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Trump Is Collapsing in Wisconsin 

And that’s really bad for his delegate math.

Why Conservatives Are Talking About Poor Whites the Way They Usually Talk About Blacks

Trump Wants Women Who Have Abortions to Be Punished. Doesn’t He Know They Already Are?

Anderson Cooper Finally Got Brave Enough to Confront Trump

Jürgen Klinsmann Is Delusional

The U.S. men’s soccer team coach promised a new, beautiful style of play. It was all empty bluster. 


Barney Frank Is No Fan of Bernie Sanders

What has Sanders done for financial reform? “The answer is nothing.”


The Reverse Bartleby

A modest proposal for how Merrick Garland can outfox Republican obstructionists.

Barney Frank Is Not Impressed By Bernie Sanders, Jon Stewart, Donald Trump, The Big Short

A Modest Proposal for How Merrick Garland Can Outfox Republican Obstructionists

Women and Doctors Win—and Republicans Lose—in the FDA’s Update for the Abortion Pill

The People Flocking to America’s Cities Are White, Wealthy, and Middle-Age

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In Case You Missed It
Cover Story
How Trump Happened It’s not just anger over jobs and immigration. White voters hope Trump will restore the racial hierarchy upended by Barack Obama.
Double X
Roe v. Wade Was Lost in 1992 How “undue burden” has eroded the right to choose.
The Grind Spring Break Is Hell for Hotel Housekeepers in Miami
The Slatest A Brokered GOP Convention Would Be an Enormous Mess. Here’s How It Would Play Out.
Donald Trump Hates Women It’s the one position he’s never changed.
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  • You Must Remember This The Little Tramp vs. the Blacklist
  • Culture Gabfest The Bottomless Cynicism of Batman v Superman
  • The Gist What Questions Remain in the San Bernardino Investigation?

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March 30 2016 8:08 AM America’s Favorite Pastime Returns to Havana How should we feel about Major League Baseball’s return to Cuba?