Turnbull schools proposal 'unfair, ineffective'

Matthew Knott 8:13 PM   The federal government's own blueprint for federation reform argued Malcolm Turnbull's preferred school funding model - handing over full responsibility for public schools to the states - could create a more unfair system and introduce "perverse" incentives for cost shifting.

Latest political news

Senator's complaints rejected by Commission

Liberal Senator Arthur Sinodinos arrives as the guest speaker at a Liberal Party fundraiser at Darren Taylor Catering, ...

Sean Nicholls, Kate McClymont 11:43 PM   Senator Arthur Sinodonis' demand that references to him in an explosive NSW Electoral Commission statement about a political donations scandal be removed have been firmly rejected by the commission.

PM flags end to public school funding

The federal government could walk away from its role in funding state schools under a tax reform proposal floated by ...

Matthew Knott 9:12 AM   The federal government would stop funding public schools under a dramatic change to the nation's education system outlined by Malcolm Turnbull.

Hospital funds could help fund federal reforms

The Age: News: 23rd November 2008: Emergency sign at the entrance to Royal Melbourne Hospital.
Photo: ...

Jane Lee, Julia Medew 6:30 PM   The Turnbull government is considering using $280 million of state hospital funding to help pay for its chronic health care pilot and reforms that could limit federal funding for illnesses and injuries incurred in hospitals.

Morrison says he and PM are 'part of each other's inner circle'

Scott Morrison says he and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speak daily.

Patrick Hatch 8:56 PM   Treasurer Scott Morrison has defended his relationship with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull following several missteps that put the pair publicly at odds. 

Will PM's income tax shakeup work?

It's your cash in your pocket. We ask a range of experts about the PM's income tax suggestion.

Nicole Hasham 4:05 PM   We examine five key issues surrounding Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's proposal to give states the power to charge income tax.

Travellers to reconsider travel to Turkish cities

Police secure an area in a major shopping and tourist district in the central part of Istanbul following a suicide ...

David Wroe, Michael Koziol 2:53 PM   Thousands of Australians planning to visit Gallipoli for Anzac Day face a difficult decision after the federal government urged travellers to reconsider travel to the transit city of Istanbul.

Tensions high on Manus Island over new plan

Rehabilitation could help prevent paedophiles from offending.

Michael Gordon 8:34 AM    A plan to separate asylum seekers according to their refugee status has inflamed tensions, sparking fears of a confrontation.

Peta Credlin joins Sky News as commentator

Peta Credlin will form part of Sky News' 2016 commentary team.

Latika Bourke 3:24 PM   Peta Credlin's wish to be able to use her own voice is about to come true with one of the most talked about figures of the Abbott set to join Sky television as an election commentator.

Turnbull's tax revolution meets stiff resistance

Malcolm Turnbull, pictured at the new Penrith Panthers Rugby League Academy, described the tax plan as "the most ...

Mark Kenny   State and territory leaders have responded coolly to Malcolm Turnbull's invitation to take less in tied grants from Canberra in exchange for gaining their own income taxing powers with which to directly meet soaring hospital and education costs.

Cash reaches out to crossbenchers

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has been calling crossbench over the government's threatened double dissolution ...

Michael Koziol   Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has begun a fresh attempt to drum up crossbench support for the government's workplace relations agenda, reaching out to key independent senators and requesting meetings.

Comment & Analysis

Why the states should charge income tax

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Face reality: we can’t vote for better schools and hospitals in state elections and lowers taxes in federal elections and expect to get both.

Comments 176

Grassroots efforts beat big boys

Elizabeth Farrelly

Elizabeth Farrelly   Four green shoots that have broken through the deadening layer of Abbott-spewed ash.

Comments 13

Is it just too hard to be PM in 2016?

Dominic Knight

Dom Knight   There may never have been a more exciting time to be prime minister but it's probably never been this difficult to govern.

Comments 21

Why are Australians so gloomy about future?

Matt Wade

Matt Wade   Snap out of it Australia. Despite our wealth, health and good weather an international survey has revealed consumers here are among the gloomiest in Asia. And it's been that way for most of this decade.

The NBN is already out of date

laurie patton

Laurie Patton   Australia has fallen to 60th in global Internet speed rankings. If we fell to 60th in the Olympics medal tally there'd be a national outcry. Just a few years ago we were 30th in terms of average peak Internet speed, which is the key measurement of broadband performance. 

Where are all the women scientists?

emma johnston dinkus

Emma Johnston   Malcolm Turnbull, our innovation Prime Minister, says there's never been a more exciting time to be an Australian but I'm only half convinced. The bright light shining on this new innovation age is not illuminating many women.

Trump's plan is a real danger to Australia

Donald Trump's comments are likely to alarm both China and US allies in Asia who fear China.

Peter Hartcher   Donald Trump has made an idiotic and potentially incendiary claim about one of the world's most flammable strategic tinder boxes.

Comments 215

Campaign doesn't need Abbott and del-cons

Peter Reith

Peter Reith   Only the delusional conservatives would think throwing Tony Abbott into the Liberals' election campaign would be a great idea.

