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Women Are Already Punished for Trying to End Their Pregnancies

By making legal abortion less and less accessible, anti-choice groups have pushed many women into a legal gray zone.

Zoë Carpenter


Vietnam’s Labor Newspaper, Where a Staff of 200 Reports on Abuses at Home and Abroad

Lao Dong belongs to the official union federation, but it maintains an independent critical voice.

David Bacon
Labor Organizing

How Did a Homeless Fast-Food Worker End Up Dead in a Jail Cell?

Jeffery Pendleton was arrested on a Tuesday. By Sunday, he was dead.

Michelle Chen

There Goes the Neighborhood: How the Gentrification Machine Really Works

Mayor de Blasio’s plan to rezone East New York is his way of controlling the gentrification machine—so what does the zoning plan actually look like?

There Goes the Neighborhood and Kai Wright
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From the Magazine

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Election 2016

The Bernie-Inspired Candidate for Senator From Pennsylvania

John Fetterman is running against the establishment—can he win?

D.D. Guttenplan

Documents Show Just How Suckered Students of the Trump Institute Felt

Former students of Trump schools vent their rage and disbelief in newly revealed letters of complaint compiled by the Texas attorney general.

Spencer Woodman

The Rest of the World Is Disturbed and Confused by the GOP Race

The soap-opera shenanigans of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are, as John Kerry put it, “an embarrassment to our country.”

John Nichols


Bernie Sanders Will Make the Economy Great Again

Liberal critics like Paul Krugman argue that Sanders’s economic platform is unrealistic. They are dead wrong.
Robert Pollin

Does Bernie Sanders’s economic program amount to pie-in-the-sky nonsense? The short answer is no. All of his major proposals are grounded in solid economic reasoning and evidence. But that hasn’t stopped a major swath of leading liberal economists and commentators to insist otherwise. Paul Krugman has led these attacks from… Continue Reading >

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Watch and Listen

Listen: Start Making Sense: Bernie Is Bringing the Reagan Era to an End

Gary Younge on Obama’s legacy, plus Richard Parker on long-term political change, and Rebecca Solnit on hope.

March 24, 2016

Listen: There Goes the Neighborhood: Turf Wars

In episode 3, we go back to the founding of East New York and meet the people who have been organizing since the 1960s.

March 23, 2016
March 18, 2016

Focus on Terrorism

What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters

They’re drawn to the movement for reasons that have little to do with belief in extremist Islam.

Lydia Wilson

The Drug That Makes the Taliban Possible

Until Washington deals with Afghanistan’s economic dependence on opium, the Taliban aren’t going anywhere.

Alfred McCoy

Islamic Extremism Is Not the Root Cause of Europe’s Terror Problem

European elites have a “youth revolt” on their hands.

Joshua Holland
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Take Action

Demand That President Obama End Fracking on Public Lands

A continuation of the practice could have a disastrous effect on our climate.

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