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At long last, listen to the women!

State entrapment, extortion, imprisonment and slander sharpen the consciousness of sex workers who denounce anti-prostitution, anti-pimping and anti-trafficking policies invariably used to repress women and undermine feminist liberation struggles. - free thinking for the world

At long last, listen to the women!

State entrapment, extortion, imprisonment and slander sharpen the consciousness of sex workers who denounce anti-prostitution, anti-pimping and anti-trafficking policies invariably used to repress women and undermine feminist liberation struggles. - free thinking for the world

This week's editor

David Petrasek, guest editor of the week, introduces openGlobalRights' newest debate on the future of refugee protection.

Why BP has no place in our arts

Why are the national portrait gallery allowing a corporate criminal to paint its logo over their walls?

Stop the global crackdown on academic freedom! Act now!

A call for the global community of teachers and students to protest against this most dangerous trend by signing, translating and circulating this statement, and organising protest meetings in all universities.

Dispatch from the Balkans

It is guarantees of safe passage and access to asylum that are crucial, not border fortifications. We must respect the universal basic right to seek asylum.

Trumped democracy?

It is time politicians talk straight and on important topics. Otherwise, there will be more space for Citizen Trump and the like.

Pregnant women bear brunt of government’s clampdown on ‘migrant’ NHS care

Maternity campaigners urge government to think again on introduction of further charges.

From London to Athens, Europe is an empty shell

Optimists affirm that the EU-UK agreement has a positive side: London cannot veto the will of other member states pursuing an “ever closer Union". This is true, but only formally. Italiano.

The West and Syria: the corporate media vs. reality

The media keeps saying that the West isn't involved in Syria. This isn't true.

Regeni: victim of a regime of fear

Giulio Regeni was a dedicated and meticulous researcher, an “avant-guarde for Europe”, as the Italian writer Erri De Luca described him.

On Mother's Day: how to be an unconventional mum

I never wanted a child. But now I am a double mother: to my own mother as she copes with Alzheimer's, and to a son I didn't give birth to.

Still the enemy within: the strike that split Britain

'Still the Enemy Within', on the 1984-5 Miners' Strike, will be screened at London's Somerset House on 7th March. Two filmmakers who worked on the award-winning documentary tell the story. 

Why we don’t publish articles about Putin


Mainstream media in the west and Russia is fixated on the Russian president. Here’s why we’re not.


Putting on the pressure: domestic constituencies and refugee policy

As long as states do not face pressure from their own constituencies, domestic refugee policy is unlikely to change. A contribution to the openGlobalRights debate on refugeesFrançaisEspañol

Trafficking discourses and sex workers' mobilisation in eastern Europe and central Asia

Sex workers in eastern Europe and central Asia resist their social exclusion and repression in many ways, but the political climate has so far prevented broad-based organising.

"They told me they were going to cut my penis if I didn’t give them the information"

A refugee from Bahrain discribes how the UK's close ally treats those who demand democracy.

The Clementi Review on the BBC: a response from Wales

The recommendations on BBC governance could be good news for Wales. But the devolved nations must ensure that mechanisms of accountability are not weakened in the implementation. 

Hashtag analysis: #Clausnitz and #Bautzen

When hashtags help to uncover a societal problem: racism.

Britain's deep-sea defence: out of time?

The United Kingdom's flagship military asset, its nuclear-armed submarine force, faces a coming 'swarm' of underwater technology.

The ordinary, yet exceptional people of Russia’s provinces

A significant part of Russia remains unknown to many of its citizens — mainstream media have no interest in the provinces. This photoblog captures a provincial life otherwise left behind. Русский

The Clementi Review must strengthen BBC independence

Sir David Clementi’s recommendations on BBC governance must be made to work. This means ensuring that Ofcom doesn’t become a ‘back seat driver’.

How can we politicise labour rights in Georgia?


In Georgia, violations of workers’ rights, low pay and negligent treatment by private corporations continue to go unnoticed. We need to politicise the world of work.


NHS staff shortage “shock”…

The Beeb claimed a scoop in investigative journalism this week – but its findings were no shock to most people.

Rediscovering a winning formula for refugee protection

State cooperation can only solve the refugee crisis if states actually want to cooperate. And evidence shows that they don’t. A contribution to the openGlobalRights debate on refugees. Français, Español

Calais diary. Last week in the Jungle

The anger and emotion of powerlessness and attachment. A London-based French volunteer describes the torment of the last week for refugees in Calais

Sex workers want peer knowledge, not state control

A proposed law in Germany pretends to help prostitutes by registering them, but it will only increase sex workers’ precariousness and vulnerability. Respect and peer knowledge would go much farther.

Sex work is a social and not a criminal issue!

Sex workers in Italy banned together against abolitionist projects and managed to force support mechanisms for 'trafficking victims' into anti-trafficking legislation. 

Relocating IPSA 2016 from Istanbul: one right, two wrongs and many traitors

The declaration leaves Turkey alone with its knotty problem, putting it into the same basket with all the other countries unsafe from a western perspective.

Palestinians must agree on a unity deal – now more than ever

After several failed reconciliation attempts, it is little wonder that Palestinians did not hold their breath when representatives from Fatah and Hamas met in Doha recently.

How to be a European

The real heart of Europe lies in the practice of pluralism – a quality abandoned for a large part of the past century, and then rediscovered. Do we want it to endure?

What does a Bogotá urban waste recycler teach us about conquering democratic rights?

Any right, once conquered, needs institutionalising for it to be maintained over time and become an opportunity for all, and to protect it from abuse from the powerful. Español Português

Post-conflict in Colombia (7): The promise of justice

Delivering justice after a war is always a difficult task. The Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia stands out for having been negotiated and not imposed. Español Português