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March 30, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP

The Clooneys’ Fundraisers for Hillary Clinton: A Tale of Two Economies

The irony of the events for the super-rich taking place in a land of burgeoning homelessness—California—may not be lost on the electorate come June.


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Andrew Harnik / AP

A Day of Reckoning for Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder? Let’s Raise a Glass of Clean Water to That

He's unlikely to face criminal charges for the Flint contamination crisis, and he might not suffer from any of the pending lawsuits. Even so, the future could bring a certain kind of justice.
Alastair Grant / AP

We All Are Islamic State

The killings in Brussels or Paris and the killings in U.S. military strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria or Libya perpetuate the same dark lusts. The savage tit-for-tat game will not end until we rouse ourselves from our hypnotized state.
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Speaking on “Democracy Now!” The Intercept journalist calls out the former secretary of state on her hypocritical statements regarding Bernie Sanders’ comments about Fidel Castro and Nicaragua’s Sandinista government when she has supported dictators and taken a war-hawk stance throughout her career.

On this week’s edition of KCRW’s “Left, Right & Center,” Truthdig editor in chief Robert Scheer calls for “old-fashioned” police work in response to Tuesday’s terrorist attack in Brussels that killed at least 31.

Is Hillary Clinton This Race’s Biggest ‘Truth-Teller’?

Jill Abramson claimed in The Guardian on Monday that Politifact, a Pulitzer prize-winning fact-checking organization, judged Hillary Clinton to have “the best truth-telling record of any of the 2016 presidential candidates.”

Duke’s Coach Krzyzewski, Donald Trump and the Meanness in All of Us

What the unfortunate comments—and lies—of the college team’s basketball coach can teach us about American culture and politics.

Amid a Public Firestorm Over Transgender Rights, N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory Defends Restroom Law

After the state Legislature overturned a Charlotte ordinance, the LGBT community and its supporters have been speaking out—and their voices are growing louder.

Overthrowing Dilma Rousseff: It’s Class War, and Their Class Is Winning

The impending judicial, media-fueled coup against President Dilma Rousseff is the culmination of the deepest political crisis in Brazil in 50 years.



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Sarah Silverman on Why She Changed Her Mind About Clinton and Will Vote for Sanders (Video)

“I’m not against Hillary,” the comedian explains. “I’ve just met someone I have more in common with.”

Senator, the Problem of Saudi Arabia Is Much, Much More Than Lack of Equality

Stanley Heller, executive director of the Middle East Crisis Committee, emphasizes in a letter to Sen. Richard Blumenthal that human rights violations in the kingdom run deep. They include “[beheading] people and [crucifying] them for non-crimes such as witchcraft, apostasy and defiance or criticism of the king.”

What a Journalist Learned During 3 Days Undercover at the Israel Lobby’s Biggest Policy Conference

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is a cult, and like most cults, its followers would probably object to the characterization.

Prosecutors Rarely Pay Price for Mistakes and Misconduct, According to a New Report

The Innocence Project released a report Tuesday alleging that prosecutors across the country are almost never punished when they withhold evidence or commit other forms of misconduct that land innocent people in prison.

The Inequality Sweepstakes

When you press Democrats on their lousy trade deals or their flaccid response to Wall Street misbehavior, they automatically reply that those awful Republicans wouldn’t let the really good legislation get through. So let’s go to a place where Democratic rule is virtually unopposed and see if the excuse holds.

Rising Heat Brings Earlier Vintage

Winemakers can expect good grape harvests much earlier now, thanks to climate change, but scientists say the effect may not last.

Police Use of ‘Stingray’ Phone Surveillance Hurts Minority Communities Most

With authorities using “cell site simulators” to gather ever more cellphone information, privacy and civil rights groups fear that an effort “to chill broad social movements” is underway. A federal investigation, the groups say, is necessary.

As the FBI Finishes Its Probe of Clinton’s Email, Let’s Review What We Know So Far (Video)

The scandal over Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email account and server during her tenure as secretary of state has “has outraged advocates of government transparency and mystified political supporters and adversaries alike.”

The Media Did Not Create the Trump Phenomenon

One of the more absurd things being said about the Donald Trump phenomenon is that the media created it. For the record, we didn’t.

How Green Energy Is Already Taking Over the World (Video)

In 2015, energy companies invested more in new renewables power plants in 2015 than in fossil fuel plants for the first time in history.

Washingtonians Hound Superdelegate Who Supports Clinton After Constituents Favored Sanders

Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton in Washington’s caucuses Saturday, yet state Rep. Rick Larsen, a superdelegate, is ready to vote for her anyway. Sanders backers flooded Larsen’s Facebook account, demanding that he honor the will of his constituents.

A ‘Circular Economy’ Could Save Resources and Energy and Create Local Jobs

Profound, unnecessary waste characterizes our relationship with the goods and materials of everyday life. “There is an alternative,” explains Walter Stahel, a veteran sustainability architect.

CIA Photographed Captives Bruised and Bound Before Sending Them Overseas to Be Tortured

The CIA took what one former U.S. official described as “very gruesome” photographs of naked prisoners before transferring the detainees to foreign partners to be tortured, The Guardian reports.

Entering Uncharted Territory in Washington

The new American system that’s been emerging from its chrysalis in recent years already had demagogic, authoritarian and autocratic tendencies. So don’t blame it all on Donald Trump.

The World Is Not Converting to Renewable Energy Fast Enough to Save It

Switching to renewable sources as fast as the world needs to will require changes so massive that, scientists say, it appears unlikely to happen.

Arizona’s Voting Rights Fire Bell

It’s bad enough that an outrage was perpetrated last week against the voters of Maricopa County, Ariz. It would be far worse if we ignore the warning that the disenfranchisement of thousands of its citizens offers our nation.

Fall of Palmyra: Syrian Regime Races to Take Islamic State’s ‘Berlin’

The fact that massive Russian airstrikes and a determined assault by the Syrian Arab Army on the ancient city of Palmyra could dislodge at most a couple of thousand Islamic State fighters is not too surprising. But what does it say about the situation in Syria and Russian/Syrian strategy?

Trump’s and Islamic State’s Gray Zones: Radicals’ Terrorism Is Sign of Their Battlefield Losses

It is no accident that Islamic State is using Donald Trump in its new recruitment video—his political strategy actually mirrors that of the phony caliphate in some ways.