
Archives: August 2005

New Orleans As Casualty Of Iraq Bob

New Orleans as a Casualty of Iraq Bob Harris's take on the story of how resources for levees and floodworks for New Orleans, along with the Louisiana National Guard, were diverted to…

Seven Questions Framing Iraqs

Seven Questions: Framing Iraq’s Constitution My interview on the Iraqi Constitution with Foreign Policy magazine is up at their web site.

Weblogging Liability Question Of

Weblogging Liability The question of whether Weblog owners are legally liable for comments made by readers could be settled by a current lawsuit. A lot of forces in US society are very…

1000 May Be Dead In Kadhimiyah

1000 May be Dead in Kadhimiyah StampedeThe mortar attack by guerrillas on the Shiite worshippers heading for the shrine of Imam Musa al-Kadhim made the crowd nervous and suggestible. Later on, it…

Zalmay Urges Further Revisions Of

Zalmay Urges Further Revisions of Constitution Sunnis Accuse Iraqi Government of Massacre US Bombings Kill 56 The BBC is reporting Wednesday morning that guerrillas fired mortar shells at Shiite worshippers in Kadhimiyah…

New Orleans And Iraq Nabil Tikriti

New Orleans and Iraq Nabil Tikriti writes ' This is a posting written by a native New Orleanian and Middle East History professor, Nabil Al-Tikriti: New Orleans is in awful shape, and…

Bourbon Street Unscathed Christian

Bourbon Street Unscathed Christian Terrorists Proved Wrong Bourbon Street in New Orleans is relatively unscathed. Amid so much death and destruction, that New Orleans did not take the full fury of the…

Nussseibeh Israel Wall Bars Education

Nussseibeh: Israel Wall Bars Education in JerusalemURGENT APPEAL by Sari Nusseibeh, East Jerusalem THE "SECURITY" WALL BARS EDUCATION IN JERUSALEM As Arab schools in East Jerusalem prepare to start the new academic…

Is Us Still Tinkering With Iraqi

Is the US Still Tinkering with the Iraqi Constitution? A closer observer of the Iraq scene writes in outrage:Filed at 9:43 a.m. ETBAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- The U.S. ambassador suggested Tuesday there…

Sunnis Charge Interior Ministry In

Sunnis Charge Interior Ministry in Killings 2000 Sunnis Protest More Corpses Found Al-Zaman/ AFP: The Iraqi Islamic Party accused elements in the Iraqi ministry of the interior on Monday of having kidnapped…

Arab World Concerned About Iraqi

Arab World Concerned about Iraqi ConstitutionArab leaders on Monday expressed consternation that the Iraqi constitution does not identify Iraq as part of the Arab world. Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa echoed these…

Schenkman If Bush Had Been President

Schenkman: If Bush had been President in 1861 After Ft. Sumter: "There is much that we can be grateful for. No lives were lost during the attack. And as our vice president…

Constitution Born By Caesarian Section

Constitution born by Caesarian Section So they had the ceremony, and the drafting committee (minus Sunni Arab members) presented the final draft of the permanent Iraqi constitution to parliament on Sunday. But…

Some Sunnis I Just Heard Bushs Audio

Some Sunnis I just heard Bush's audio on CNN concerning the situation in Iraq. I don't know if all the news programs had the same bad feed, but the poor quality of…

Gilliard Shoots Down Iraq Malaya Trope

Gilliard Shoots Down the Iraq/ Malaya Trope Steve Gilliard drives a silver stake through the persistent hope of some that Iraq's "insurgency" can be defeated as the communists were defeated by the…

Arato Guest Editorial Andrew Arato

Arato Guest Editorial Andrew Arato writes:' [Il]Legality and [Il]Legitmacy in Iraqi Constitution MakingThe constitution being submitted to the Iraqi people for ratification is a product of illegality. It was in my view…

Sullivan And Tantalus In Baghdad

Sullivan and Tantalus in BaghdadReuters Correspondent Luke Baker draws the curtain back on the horrific circumstances in Iraq. Reporters are clearly demoralized, and Western reporters are depending more and more on local…

