
Archives: June 2013

Clashes in Egypt during Morsi protests

Clashes in Egypt during Morsi protests

Egypt is beset today with dueling large protests for and against President Muhammad Morsi. In some places, as in Alexandria, they turned violent, and in the provinces a number of headquarters of…

Top Ten American Steps toward a Police State

The police state, a term first coined in the mid-19th century in German (Polizeistaat), is characterized by a standing political police, by intense domestic surveillance and by restrictions on the movements of…
Brazil Protests (In the Eye of the Storm Video)

Brazil Protests (In the Eye of the Storm Video)

Brazilians in the hundreds of thousands have been protesting the high cost of city bus tickets, diversion of government funds to international projects like the world cup, and 'poor public services, police…

Obama should Resist the Clintons & Europe on Syria

Former president Bill Clinton criticized President Obama on Thursday for his inaction in regard to Syria. This step seems extraordinary and surely has something to do with positioning Hillary Clinton to run…
The Emir of Kuwait’s War on Twitter

The Emir of Kuwait’s War on Twitter

Kuwait in 2005 was hailed as a budding Arab democracy, with among the freest press in the Arab world. In the aftermath of the 2011 Arab revolutions the government of the Emir…

Syria as a Prisoner of Western History (Harms)

Gregory Harms writes in a guest op-ed for Informed Comment The influential Egyptian Islamist cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi recently issued a fatwa, or religious proclamation, with regard to Syria. The sheik called for…
Top Ten Green Energy Good News Stories, 6/1/13

Top Ten Green Energy Good News Stories, 6/1/13

1. Scotland Goes Ahead With World's Largest Wave Energy Project. "At 40 megawatts (MW), it will provide energy to nearly 30,000 homes" once the requisite cable is laid, by 2017. 2. Gujarat's…