Post-Trump, conservatives aren't shy about their contempt for the poor


Conservative organ The National Review published a scathing attack on poor white communities [paywall], part of its general disgust at Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's support base. If you ever wanted to understand the enraged contempt in which conservatives hold the poor — especially now many of them are voting for Trump instead of them — here's a fabulous primer!

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Video shows Fort Worth cop pepper-spraying passing bikers from roadside

x 2016-03-14 at 10.22.09 PM

A police officer in Fort Worth was taken off patrol Monday after video surfaced showing him pepper-spraying passing bikers from the side of the road. WFAA reports that a force spokesman admitted "pepper-spraying drivers is not a department-endorsed tactic" and confirmed an investigation was underway.

News 8 spoke Monday to Jack Kinney, the man who recorded the video with his helmet camera, and Chase Stone, who edited the video and posted it to Facebook. They say a group of about 200 motorcyclists were traveling up northbound U.S. 287 in Fort Worth Sunday afternoon when a Fort Worth police officer pulled over one of the motorcycle group's "safety vehicles," which is a vehicle that follows behind bikers in case of an incident.

In the edited video, which slows down and zooms in at one point, so viewers can see more clearly, the officer appears to spray something directly into oncoming traffic as he exits his vehicle. The bikers say it was pepper spray.… "His intent was to hit the bikers for sure, there’s no doubt about it," Stone says.

The emerging defense appears to be "people were complaining about the bikers weaving," as if pepper-spraying them at speed is going to make the roads safer. Read the rest

Pyongyang responds to Breitbart resignations


North Korea has responded to the resignation of high-profile staff at Breitbart and the site's spiteful (and quickly-deleted) response.

The lies of the venomous she-bitch Michelle Fields against TrumpNation and all right-thinking peoples are thus exposed to the ridicule and contempt of the peoples. It was through the dedicated work of Mister Lewandowski that Fields was exposed as a malignant urchin posing under the good and honorable name of a Breitbart News Reporter at Large, who casts lies and deceits into the popular consciousness concerning Great Leader Donald Trump, the Lion of Trump Tower, who because of his endurance and inflexible will to win will go from conquest to conquest leaving fire in his wake. May all such traitors wither before the gaze of the unforgiving peoples of TrumpNation.

This one's custom-fit by Patrick of Popehat, who posts disturbingly convincing Juche missives as @DPRK_News, but North Korea will denounce anyone you like with our handy North Korea Press Release Generator. Read the rest

Video shows Kelloggs factory man urinating on assembly line


Kellogg cereals are investigating a video posted online that purports to show an assembly-line worker pissing on an assembly line. The good news, Kellogg reports, is that it happened way back in 2014, so there's little danger of it still being on the shelves.

The graphic video shows a man urinating on an assembly line, then panning to a sign with the Kellogg logo. Kellogg said its own investigation determined the video was recorded at its Memphis, Tennessee factory in 2014.

"It is important to note that any products that could be potentially impacted would be very limited and past their expiration dates," the company said. It says the products that were potentially impacted include Rice Krispies Treats, granola clusters used in some products and puffed rice treats that it no longer makes.

i.e. you already ate the piss krispies. Read the rest

Donald Trump saying "China" with bass accompaniment

china bass trump

Bassist Iggy Jackson-Cohen is a genius. HuffPo made the source supercut. Read the rest

Minecraft to become AI testbed

Microsoft plans to turn Minecraft into a test suite for artificial intelligence research, reports the BBC. As a simplified but all-encompassing model of the world, it's perfect for tutoring 'bots.

…Microsoft suggests the open-ended nature of Minecraft makes it particularly useful because of the huge variety of situations it can simulate from first-person perspectives.

"It allows you to have 'embodied AI'," explained Matthew Johnson, the principal software engineer working on AIX.

"So, rather than have a situation where the AI sees an avatar of itself, it can actually be inside, looking out through the eyes of something that is living in the world.

"We think this is an essential part of building this kind of general intelligence."

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WiFi ResetPlug power cycles router whenever Wifi fails

Plug your router into it, and the WiFi Reset Plug does just one job: it monitors your Wifi network and resets your router whenever it loses its connection. If you're thinking it's a great idea, maybe… you need a better router? It's $60! [via The Internet of Shit] Read the rest

Cesar Millan investigated for animal cruelty


Los Angeles County's Animal Care and Control department is investigating "Dog Whisperer" Cesar Millan after he allowed a dog to attack and bite a pet pig on his show, Cesar 911.

In the February 26 show, Millan was working with Simon, an aggressive French bulldog-terrier mix with a history of attacking his owner's potbellied pigs and other animals, a National Geographic Channels spokesman confirmed. The episode showed Simon biting the ear of one of the pigs during a training session. Complaints started after the episode aired. There have also been calls for the show to be canceled.

Simon killed two pigs prior to the show; Cesar unleashed it in another pig's presence to demonstrate the effectiveness of his dominating approach to animal correction.

National Geographic backed Millan and promised to co-operate with the investigation. Chris Albert, SVP Global Communications and Talent Relations for National Geographic Channels, wrote that the pig "nipped by [French Bulldog mix] Simon was tended to immediately afterward, healed quickly and showed no lasting signs of distress."

Cesar Millan has dedicated his life to helping dogs and to showing how even the most difficult “problem dog” can be rescued and rehabilitated. In a recent episode of the Nat Geo WILD series Cesar 911, Cesar works with an aggressive French bulldog/terrier mix named Simon, who has a history of attacking other animals, including his owner’s pet pot-bellied pigs. A short clip from the episode was shared online and showed Simon chasing a pig and nipping its ear, causing the ear to bleed.

