
Archives: May 2012

The Great Landgrab (Oldroyd)

Rachel Oldroyd writes at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism The latest book by science and environment author Fred Pearce is a breezy waltz through a key global problem that has yet to…

The Secret Army inside the Army (Bacevich)

Andrew J. Bacevich writes at Unleashed Globalizing the Global War on Terror By Andrew J. Bacevich As he campaigns for reelection, President Obama periodically reminds audiences of his success in terminating…

Syria: Famine and Civil War

The Syrian government massacre at Houla has probabaly killed the faltering Annan peace plan, which envisioned a ceasefire between the Syrian Baath army and the rebel Free Syrian Army that would be…
Code Pink Takes on Obama’s Drones (Woods)

Code Pink Takes on Obama’s Drones (Woods)

Chris Woods writes at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism: Walk into any US bookstore and the stacks are crowded with hundreds of books on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet more…
A Memorial Day to Break your Heart (Engelhardt)

A Memorial Day to Break your Heart (Engelhardt)

Tom Engelhardt writes at May is the official month of remembrance when it comes to our war dead, ending as it does on the long Memorial Day weekend when Americans typically…

Iran, UNSC talks have the effect of Averting War

The meeting of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (P5+1) with Iran in Baghdad is apparently producing a lot of detailed proposals for resolving the crisis. Apparently…

Are Egyptians voting Ideologically?

Interpreting political behavior in a brand spanking new democracy such as Egypt is trying to become is littered with pitfalls, and these are multiplied when dealing with the Middle East. The Muslim…

Israel, Electric Cars, and Existential Threats

Israeli entrepreneur Shai Agassi has launched an Israeli electric car, and also arranged for four recharging stations. Israel is a perfect place for this experiment, since it is a relatively small and…

NDAA Provisions attacking Freedom of Speech Struck Down

A federal judge has ruled unconstitutional portions of this year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which provided for indefinite imprisonment for journalists and activists who reported on organizations deemed 'terrorist' by the…

Top 10 Green Energy Good News Stories Today

1. The Department of the Interior has given the green light to a power transmission line that is intended to bring power from Google, Inc.- backed offshore wind farms in the Northeast…

Omar Khayyam (129) “No one ever returned”

We travelled far and wide over desert wastes, and journeyed  toward the horizon. We never met anyone coming from other direction. When once they set out on that path, no one ever…

Bombings shake Damascus, kill 70

The continuing turmoil in Syria turned even more deadly on Thursday morning when two enormous bombs were set off at a government intelligence building in Damascus, the capital. The bombings took place…
The New Energy Wars (Klare)

The New Energy Wars (Klare)

Michael Klare writes at The Energy Wars Heat Up Six Recent Clashes and Conflicts on a Planet Heading Into Energy Overdrive By Michael T. Klare Conflict and intrigue over valuable energy…

Power and Money in America (Noam Chomsky)

Noam Chomsky writes at Plutonomy and the Precariat On the History of the U.S. Economy in Decline By Noam Chomsky The Occupy movement has been an extremely exciting development. Unprecedented, in…
Why India blew Hillary Clinton off about Iran

Why India blew Hillary Clinton off about Iran

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in India on Monday that New Delhi can reduce its oil imports from Iran further, pressuring that country to fall in line with unilateral US sanctions…

Sarkozy’s Loss in Part due to his Islamophobia

The bad economy in France and outgoing President Nicolas Sarkozy's refusal to do a stimulus program, preferring instead "austerity," were the primary reasons he lost the election to Socialist Francois Hollande. That…

Palestinian Hunger Games

Some 2000 of the estimated 4600 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons are now hunger striking. Three hundred of them have been deprived of the right of habeas corpus and are being held…

Raging Weather & Climate Change (McKibben)

Bill McKibben writes at Too Hot Not to Notice? A Planet Connected by Wild Weather By Bill McKibben The Williams River was so languid and lovely last Saturday morning that it…
Almohad Tower of Gold, Seville (Photo)

Almohad Tower of Gold, Seville (Photo)

Photograph by Juan Cole, July 27, 2010 The Torre del Oro in Seville, Spain, was built in the 1200s by the Almohad (Berber Muslim) dynasty to serve as a watchtower to guard…

Omar Khayyam (125)

That lapis lazuli dome and golden tray  have turned time and again, and will revolve yet more. We, too, by the command of fate, arrived and left again. Translated by Juan Cole…