
Archives: October 2010

Mission Impossible:  Iraq

Mission Impossible: Iraq

Mission Impossible: Government Formation Producer and screenwriter: The United States Starring: Nuri al-Maliki, Iyad Allawi, Ammar al-Hakim, Salih al-Mutlak, Muqtada al-Sadr, Tariq al-Hashimi Sound and Visual Effects: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan…
Scary Tea Party Compilation

Scary Tea Party Compilation

You can't make this stuff up. Vote Sanity suggests that however angry you might be about the current situation, it is important that you vote for sanity. They give some examples of…

Obama fails to Galvanize the Youth on Daily Show

President Obama came on Jon Stewart's Daily show on Wednesday. This was the president's chance to rally the youth, who typically don't vote in midterms. Obama defended his legislative record in wonky…
Israeli extremists Provoke Clashes in Umm al-Fahm

Israeli extremists Provoke Clashes in Umm al-Fahm

The extremist "Our Land of Israel" group that opposes any negotiations with Arabs or relinquishing of conquered territory staged a provocative march Wednesday in Umm al-Fahm, the second largest Palestinian-Israeli city in…
A North-South Global Climate War?

A North-South Global Climate War?

This looks to me like a sort of north-south global war, with the North inflicting profound damage on the South: Here are carbon dioxide emissions per capita by country, calculated from data…

Karzai and the Iranian Slush Pile

The revelation that Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai receives millions in influence peddling payments from Iran is full of ironies. It demonstrates that the US and Iran are de facto allies in Afghanistan…

Could Wikileaks leave Iraq without a Government?

The wikileaks document dump from the Iraq War may well derail the formation of a government by implicating caretaker prime minister Nuri al-Maliki in running death squads. We are in our seventh…
Arab Press: Iraq Wikileaks will Damage US Reputation

Arab Press: Iraq Wikileaks will Damage US Reputation

Wikileaks' publication of 400,000 pages of previously secret documents on the Iraq War is roiling Western capitals and Baghdad. Julian Assange maintains that some 15,000 civilian deaths beyond the official US estimates…

End Federal Tax Subsidies to Fox!

In response to Jim DeMint, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, and other wingnuts who are calling for an end of Federal government support for National Public Radio because it fired commentator Juan Williams…

Anzalone: Hamas’s Rhetoric as Spoiler

Christopher Anzalone writes in a guest column for Informed Comment: On August 31, on the evening before new U.S.-backed Israeli-Palestinian National Authority (PNA) peace talks were set to begin, a drive-by shooting…

Carr: The Inquisitorial Gaze

Matthew Carr writes in a guest column for Informed Comment: Until this year, Spain appeared to be relatively indifferent to the Islamophobic politics that have become so endemic throughout Europe. In a…
Alam:  Zionism: Two Deficits

Alam: Zionism: Two Deficits

M. Shahid Alam shares with us an excerpt from his recent book, Israeli Exceptionalism excerpted from the author’s Israeli Exceptionalism (Palgrave, 2009) “We do not fit the general pattern of humanity…” David…

Iran Backs al-Maliki, in Iran, for Iraqi PM

Al-Hayat writes in Arabic that Iraqi caretaker Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki visited Iran on Monday, seeing Tehran's support for his candidacy for a second term. He met with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali…

Recommended Reading at has been on a tear in the past two weeks. From Bacevich on the US military as quagmire specialists to Pepe Escobar on central Asian pipelines as the new silk road,…

Ahmadinejad Pledges to Protect Lebanon

On Wednesday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed large and adoring crowds in the southern Shiite suburbs of Beirut, which had been intensively bombed by Israeli fighter jets in summer 2006, and then…

Palin Fear-Mongers on Iran, Sharia

Republican gadfly Sarah Palin said in an interview with Newsmax Tuesday that Russia should be warned against helping Iran because if Iran got a nuclear weapon it would bring about Armageddon. She…
Ahmadinejad Greeted by Cheering Throngs in Beirut

Ahmadinejad Greeted by Cheering Throngs in Beirut

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Beirut on Wednesday, being greeted enthusiastically by large crowds (probably mostly Shiites) who lined the streets as his retinue came into the city from the airport.…

Google imagines an Atlantic Wind Grid

One of the problems with new green energy installations is the need to funnel the power, facility by facility, into the existing electricity grid. Google is trying to resolve that problem on…

Cole on Ahmadinejad at Truthdig

My column on Iran's Ahmadinejad and Lebanon is up at Truthdig: Excerpt: ' Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Middle East’s populist answer to the American tea party, has stirred controversy with his…

Abbas: Israel has Abrogated the Peace Process

Palestinians declined to take the bait of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday. Netanyahu offered an extension of the 10-month freeze on new Israeli settlements in the Palestinian West Bank in…
Israel Declares for Ethnic Nationalism

Israel Declares for Ethnic Nationalism

The Israeli cabinet has approved a measure that would require persons applying for Israeli citizenship to affirm the "Jewish and democratic" character of Israel. The new oath would at the moment affect…

O’Donnell SNL Spoof

Saturday Night Live spoofs Christine O'Donnell's campaign spot in which she denies she is a witch.

Maddow v. GOP Candidate Art Robinson

Rachel Maddow debates Oregon GOP candidate Art Robinson on his secret campaign backers, his proposal to disperse radioactive waste in the oceans or 'even over America,' his denial that AIDS exists, and…

Levin: US paying Insurgents to Attack US

Sen. Carl Levin of the Senate Armed Services Committee announced a report on Thursday on the way the private security contractors hired by the US military (even to guard bases!) are subject…

Iraq, Afghanistan among 22 Food-Insecure Countries

UN FAO: 22 countries with 160 mn. people face protracted food crisis. ' Twenty-two countries are facing enormous challenges like repeated food crises and an extremely high prevalence of hunger due to…

4th Attack on Trucks Near Quetta, Pakistan

Gunmen on motorcycles sprayed small arms fire at a parked US/ NATO fuel convoy near Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan and a long time center for the Old Taliban of Mulla Omar…

Sanchez v. Stewart: El Error del Dia

My reading of the Rick Sanchez meltdown is that he was implying in his radio interview that Daily Show host Jon Stewart is prejudiced against the working class and against Latinos (apparently…

O’Donnell would have Joined Hare Krishnas

Christine O'Donnell, candidate for senator in Delaware, was clearly a religious seeker in her youth. Bill Maher played a clip last night in which she admitted that she might well have joined…

Iran Wins Iraqi Elections 7 Months Later

Although it make take some time yet to form a government in Iraq, Friday may have been a turning point. If so, it was a turning point in which Iran won decisively…
On Paladino and Taking People Out

On Paladino and Taking People Out

The thing that most disturbed me about the altercation between NY gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino and NY Post reporter Fred Dicker was Paladino's threat to "take out" Dicker. (For more see this…