
Archives: Muslim-Americans

The American Muslims Trump doesn’t Know About

The American Muslims Trump doesn’t Know About

Bridge Initiative Team | (Bridge) | - - In an interview with Donald Trump that aired on Wednesday on CNN, Anderson Cooper asked the Republican presidential frontrunner if he thought “Islam is…
Who made it OK to Hate Muslims?

Who made it OK to Hate Muslims?

Dena Takruri | (AJ+ ) | - - "Donald Trump openly hates on Muslims, but you might be surprised at who else has used Islamophobia during their presidential campaigns." AJ+: "Who Made…
Trump’s SC Victory and anti-Muslim Hatred

Trump’s SC Victory and anti-Muslim Hatred

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Billionaire bigot Donald Trump won the South Carolina primary Saturday with about 32.5 percent of the vote. He was about ten points ahead…
No, GOP, you can’t win by Carpet-bombing

No, GOP, you can’t win by Carpet-bombing

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - At the GOP debate Tuesday night, Ted Cruz came out swinging wildly. Blitzer: Senator Cruz, you have said you would, quote, "carpet bomb…
Is Corporate Media Enabling GOP Hate Speech?

Is Corporate Media Enabling GOP Hate Speech?

By Sarah Lazare, staff writer| ( | - - Watchdogs say corporate media is stoking racist and fear-mongering rhetoric The moderators of last night's CNN presidential debate provided a two hour platform…