Sunni Counter Proposals Appear To Fail

Sunni Counter-Proposals Appear to Fail Parliamentary Vote on Constitution Sunday? Rory Carroll & colleagues at the Guardian reveal that behind the rosy talk, British and American officials are asking "how do you…

Letter From Iraqi Reader Acute Iraqi

A Letter from an Iraqi Reader An acute Iraqi-American observer writes:' I agree with much of what you wrote in your latest article in However, I think that your genuine good…

Baathists Protest In Baqubah About

Baathists Protest in Baqubah About 5,000 Sunni Baathists demonstrated in Baqubah on Friday against the new constitution, condemning its provisions for loose federalism as a threat to the unity of the country.…

100000 Sadrists March Against

100,000 Sadrists March Against Constitution Reuters reports that Muqtada al-Sadr's supporters rallied in 8 cities on Friday, totaling a hundred thousand demonstrators in all. They chanted against the new constitution, which they…

Constitutions Fate Unclear Al Jazeera

Constitution's Fate UnclearAl-Jazeera early Saturday morning is reporting that some sort of deal has been reached with the Sunni Arabs on the constitution, but the situation is so muddled that I cannot…

Iraqi Constitution And Sunni Arabs My

The Iraqi Constitution and the Sunni ArabsMy article in is "The Iraqi constitution: DOA?" Angry and marginalized, Sunnis are threatening to torpedo Iraq's constitution. Disaster looms, and the Bush administration's blunders…

Death Toll Of 52 As Constitution Talks

Death Toll of 52 as Constitution Talks Fizzle The Iraqi Parliament did not actually meet Thursday to vote on the draft constitution.Edmund Sanders of the LA Times reports" Thursday's talks at the…

At Least 34 Dead Dozens Wounded

At Least 34 Dead, Dozens Wounded Guerilla Platoon Attacks Police in Baghdad Bloody Shiite on Shiite Clashes in the South Forty guerrillas in Baghdad launched a coordinated attack on police that included…

Steven Vincent Case I Am Reposting

Steven Vincent CaseI am reposting here with commentary my comments of 8 August about Colin Freeman's story in the Telegraph concerning the murder of art journalist Stephen Vincent in Basra. Below, I…

23 Dead In Violence Sunni Arabs

23 Dead in Violence Sunni Arabs Threaten Popular Uprising over Constitution Al-Hayat: Guerrilla violence left 23 Iraqis dead on Tuesday, among them 16 policemen. In addition. guerrillas bombed an American-Iraqi [military] Coordination…
Coup In Baghdad Unfinished

Coup In Baghdad Unfinished

Coup in Baghdad Unfinished Constitution Presented, vote Delayed According to the interim constitution, the permanent constitution should have been presented to parliament and passed by August 15. There should have been two…

Achcar On Cole Proposals For

Achcar on Cole Proposals for Withdrawal of US Ground Troops' Dear Juan,As a regular reader and occasional contributor to your blog, which I believe is doing a real service to all those…

Ten Things Congress Could Demand From

Ten Things Congress Could Demand from Bush on IraqThe Washington Post notes that the Democratic Party is deeply divided between those who want US troops out now and those who fear the…

Another Constitution Cliffhanger

Another Constitution Cliffhanger Muqtada urges Followers to Register to Vote Al-Zaman: Informed observers close to the negotiations on the constitution are saying that it is likely parliament will be asked for another…

Whither Foreign Investment In Iraq

Whither Foreign Investment in Iraq under Islamic Law?Doug Ireland covers how the US media covered the story that the Bush administration acquiesced in enshrining Islamic canon law in the Iraqi constitution.What is…

More On Iran And Iraq Or Part 13 Of

More on Iran and Iraq Or, Part 13 of the Rumsfeld FolliesAnna Badkhen of the San Francisco Chronicle, who has reported from southern Iraq, examines the claims by US officials that Iran…

Sufis Condemn Killing Of Innocents Al

Sufis condemn Killing of Innocents Al-Zaman: The Legal Rulings Office of the Central Council for Sufi Orders issued a fatwa or legal ruling on Sunday that forbids the killing of unarmed innocents…