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Ben Carson endorses Donald Trump, who said Ben Carson was like a child molester

Dr. Ben Carson

There are two Trumps, says Carson, one more cerebral than the other.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who recently ended his campaign, said he and Trump have “buried the hatchet” after trading nasty words during the primary. He also said there are “two different” Trumps: the one the public sees and a more “cerebral” Trump in private.

Speaking at his posh Mar-a-Lago Club, Trump praised Carson and said he would play a “big role” in the campaign, in both political and policy capacities. But he declined to offer specific descriptions.

Don't you get the feeling that Republicans (and the #NeverTrump right-wing pundits) will ultimately support Trump? The only conservative principle that seems to matter now is fear. Or they could end up with Ted Cruz, who is even worse, because he means what he says and Trump has always looked vaguely like his stalking horse.

To take your mind off all this horror, here is a photograph from the future from Boing Boing's broken ansible, in which lovers Trudeau and Obama ("Trubama" as the holotabloids have it) take the Presidential Hoverbikes for a spin.

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Trump the Carpathian

On a mountain of skulls, in the castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood! And let me tell you it was really great. And I have a great relationship with the Moldavian people. They love me. Read the rest

Slightly damaged gaming PC yours for $800


The Pittsburgh Craigslist has a hot deal: a gaming PC with "Slight Damage" that in no way impacts performance.

Guaranteed to run any new game on Ultra settings! Buy now and I'll throw in a free Zip drive! What a bargain! Has slight fire damage but this affects the system in no way, trust me!
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Should Cesar Millan be fed to pigs?


So-called "dog whisperer" Cesar Millan thought he had a great idea to fix a dog who had killed two pet pigs. He'd let it off the leash near a new pig, then inflict whatever pseudoscientific, domineering bullshit he does to dogs to make dogs temporarily obedient. Unfortunately, the dog immediately ran over to the pig and bit part of it its ear off before anyone could stop it.

Far from being chastened, the producers apparently used the footage to market his show, reports The Dodo:

The clip has raised a storm of controversy on social media, along with a petition to get Millan off the air permanently.

Jim Crosby, an outspoken animal behaviorist who has trained hundreds of dogs, thinks Millan may have even committed a crime under section 597 of California's criminal code.

"Even if we let the first engagement slide as an accident," he writes on Facebook, "this documents several felony counts occurring in California at the 'Dog Psychology Center' as directed and permitted by the trainer. It may also qualify as 'baiting' under the various state and federal dog and animal fighting statutes."

The original promo clip seems to have been removed; all that I could find are outraged commentaries with sinister music and such. Here's another one, also commentated but with the original audio:

Psychology Today's Mark Derr says Cesar's methods are antiquated and his fans threaten critics.

… the best learning outcome would be for National Geographic to take a stand for dogs, pigs, and other animals and remove Cesar Millan from the air until he reforms his act.

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Bay leaves are a lie


Bay leaves, writes Kelly Conaboy, are bullshit.

What does a bay leaf taste like? Nothing. What does a bay leaf smell like? Nothing. What does a bay leaf look like? A leaf. How does a bay leaf behave? It behaves as a leaf would, if you took a leaf from the tree outside of your apartment building and put it into your soup. People say, “Boil a bay leaf in some water and then taste the water if you want to know what a bay leaf tastes like.”


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Syrian refugees placed in hotel hosting a furry convention


Syrian refugees who found their way to Canada have been placed in a hotel hosting a furry convention. Wonderfully surreal scenes of displaced kids dancing with fursuiters were captured on video and posted to YouTube. The New York Daily News described an "aww-inspiring" encounter. Read the rest

Protestor punched at Trump rally—then tackled by cops


Video reveals that a black protestor was sucker-punched by a man at a recent Donald Trump rally in Kentucky— and that the police then tackled the protestor, not the attacker.

Posted by the Washington Post, the footage shows several people leaving the rally after being identified as protestors. A ponytailed man approaches and punches one of them in the face. The victim stumbles onwards and is brought to the ground by uniformed guards identified by the Post as law enforcement.

“Chill, chill!” an onlooker says. “You don’t gotta grab him like that!”

Rakeem Jones, the man who was hit, said the punch came out of nowhere.

“Boom, he caught me,” Jones told The Washington Post in a telephone interview. “After I get it, before I could even gain my thoughts, I’m on the ground getting escorted out. Now I’m waking up this morning looking at the news and seeing me getting hit again.”… Jones blamed the Cumberland County officers escorting him from the rally for failing to protect him — then detaining him instead of the man who attacked him.

“It’s happening at all these rallies now and they’re letting it ride,” Jones said. “The police jumped on me like I was the one swinging.”

This isn't the first incident like this. If you choose to go to a Trump rally, be realistic about the risks.

1. Shouting anti-Trump slogans, working as media, or being with a protest group is enough to be identified as the enemy.

2. You might get assaulted, and Trump might encourage it. Read the rest

Blue Monday performed with obsolete instruments

This "olden style" rendition of the New Order classic Blue Monday uses only instruments available in the 1930s. Performed by Orkestra Obsolete, it features a theremin, a musical saw, a hammered dulcimer, a zither, and singing glasses.[BBC via Open Culture] Read the rest

Tzump_(Wikipedia article from the future)

One of the funny things about Boing Boing is gaining access to the broken ansible in the lair's basement. Due to some as yet untheoretical relativistic cross-wiring, all it can access are random wikipedia articles from the distant future. We've been instructed in no uncertain terms never to use it, and the last editor to do so disappeared in a flash of late 1970s-era BBC special effects, presumably an extremely painful demise. This 24-bit PNG found on their laptop didn't make a lot of sense until lately; here it is for your topical interest. Read the rest

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