David G. Bradley, Chairman

President & Editor in Chief

James Bennet

Editor, Magazine

Scott Stossel

Editor, TheAtlantic.com

J.J. Gould

Creative Director

Darhil Crooks

Deputy Editor, Magazine

Don Peck

Deputy Editor, TheAtlantic.com

Matt Thompson

Literary Editor, Magazine

Ann Hulbert

Managing Editor, Magazine

Sarah Yager

Managing Editor, TheAtlantic.com

Catherine Green

National Correspondents

Mark Bowden, Ta-Nehisi Coates, James Fallows, Jeffrey Goldberg, Hanna Rosin

Senior Editors

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Washington Editor at Large; Editor, AtlanticLIVE

Steve Clemons

Staff Writers

Molly Ball, Alexia Fernández Campbell, Conor Friedersdorf, Uri Friedman, Megan Garber, David A. Graham, Olga Khazan, Spencer Kornhaber, Adrienne LaFrance, Vann Newkirk, Alana Semuels, Ed Yong

Senior Associate Editors

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Associate Editors

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Assistant Editors

Priscilla Alvarez, Zach Hindin, Caroline Mimbs Nyce, Cari Romm, Amy Weiss-Meyer

Copy Editors

Janice Wolly (Chief), Karen Ostergren


Art Director: Paul Spella
Senior Designer: Zachary Bickel
Designer: Kara Gordon


Director: John Kefferstan
Associate Director: Jennifer Adams

Executive Staff Manager

Kim Jaske

Editorial Fellows

Julia Calagiovanni, Lauren Davis, Edward Delman, Elaine Godfrey, Adrienne Green, Stephanie Hayes, Jillian Kumagai, Katherine Owen, Alyza Sebenius, Katharine Schwab, Naomi Sharp, Rosa Smith, Graham Starr, Nshira Turkson, Li Zhou

Contributing Editors

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Atlantic Video

Executive Producer: Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg

Managing Producer: Raymond Schillinger

Senior Associate Producer: Sam Price-Waldman

Associate Producers: Nicolas Pollock, Jeremy Raff

Curator & Associate Producer: Nadine Ajaka

Animator: Caitlin Cadieux

Fellows: Greyson Korhonen, Daniel Lombroso, Jaclyn Skurie


Editor: Sommer Mathis

Managing Editor: Shauna Miller

Bay Area Bureau Chief: John Metcalfe

Senior Associate Editor: Mark Byrnes

Associate Editors: Jessica Leigh Hester, Adam Sneed

Staff Writers: Laura Bliss, Kriston Capps, Tanvi Misra, Brentin Mock

Editorial Fellows: Eillie Anzilotti, Aria Bendix, Natalie Delgadillo, Linda Poon, Julian Spector

AtlanticLIVE Editorial

Executive Producer: Rob Hendin

Senior Producer: Suzanne Smalley

Associate Producer: Michelle Timmerman

Assistant Producers: Margaret Barthel, Michael Bloom

Coordinator: Natalie Allen

Fellow: Valeria Pelet

Editor Emeritus

William Whitworth

President & Chief Operating Officer

Bob Cohn

Senior Vice President & Publisher

Hayley Romer

Vice President & President, AtlanticLIVE

Margaret Low Smith

Vice President of Marketing

Sam Rosen

Associate Publisher

William P. Mulvihill

Executive Creative Director, Integrated Marketing

Emersson Barillas

Executive Director, Integrated Marketing

Lindsey Emanuel

Executive Director, Programmatic Strategy & Revenue Operations

Ethan James

Executive Director, Business Strategy, Planning & Ad Operations

Jesse Waldele

Integrated Advertising Sales

Advertising Director, Midwest: Liz Aslanian Lorenzoni, elorenzoni@theatlantic.com

Advertising Director, East: Cassidy Nasello, 646-539-6728, CNasello@theatlantic.com

Advertising Director, EMEA: Helen Davies, +44 (0)20 3574 4519, hdavies@theatlantic.com

Senior Integrated Sales Director: Jill Mullan, 646-539-6726, jmullan@theatlantic.com

Integrated Sales Director, Northeast: Deirdre Torrance, 646-539-6719, dtorrance@theatlantic.com

Strategy & Development Director of Sales : Katie Milot Zambrano, 646-539-6720, kzambrano@theatlantic.com