Prospect Of Islamic Law In Iraq

The Prospect of Islamic Law in IraqA secular Muslim reader writes on the reactionary implications of implementing Islamic canon law in Iraq:' Unfortunately Sharia as we know it is implemented to punish…

Sunni Exit Plan Robert Collier Of San

Sunni Exit Plan? Robert Collier of the San Francisco Chronicle has a very important article today on Sunni Iraqi's own exit plan for the US, which is much more nuanced than one…

Islamic Law Primary In Iraqi

Islamic Law Primary in Iraqi Constitution Thousands demonstrate against Federalism Kurdish Masses demand right to SecedeGuerrillas ambushed a group of special police in Baghdad on Saturday, killing two of them. There was…

Village Voice On Feith Us Foreign

Village Voice on FeithUS foreign policy supports the withdrawal of Israeli colonizers from the Palestinian Gaza Strip. But the outgoing number 3 man at the Pentagon, the son of a founder of…

Visser On Shiite Separatism In Iraq

Visser on Shiite Separatism in Iraq Reidar Visser's "Shi‘i Separatism in Iraq: Internet Reverie or Real Constitutional Challenge?" [pdf] is now available online. It is a very serious piece of research and…

Sistani Opposes Ceding Kirkuk To

Sistani Opposes Ceding Kirkuk to Kurdistan Sadrists Demonstrate against FederalismAl-Zaman: On Friday, a major split became apparent among the Shiite clerics of Iraq on the issue of a federated state. Grand Ayatollah…

Guest Editorial Amendment And Empire

Guest Editorial: Amendment and Empire Andrew AratoAmendment and Empire' Constitutional amendment rules are beautiful things. They signify the sovereign right of a political community and its legitimate representatives to fashion and revise…

Bush Administration And Democracratic

Bush Administration and 'Democracratic Process' In Iraq: The Dark Details Revealed An informed reader writes:' From the now-unclassified State Department Report to Congress – 15 December 2003:“On November 15, the CPA and…

Health Care For Our Troops Byron

Health Care for our TroopsByron Williams reports:' WITH the percentage of American troops in Iraq who are National Guard or Reserve forces estimated at 40 percent, one in five National Guard members…

More On Amiriya Demonstration Informed

More on Amiriya DemonstrationAn informed reader writes:' You had a brief mention today: "Al-Sharq al-Awsat: Hundreds of residents of Amiriyah, a district of Baghdad, demonstrated Thursday in protest against the recent killing…

4 Us Troops Killed Shiites Demand

4 US Troops Killed Shiites demand Islamic Law Al-Hayat: At least four US troops were killed in Iraq near Samarra on Thursday, and at least 8 Iraqis. US casualties from a car…

Fear Stalks Iraq As Truce Ends Us

Fear Stalks Iraq as "Truce" Ends US Diplomat in Baghdad Implicated in Israel Spy ScandalAl-Hayat: The one-day total for deaths related to the guerrilla war in Wednesday ended up being about 55,…

43 Dead In Wednesday Bombings

43 Dead in Wednesday Bombings Constitution Wrangling continuesGuerrillas detonated three car bombs in central Baghdad Wednesday morning, killing at least 43 and wounding 73. In a separate incident, an American soldier was…

Its Cities Stupid Iraqi Reader Writes_17

It's the Cities, Stupid An Iraqi reader writes in to complain about the tendency of Western analysts to focus on "tribes" in their political analyses. He says the action is in the…

One Week Postponement Iraqi Parliament

One-Week Postponement The Iraqi parliament voted to amend the interim constitution to allow the permanent constitution to be presented for a vote on August 22 rather than Aug. 15. That gives negotiators…

Now Theyre Moving Goalpost Every

Now They're moving the GoalpostEvery indication is that a final text of Iraq's permanent constitution just won't be reported out of the drafting committee in time to have parliament vote on it…

