal eventually but they also said no more contact sport for life.

Clarke is a highly intelligent man. He is studying aeronautical engineering and got his pilot's licence while still at high school. He finished in the elite of his VCE year in South Australia and hopes to do his PhD in supersonic research. He hopes to work on fighter jets – "wings are where it is at" – working out ways to reduce the sonic boom.

His education, intelligence and career hopes, though, were irrelevant to the doctor's advice. Whether he wanted to be a plumber, farmer or aeronautical engineer, the advice would have been the same: his brain could not sustain more knocks.

That said, the immediate aftermath of the concussion left him anxious about the impact on his study and future.

His visual memory was badly damaged. He had always quickly absorbed what he read when he studied but now had to read things five times for it to sink in. He fretted that the damage would be permanent.

After the injury he was assessed by a neuropsychologist and his memory readings were out of kilter. His cognitive function was in the top fifth percentile of the population - thus he could still drive - but his memory was in the bottom 25th percentile – so he could not remember where he was going. The testing also detected the problem with his visual memory.

"The visual memory was the most confronting thing for me. It was one third of what it was expected to be," he said.

Then there was the physical pain and impairment.

"My speech was slurred and I would trail off in conversation and forget what I was going to say halfway through saying something. Shocking headaches and dizziness, I couldn't get out of bed," he said.

A week ago he went with his manager Matt Bain to the AFL Players Association in Melbourne. Clarke could not climb the short flight of stairs to the door.

"He had to stop halfway," Bain said. "He was dizzy and faint, he was complaining of headaches and this is 10 weeks after the injury.

"He is 22 and should be approaching the prime of his career but that his AFL career is irrelevant to his well-being now."

Clarke had already resolved that he needed to retire but while in Melbourne he went for a third opinion. He attended the Florey Institute offices of Associate Professor Paul McCrory, neurologist and sports physician, and his colleague Dr Michael Makdissi.

Among their conclusions was that Clarke's concussion was not the result of cumulative head knocks but of one severe head trauma.

"The most positive thing they said was my memory function will return to normal eventually but they also said no more contact sport for life," Clarke said.

"And that is probably the hardest part of it. Obviously I love playing in the AFL but this means never going home and playing at my local club, never playing basketball, cricket is a grey area but I doubt I will do that."

The symptoms persist but he is told they will slowly abate. He is unable to fly for 12 months because of the symptoms that altitude brings on.

"It's very much a heart rate related thing. As soon as my heart rate gets up to 100-110 beats a minute I get dizzy and faint and get a big headache and my body says I want to sleep," he said.

Living in a two-storey Queenslander in Brisbane meant whenever he returned home and climbed the stairs to the upstairs living area he would be wiped out and need to rest.

"They said if I were to play sport I would be more likely now to receive concussion from lower impact knocks and the recovery time would be longer and the symptoms more severe. It's untenable I play and not be healthy," he said.

The battle to deal with what has happened has not been his alone. There is the impact on his girlfriend, her family, his teammates, his housemate Tom Cutler, and on his parents at home on the farm north of Adelaide.

His dad broke his back in a car accident years ago – he made a full recovery – but the initial phone call home about the injury informed the Clarkes that their son had suffered possible spinal damage.

"That upset Mum quite a bit because it brought back a lot of stuff about Dad's accident. Dad really struggled with hearing me on the phone stutter along and lose track of everything. It was not particularly pleasant for them," he said.

"I have no regrets about playing AFL and pursuing an AFL career.

"It upsets me that I will never be able to go back out on the field with my mates in Brisbane or back home. That aspect of life has been taken away from me."

The upside of having his football dream ended for him is that now he can concentrate on the studies he had to shelve while he chased a football. Not all footballers are so unlucky as to lose their career so quickly, but few are so lucky as to have another career they so eagerly want to commence.

He will now return to university as a 22-year-old and still part of his own generation of students rather than be the 30-to-35-year-old ex-footballer starting out on a PhD.

"If there is a silver lining it is that now I am able to go back to uni and pursue that passion that had ground to a stop because of footy."


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