Everybody needs a nook where they can sit back and relax at the end of the day. I am in the home improvement industry and I always find a way to create a personal space outside for my clients. As much as possible, it should close to nature. A pair of chairs on a patch of grass with potted flowers around would usually suffice. We just add some touches according to the homeowner's taste.
They all look wonderful, but, I'd never buy a house or apartment with a spiral staircase. Once you have used one you'll understand. A complete death trap for the young and old.
Everybody needs a nook where they can sit back and relax at the end of the day. I am in the home improvement industry and I always find a way to create a personal space outside for my clients. As much as possible, it should close to nature. A pair of chairs on a patch of grass with potted flowers around would usually suffice. We just add some touches according to the homeowner's taste.
I love these little niche spaces!