Police investigate man who delivered 'revenge fart' after woman said no to sex


A gentleman in Laholm, Sweden allegedly delivered a "revenge fart" in a woman's flat after she refused to have sex with him. So she called police who were obligated to investigate for any criminal activity. Apparently though, revenge farting is not a crime. From 60ABC:

The man and the woman, whose names were not released to the public, had talked of having sex in a different occasion, but they are not in a relationship. According to the woman, the man visited her in her house with the desire to have sex with her. When she refused to indulge him, he simply farted and left.

“It smelled very bad in my flat,” the woman said in her police report.

"Man reported to police for ‘revenge fart’ after woman refused to have sex" Read the rest

Turkeys attacking cops


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The following video of a terrified reporter being pursued by a turkey is even better.

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Man has fun pranking email scammers


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Guy builds a gadget to blast loud music back at neighbors


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