Constitution Likely Not Achieved 30

Constitution likely Not Achieved 30 More Bodies of Police Found in BaghdadThe prospect that Iraqi politicians might make some last-minute deal on key issues in the constitution receded Sunday evening. Abdul Aziz…

Guest Editorial Transitional Permanent

Guest Editorial: A Transitional Permanent Constitution?Guest Editorial by Andrew Arato,New School UniversityWith the ongoing marathon meetings of its political principals concerning the constitution, the round table of the leaders of major groups,…

Constitution Cliffhanger 6 Us Troops

Constitution Cliffhanger 6 US Troops KilledPoliticians and the parliamentary drafting committee in Iraq are meeting Sunday afternoon in an attempt to report out the new constitution to parliament in time for the…

Us Attack On Mosque It Is So Hard To

US attack on Mosque? It is so hard to tell what is really going on in Iraq now. A lot of Western reporters have left because of the poor security. So what…

Constitution And Bum Rush Perceptive

The Constitution and the Bum RushA perceptive reader writes to say that the short deadline for the parliamentary acceptance of the constitution means that most members of parliament probably won't have time…

Constitution Negotiations Reach Last

Constitution Negotiations reach last StageMeetings are still being held on the final issues bedeviling the finalization of the Iraqi constitution. Iraqi government spokesmen keep saying that 16 or 17 issues are outstanding…

Federalism Issue Bedevils Constitution

Federalism Issue Bedevils Constitution Infighting Undermines Municipal Governments Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), has made his move. Giving a speech in the holy…

Extension Of Japan Mission In Iraq In

Extension of Japan Mission In Iraq In Doubt' Shingetsu Newsletter No. 58August 9, 2005Two and a half weeks ago Shingetsu Newsletter No. 44 predicted that the SDF mission in Iraq would certainly…

4 Us Troops Killed 6 Wounded Guerrilla

4 US Troops Killed, 6 Wounded Guerrilla War Kills, Wounds, Dozens of IraqisReuters reports that near Baiji north of Baghdad, guerrillas killed 4 US soldiers and wounded 6 late Tuesday.In Mosul guerrillas…

Us Military Rules Of Engagement And

US Military Rules of Engagement and the Iraq WarAn informed reader sent in what I found to be a fascinating reply to my comment that I thought the U.S. military's rules of…

Samawah Governor Fired Australian

Samawah Governor Fired Australian Officers Critique US Military in Iraq Al-Sharq al-Awsat and agencies: 28 deaths were reported on Monday and 30 wounded in guerrilla fighting, most of it outside the capital…
Kurdistan And Future Of Iraq Al Sharq

Kurdistan And Future Of Iraq Al Sharq

Kurdistan and the Future of IraqAl-Sharq al-Awsat/ AFP reports that hundres of Kurds demonstrated on Monday in Irbil (Arbil), 350 km north of Baghdad, demanding that their rights be recognized in the…

Party Over On Cindy Sheehan Bob Harris

Party Over? On Cindy Sheehan Bob Harris has a must-read meditation on what things are important to George W. Bush and what aren't, in light of the treatment of bereaved mother Cindy…

Courage Of Peter Jennings As We

Courage of Peter JenningsAs we comemorate the late Peter Jennings, one of the country's great broadcast journalists, it is worth remembering, as Lila Rajiva does, that he was perhaps the first major…

Joke Of Day Constitution They Keep

Joke of the DayCONSTITUTION"They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for…

Constitution Still Deadlocked 35 Dead

Constitution Still Deadlocked 35 Dead in Guerrilla Violence AP's Bassem Mroue reports that the two-hour convocation of Iraqi political leaders at President Jalal Talabani's home in Baghdad on Sunday produced no breakthroughs.…

2 Us Troops Killed Kirkuk Tense

2 US Troops Killed Kirkuk Tense A roadside bomb in Samarra, about an hour's drive north of Baghdad, killed two US soldiers and wounded three others late on Saturday evening.It was announced…

Khatami On Challenges In Middle East

Khatami on the challenges in the Middle EastOutgoing Iranian president Mohammad Khatami Reflected on the challenges facing the Middle East in an interview with al-Hayat, translated/ paraphrased by Shahram Kholdi.Khatami sees Middle…

