Russia posts nuclear-capable Iskanders in Syria
The deployment of S-400 air defense and Iskander-M tactical missiles makes the Russian Hmeimim base in Syria the most advanced missile base in the Middle East.
Mar 30, 2016, 2:55 PM (IDT)
Next Stop for ISIS: Moscow or St. Petersburg
Raqqa command center orders North Caucasian networks to prepare for action.
Europe Is in No Shape to Stop Islamist Terror
Most anti-terror agencies are riddled with Muslim informers or incompetent.
ISIS Pushes Sisi’s Back to the Wall in Sinai
He appeals urgently to Obama for US drone strikes to destroy terrorist lairs in Sinai.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Mar 28, 2016, 6:21 PM (IDT)

Egyptian President Abdel Fatteh El-Sisi has sent a secret missive to President Barack Obama asking for urgent US military intervention in support of Egypt’s war on the Islamist State in Sinai, before the jihadis pose a real threat to Cairo. 

Palmyra Citadel
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Mar 27, 2016, 11:51 AM (IDT)

Vladimir Putin after all took the momentous decision for Russian carpet bombing to level the Islamic State forces holding Palmyra since last May and so clear the way for Bashar Assad’s troops and allied forces to enter the heritage city Saturday and Sunday, March 26-27 and take control of several districts. 

DEBKAfile Special Report Mar 24, 2016, 9:56 AM (IDT)

The Belgian government some weeks ago hired an Israeli security firm to inspect security arrangements at the Zaventem airport of Brussels. The experts, who were asked for advice on improvements, submitted initial recommendations for urgent upgrades. However those improvements had not been installed by Tuesday, March 22, when Islamist terrorists hit the airport.

DEBKAfile Special Report Mar 22, 2016, 6:24 PM (IDT)

The capture of the ISIS Paris attack planner Salah Abdelsalem was a trick to put Belgian anti-terror police off guard when a team of terrorists carried out his orders for deadly bombing attacks on the Brussels airport and subway, that left 34 people dead and 200 injured while he was in custody.  Three bombers were caught on airport CCTV. Mystery: One unused bomb belt was found at the airport after two explosions.



DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Jan 28, 2016

The Russians and Americans are pouring air and ground troops into Syria to underpin their strategy for ending the Syrian war. 

DEBKAfile Special Report Jan 6, 2016
Israel's military chiefs on Golan

The mystery of how Hizballah managed to plant the bomb which blew up against an IDF patrol, without causing casualties, Tuesday, Jan. 5, in the Shebaa Farms district of Mt Hermon is perplexing Israel’s military chiefs. 

DEBKAfile Special Report Feb 24, 2016

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu phoned President Vladimir Putin Wednesday Feb. 24, to find out how the partial Syrian ceasefire due to go into effect Saturday Feb. 27 will affect Israel’s northern border security.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Feb 8, 2016

US President Barack Obama has retracted on his pledge of an extra defense package to compensate Israel for the damage that was caused its security by the nuclear deal concluded with Iran last year.

President Uhuru Kenyatta with troops fighting Shabaab
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Mar 20, 2016

Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta brought to Jerusalem six East African nations’ request for Israeli military and intelligence assistance to fend off the Jihadist threat posed by the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, and the Somali Shabaab. Israel agreed to up a regional military intelligence center to collectively counter their attempted encroachments.

DEBKAfile Special Report Mar 19, 2016

The Foreign Ministry spokesman in Jerusalem Emmanuel Nahshon said that Israeli nationals had been killed and critically injured in the suicide blast that hit Istanbul Saturday, March 19. He did not confirm the deaths released in Turkey of Simcha Damari, Jonathan Suher and Avraham Godman.  Another 11 Israelis were injured, three arein dangerous condition and six are still missing. Netanyahu: Israel will be in touch with Ankara to find out if the Israelis were especially targeted.

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Mar 18, 2016

On Thursday, March 17, not even four days after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the withdrawal of his country’s forces from Syria, he started redrawing its map and dividing up the country into independent federations that will be under Russian influence. He started by backing the Kurdish semiautomous state on the Turkish border.

DEBKAfile Special Report Mar 14, 2016

A deep rift with Tehran over the continuation of the Syrian war and an irreconcilable spat with Syrian ruler Bashar Assad over his future prompted Russian President Vladimir’s shock order Monday, March 14, for the “main part” of Russian military forces to quit Syria the next morning. This is reported by debkafile’s military and intelligence sources. Moscow retains its naval presence in Tartous and Hmeymim air base, but is committed to testing Syrian peace talks in Geneva, whereas Iran and Assad are deermined to keep on fighting.

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