Anonymous sources: it's how politicians lie


Michael Gawenda   There is something seriously wrong when politicians can tell the media one thing on the record then say the opposite anonymously.

Comments 50

US gambles on sea power in Asia-Pacific

Hugh White dinkus Dinkus

Hugh White   In the massive build-up of its aircraft carrier fleet, the US may be giving China a big advantage.

Comments 3

How parties use Facebook to win your vote

Political messages that go to everyone are old hat. Now parties can tailor their messages for individuals.

Skye Laris   This year political parties will know what each of us cares about and will be able to tailor their campaign advertising to the specific voters who receive it.

Comments 5

Power play: masterstroke or miscalculation?

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday.

Michael Gordon   Malcolm Turnbull presented Bill Shorten with a gift when he told voters on Monday to prepare for a double dissolution election on July 2, effectively beginning a marathon 15-week election campaign that will end in the middle of winter.

Religion's tax break a cross we shouldn't bear

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Meredith Doig   Religious groups are not taxable. No wonder there’s no transparency in how their billions of dollars are spent.

Turnbull v Morrison: best frenemies forever?

Curiouser and curiouser: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison.

Mark Kenny   The relationship between the Treasurer and the PM could make or break the party.

Why Tony Abbott was right

Jessica Irvine dinkus

Jessica Irvine   Tony Abbott was wrong on a lot of things, but not on this policy for working women.

ABCC a poor base to build an election on

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: "Unlawful conduct on building sites around Australia is holding back our economy."

Peter Martin   The Prime Minister uses discredited analysis to exaggerate reasons to reinstate the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Europe confronted by a perfect storm

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced he will recall a joint sitting of Parliament on 18 April during a press ...

Malcolm Turnbull   In the fight against terrorism, Australia is fully committed to playing a leading role.

Taking the terror out of terrorism

Illustration John Spooner

David Wells   There are no easy answers in Europe, but Australia is heading in the right direction: raid early and raid often.

PM bristles at Abbott comparison

Mark kenny

Mark Kenny   He might as well have said "same same but different" for all the sense it makes to the uninitiated voter. Comparing himself to Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull says "there is continuity and there is change".

Turnbull v Abbott: only one will survive

Alan Stokes.

Alan Stokes   There is no point in pussyfooting around. An election victory whereby Abbott remains capable of rallying his supporters and undermining Turnbull is no victory at all.

We all pay when businesses break our trust

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Big businesses must clean up their own behaviour before they start telling others what to do.

Special features

PM's bold proposal: Visionary or posturing?

Mark Kenny Whether Malcolm Turnbull's abrasive approach to federal financing reform at this COAG is visionary and achievable or simply pre-election posturing of a panicked government's search for an agenda to which it can point, is a matter of perspective.

Why the states should charge income tax

Peter Martin Face reality: we can't vote for better schools and hospitals in state elections and lowers taxes in federal elections and expect to get both.

Turnbull's hospital pass to the states

Matthew Knott Malcolm Turnbull and sport haven't always been a successful mix.

Grassroots efforts beat big boys

Four green shoots that have broken through the deadening layer of Abbott-spewed ash.

Is it just too hard to be PM in 2016?

There may never have been a more exciting time to be prime minister but it's probably never been this difficult to govern.

Does Turnbull really want to do a deal?

Mark Kenny Malcolm Turnbull's weekend overture to the Senate cross bench has confounded some, but he won't mind. In fact, that was probably the point.

Why are Australians so gloomy about future?

Snap out of it Australia. Despite our wealth, health and good weather an international survey has revealed consumers here are among the gloomiest in Asia. And it's been that way for most of this decade.

Where are all the women scientists?

Malcolm Turnbull, our innovation Prime Minister, says there's never been a more exciting time to be an Australian but I'm only half convinced. The bright light shining on this new innovation age is not illuminating many women.

The NBN is already out of date

Australia has fallen to 60th in global Internet speed rankings. If we fell to 60th in the Olympics medal tally there'd be a national outcry. Just a few years ago we were 30th in terms of average peak Internet speed, which is the key measurement of broadband performance. 

'Dirty bomb' terror attack about panic, disruption

David Wroe The Islamic State's reputation as a jihadist juggernaut – vital to its recruitment – relies on continued momentum.

How do you solve a problem like Tony?

Stephanie Peatling There seems to be no assured way of managing a former prime minister still grieving for what might have been.

Anonymous sources: it's how politicians lie

There is something seriously wrong when politicians can tell the media one thing on the record then say the opposite anonymously.

Campaign doesn't need Abbott and the del-cons

Only the delusional conservatives would think throwing Tony Abbott into the Liberals' election campaign would be a great idea.

US gambles on sea power in Asia-Pacific contest with China

In the massive build-up of its aircraft carrier fleet, the US may be giving China a big advantage.

Careless Donald Trump's plan is a real danger to Australia

Donald Trump has made an idiotic and potentially incendiary claim about one of the world's most flammable strategic tinder boxes.

How political parties use Facebook to win your vote

This year political parties will know what each of us cares about and will be able to tailor their campaign advertising to the specific voters who receive it.