Integrated Account Manager: Courtney Kelly, 646-539-6718, ckelly@theatlantic.com

Integrated Sales Director, Southeast: Chesley Neubauer, cneubauer@theatlantic.com

Integrated Sales Director, Detroit: Linda Ramsey, 248-865-1175, lramsey@theatlantic.com

Western Ad Director, Pacific Northwest: Moira McDonald, 415-291-8072, mmcdonald@theatlantic.com

Integrated Sales Director, Los Angeles: Jennifer Grace, 310-867-0499, jgrace@theatlantic.com

Integrated Sales Manager: Chloe Bender, cbender@theatlantic.com

Book Publishing: Gloria Bruere, 718-473-5452, gbruere@theatlantic.com

Direct Response and Emporium: Marie Isabelle, Manager, 800-280-2069, misabelle@theatlantic.com

Associate: Susan Boucher

Advertising Support

Associate Director, Ad Operations: Elias Adepoju

Ad Operations Manager: Kareen Ludford

Ad Operations Specialist: Corey Cunningham

Senior Sales Planners: Alexandra Bellows, Samantha Kiersey

Assistant to the Vice President & Publisher: Sarah Champ

Sales Planners: Bridget LaPoint, Christen Pickens, Charlie Sumner

Atlantic Re:think, Integrated Marketing

Associate Director, Creative Strategy: Jeremy Elias

Creative Strategy, Marketing Managers: Sarah Devlin, Brad Girson, Sarah Sherman

Creative Solutions Lead: Jackelyn Keller

Creative Solutions, Manager: Mary McGee

Creative Solutions, Coordinator: Mallory Leibowitz

Product Manager: Jennifer Sun

Brand Strategist: Dana Tom

Art Director: Dante Meick

Designers: Drew Campbell, Devin Rochford

Content Director: Jim Gaines

Content Lead: Max Levy

Writer: Natalie Chang

Fellow: Jessica Duncan


Senior Director: Anna Bross

Communications Manager: Sydney Simon

Foundation Relations

Executive Director: Blake Truitt

Director of Strategy and Planning: Caroline Jarboe

Director of Partnerships: Dayna Gilliard

Fellow: Simba Runyowa

Consumer Marketing

Director: David Bergeman

Manager: Lisa Littman

Operations Coordinator: Carson Trobich

AtlanticLIVE Business

Managing Director, Business Development: Emily Akhtarzandi

Chief of Staff and Executive Director of Operations: Lyndsay Polloway

Director, Business Development: Patrick Garrigan

Director of Partnerships: Noelle Thorn Rinner

Director of Events and Experience: Logan Elsass

Director of Marketing: Elizabeth Stoll

Associate Directors, Business Development: Lauren Evans, Annie Hudson, Patrick Rivage-Seul, Melodie Brown Thomas

Senior Managers of National Events: Vanessa Finnie, Eleni Savopoulos

Senior Manager of Business Planning and Analysis: Casey Pallenik

Event Manager: Stephanie Cencula

Program Manager: Sherene Joseph

Marketing Manager: Miranda Kaufman-Waldron

Digital Marketing Manager: Nathan Wolfson

Designer: Matthew Moses

Executive Assistant: Michelle Delgado

Business Development Coordinator: Ellen Jackson

Events Coordinators: Hillary Clemons, Maddie Hilbrant, Jessica Spiegel

Fellows: Ashley Adams, Annie Bruce, Megan Devlin, Gabby Riccardi

Digital Products & Technology

Vice President and General Manager, The Atlantic Digital: Kimberly Lau

Senior Product Director: Betsy Cole

Product Director: Clarissa Matthews

Product Managers: Delaney Chambers, Jess Remington

Digital Design Director: David Somerville

Digital Designer: D.J. Brinkerhoff

Director, Product Engineering: Josh West

Senior Web Developer and Interactive Lead: Frankie Dintino

Developers: Chris Barna, Portia Burton, Jason Goldstein, Paul Nicholsen, Oakland Peters

Associate Director, Digital Analytics: Adam Felder

Analyst, Digital Analytics and Business Development: David Williams

Senior Counsel: Marisa M. Johnson

Atlantic Media Company

Michael Finnegan, President
John Fox Sullivan, Publisher at Large
Katherine Cusani-Visconti, Senior Vice President, Talent & Culture
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