
Archives: September 2007

The End of Bonapartism and the War on Terror

NYT columnist Tom Friedman's column, "9/11 is over," sounds the death knell for the Neoconservative use of 9/11 and is in particular an attack on Rudy Giuliani.Friedman's main arguments are that the…

Iraq Preachers Lambaste Senate

The USG Open Source Center translates or paraphrases sermons given in Iraq on Friday, both Sunni and Shiite.'Round-up of Iraqi Friday Sermons 28 SepIraq -- OSC SummarySaturday, September 29, 2007 Major Iraqi…

Saturday roundup

At the Global Affairs blog, Philip Cunningham, who teaches at Dosisha University in Japan considers the ways in which W.'s Iraq debacle has weakened the ability of the US to play a…

Senate Partitions Iraq

The US Senate voted for a soft partition of Iraq on Thursday. First they messed up Iraq by authorizing Terrible George to blow it up, now they want to further mess it…

Birk: Sectarian Numbers in Iraq

Sectarian NumbersGuest comment by Joshua BirkIn his September report to Congress, General Petraeus claimed “the number of ethno-sectarian deaths was down by over 55%.” His assessment stands in sharp contrast with the…

Shaman Drum Book Party for Napoleon’s Egypt

Many thanks in advance to Karl Pohrt and his great independent bookstore Shaman Drum for this party. Shaman Drum Events CalendarAcademic Reception:Title: Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle EastAuthor: Juan ColeLocation: Shaman Drum…

Iraqi Sermons

The USG Open Source Center translates or paraphrases Iraqi Friday Prayer sermons from last week."Round-up of Iraqi Friday Sermons 21 SepIraq -- OSC SummarySunday, September 23, 2007 Major Iraqi television channels -…

Let Slip the Dogs of War and Demonize Ahmadinejad

My column at is online: Turning Ahmadinejad into public enemy No. 1: Demonizing the Iranian president and making his visit to New York seem controversial are all part of the neoconservative…
Pentagon Report Gives Lie to Surge Success

Pentagon Report Gives Lie to Surge Success

Reprinted for Monday readers:An article on how the schedule for turning Iraqi provinces over to the Iraqi army and police for security purposes has slipped to August 2008 notes of a new…

Tzipi Livni Aboutface: Now Against Terrorism

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, now grandstanding at the UN, is the daughter of Eitan Livni, the chief operations officer of the Irgun terrorist organization. Among Irgun's most spectacular operations was the…

Escobar on Palestinian Refugees in Brazil

Pepe Escobar writes with regard to my posting about Brazil's granting of asylum to Palestinian refugees expelled from Palestine by the Israeli military in 1948, who had taken refuge in Iraq but…

Postponement of Kirkuk Referendum?

The USG Open Source Center reports on the possible postponement of the referendum on the future of oil-rich Kirkuk province, which the Kurds want to annex to Kurdistan.Iraq: Kurdish Leaders Raise Possibility…

Greenspan: War about Oil; Bloody Sunday in Iraq

Alan Greenspan confirms that he urged the Bush administration to take out Saddam on grounds of petroleum security for the US, and says one official told him, 'unfortunately we can't talk about…

Cholera Spreads in North Iraq

The cholera epidemic in northern Iraq continues to grow, with 16,000 persons now estimated to have been infected.I grew up traveling and have seen cholera up close. You lose liquids from both…

Developments in Iran and Pakistan

At the Global Affairs group blog:Farideh Farhi discusses negotiations between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency over inspections of the latter's nuclear programs. She also tells us about the imminent release…

Subjects not Subjected

At the Napoleon's Egypt blog, several letters are available on the early days of the occupation, some of them by members of the team of scientists Bonaparte brought with him. Excerpt:' The…

Iraqi Reactions to the Petraeus/ Crocker Testimony

The USG Open Source Center translates transcripts of Iraqi reactions to the testimony of Gen. David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker.Iraqi TVs Carry Further Reporting, Commentary on Congressional Testimonies 11 SepIraq -- OSC…

Helman: Refugees a Measure of Security Conditions

Ambassador Gerald B. Helman writes:In current discussions of the situation in Iraq, insufficient attention is being paid to perhaps the most sensitive barometer available, that of refugee flows. To date, of Iraq's…

Cole on CSPAN-2 Tonight at 10 EDT

Note: My talk on Napoleon's Egypt will be shown in the US on CSPAN-2 at 10 pm EDT on Sunday evening, September 9.At the Napoleon's Egypt Blog, a letter from one of…

French Fear Guerilla War in Egypt, 1798

Note: My talk on Napoleon's Egypt will be shown in the US on CSPAN-2 at 10 pm EDT on Sunday evening, September 9.At the Napoleon's Egypt blog, a late 18th century complaint…

The Nation Review of Napoleon’s Egypt

Roger Owen's review of my new book, Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle East is now online at The Nation.Owen, who teaches at Harvard, is among our foremost historians of modern Egypt, and…

Rubin: How to Stop War with Iran

Barnett Rubin gives us a thoughtful call to arms on how to prevent war with Iran at the Global Affairs blog.After analyzing the way the Bushies would probably go to war if…

MESA Letter on Mearsheimer & Walt

The Committee on Academic Freedom (North America) of the Middle East Studies Association has written a letter protesting the cancellation of a talk by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt scheduled by the…

Iran, Victory Culture: Wednesday Reading

Tom Engelhardt's essay, "The Empire of Stupidity," discusses Iraq, Vietnam and 'victory culture.' Engelhardt is author of the recently reissued The End of Victory Culture", with a new preface and conclusion. It…

Haleh is Free

As Barnett Rubin notes at the Global Affairs blog, Haleh Esfandiari has been allowed to leave Iran and has met her husband, Shaul Bakhash, in Vienna. I am so happy that my…