
Archives: November 2007

Pakistani Press on Sharif’s Return

The USG Open Source Center rounds up the Urdu press in Pakistan on the return of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.Urdu Press Roundup on Prevailing Political Situation After Sharif's ReturnPakistan -- OSC…

Dulaim: Al-Maliki is trying to Marginalize Sunnis

The USG Open Source Center translates an interview in the Iraqi newspaper Ilaf with Adnan Dulaimi, a leader of the Iraqi Accord Front (Sunni fundamentalist, called in Arabic Tawafuq), the major Sunni…

Bush’s Middle East Unravels Further

Bush's achievements in the Middle East were supposed to have been the 'Cedar Revolution' in Lebanon and the removal of Syria troops; holding fair elections in Palestine in January of 2006; and…

Miscellany and Annapolis

On the Annapolis "meeting" (downgraded from a conference), Mark Matthews of the Baltimore Sun contrasts the preparation and success of the Madrid peace conference in 1991 under Bush Sr., with the likely…

Tanter on Rudd and Australian Security Policy

Professor Richard Tanter of the Nautilus Institute at RMIT in Melbourne writes from Australia:'A small note on your comment on Kevin Rudd's election in Australia. On the question of security policy, this…

Firedoglake Book Salon: The DeLay Reaction

Check out the Firedoglake Book Salon on Sunday, All About The Benjamins: A “Follow The Money” Book Salon Preview.It is the story of how Tom DeLay and other corrupt Republican politicians reduced…

Pink: Dear Mr. President

Pink - Dear Mr. President Dear Mr. PresidentCome take a walk with meLet's pretend we're just two people andYou're not better than meI'd like to ask you some questions if we can…

Pakistani Newspapers Critical of Bush Policy

The USG Open Source Center translates excerpts from Pakistani newspaper editorials concerning the visit over the weekend of US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte to Islamabad. The visit has generated controversy…

Sunni Groups at Odds with Each Other

The USG Open Source Center reports on wrangling between two Sunni groups, the more urban and small-town Sunni fundamentalists of the Iraqi Accord Front [al-Tawafuq] and the more rural, tribal Anbar Salvation…

Satellite Channels, Blogs, Criticize Musharraf

The USG Open Source Center surveys electronic media in and about Pakistan, reporting on the situation with regard to closure or blocking of television channels, as well as making remarks toward the…

Satellite T.V. on Iraqi Security Developments

The USG Open Source Center reports on how Arabic television is reporting on political and security developments in Iraq.'Al-Sharqiyah, Al-Iraqiyah Report on Political, Security Developments in IraqIraq -- OSC SummarySaturday, November 17,…

Turks Favor Invasion

A new poll shows that 81% of Turks favor invading northern Iraq, up from 46% in July.' The number of people saying Turkey should conduct a cross-border military operation against militants of…

Cole on Academic Freedom

The Monreal Mirror carries an interview with me by Samer Elatrash, in honor of the holding of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Conference in Montreal. MESA has over 2700 members among…

Sunni Party Joins Call for New Elections in Iraq

Turkish aircraft struck at targets inside Iraqi Kurdistan on Tuesday, seeking to inflict damage on the Kurdish Worker Party guerrillas who have crossed over into Iraq in search of safe haven.The Iraq…

Did W. Create Ron Paul?

Gordon Robison argues that his stance on the Iraq War almost single-handedly explains Rep. Ron Paul's amazing fundraising ability (which recently outstripped that of Sen. John McCain, the last unreconstructed hawk on…
The Kirkuk Crisis

The Kirkuk Crisis

The USG Open Source Center summarizes controversies over the prospect of the incorporation of Kirkuk into Iraqi Kurdistan in October and so far in November. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) comprises 3…

Napoleon, Spukt, and Cole in Chicago at Oobleck

Theater Oobleck presents a conversation with Juan Cole of the “Informed Comment” blog and Chuck Mertz of the This is Hell radio program, to follow our 2pm Sunday performance of Spukt. They…

Suggested Reading

Barnett Rubin warns that knee-jerk support for Pakistani military dictator Pervez Musharraf is not exactly 'realism' of the sort some Washington politicians like to boast of. Josh Marshall hosts a piece by…

Urdu Press Blames US for Crisis

While Gen. Musharraf maintains that he was forced to make his most recent coup by the threat of Muslim extremism, many of Pakistan's Urdu newspapers have a different interpretation. They suggest in…

State of Emergency in Pakistan

Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf has made a second coup. Over his eight years of military dictatorship, he had dressed his government up in the outward trappings of 'democracy.' He allowed (stage-managed) parliamentary…

Curveball is Alive

It isn't surprising that Iraqi expatriates like Curveball should be trying to peddle a load of horse manure about Iraqi 'weapons programs' in the early zeroes.It is not remarkable that Ahmad Chalabi's…

Time to Close the US Embassy

I don't try to start an internet campaign very often, because the blogosphere has its own priorities and logic that are democratic and should not be forced. But here is a plea…