Summit On Constitution Postponed

Summit on Constitution Postponed Sistani accepts Federalism in Principle Only 38 percent of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing in Iraq, a steep fall. The president in particular lost the…

Us Dependent On Saudi Arabia Bush

US Dependent on Saudi Arabia The Bush administration and its Neocons have shot themselves in the foot big time if they thought they could use Iraq to reduce US dependence on Saudi…

Marine Toll Rises To 18 Jaafari Says

Marine Toll Rises to 18 Jaafari Says Iraq at WarGuerrillas killed 4 more Marines later on Wednesday, one in Ramadi and 3 in Baghdad. This means the one-day total for August 3…

Cole On Saudi Arabia In Salon My

Cole on Saudi Arabia in SalonMy article, What Michael Moore (and the neocons) don't know about Saudi Arabia is at The blurb goes, "The left and the right have both crudely…

Sharon Bloodthirsty Jewish Terrorist

Sharon: "Bloodthirsty Jewish Terrorist"A soldier in the Israeli military who deserted over the Gaza withdrawal went up to a Palestinian-Israeli village in Galilee and shot up a bus full of innocent civilians.…

Al Zawahiri Bush And Aljazeera In

Al-Zawahiri, Bush and AljazeeraIn the miscellaneous department, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number two man in al-Qaeda, released a video tape Thursday that was shown on Aljazeera. At least in the afternoon and evening,…
Fool Me Once Shame On You Fool Me Cant

Fool Me Once Shame On You Fool Me Cant

Fool me once, shame on you Fool me--can't get fooled againThe bizarre report by Jim Miklaszewski of NBC news that US military sources are saying Iran is the source of more sophisticated…

Vietnam Speak In Iraq Military

Vietnam-Speak in IraqMilitary historian Tom Collier writes with regard to the killing of 14 Marines in Anbar province with a huge improvised explosive device:' There seem to be two developments in Iraq…

Constitutional Changes In Iraqi

Constitutional Changes in the Iraqi National AssemblyGuest Editorial byAndrew AratoIt seems there are important changes about to be enacted by the Constitutional National Assembly in Iraq. And the direction of change favors…

14 Marines Killed Islam Main Source In

14 Marines Killed Islam a Main Source in Constitution Guerrillas in Western Iraq killed 14 Marines with a huge roadside bomb on Wednesday. The guerrillas are deploying more powerful explosives in their…

Straw Admits Coalition Troops Problem

Straw Admits Coalition Troops a Problem Seven Marines Killed in Western Iraq At Least 41 Others Killed TuesdayFirst the Polish Prime Minister didn't have the talking points from Karl Rove. Now the…
Fisking War On Terror Once Upon Time

Fisking War On Terror Once Upon Time

Fisking the "War on Terror"Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US Republican Party.Reagan increased the budget for support of the radical Muslim Mujahidin conducting terrorism against the…

20 Bodies Found Another 5 Us Troops

20 Bodies Found Another 5 US Troops Killed 68 Attacks on US and Coalition Forces Per Day The bodies of twenty men were found in black bags in southwest Baghdad on Monday.…

Good Muslim Bad Muslim Moderate Muslim

Good Muslim, Bad Muslim, Moderate Muslim?Guest Editorialby Mark LeVineProf. Dept of History UC Irvine, author, Why They Don't Hate Us: Lifting the Veil on the Axis of Evil (Oneworld Publications, 2005)' Just…

Parliamentary Debate On Election

Parliamentary Debate on Election System Collapses 5 US Troops Killed over Weekend The Sunday news cycle took a roller coaster ride with regard to whether the constitution drafting committee of the Iraqi…

Uk Police Seek Links Among Bombers

UK Police Seek links among Bombers Reading between the lines of this FT article, I conclude that UK police have not given up on the possibility that both the July 7 and…

Frist Stance Setback To American

Frist Stance Setback to American Taliban Senator Frist's flip flop on the stem cell issue may or may not help his rumored presidential bid in 2008, but it is a potentially historic…