Critical Media Studies Resources  provides resource links for conducting critical research in Media Studies and American Studies. Sites listed on the 'Media Studies Links' and 'Mike's Web Picks' pages offer a critical analysis of the dominant media, political and cultural institutions in American society. The Bookstore  lists a host of books and other media, mostly by independent publishers, critical of corporate media culture. The Columns and Articles page provides an archive of Mike Niman's syndicated columns. is ever evolving, so check back often.
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button Mike's Columns and Articles Archive Media, Cultural and Political Criticism
buttonResearch Links Internet Research Tools.

buttonMedia Studies Links Journalism, Communication, Media Watchdogs, Media Literacy, Censorship, Propaganda, Culture Jamming etc.
buttonAlternative Media - Alternative Media Links. Alt News. Alt Culture. Anti Corporate.

button Click-a-Flick The evolving Virtual Movie Theater.
buttonBookstore -Listing of Recommended Critical Media Study Books
buttonPeople of the Rainbow -

Open Your Mind To New Ways of Approaching Old Ideas
Take Command of Your Own Mental Environment & Decolonize Your Soul
Seize Control of Your Own Thoughts and Emotions


TV Smasher Graphic Copyright 1988, Alternative Graphics is the website of Dr. Michael I. Niman
Professor of Journalism & Critical Media Studies
SUNY Buffalo State Communication Department

site established 1996
Last Updated May 2015