'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' should not be forced on others: Sadhguru

Edit The Times of India 06 Apr 2016
In such a nation, you have to take sensitivities of every group, every people or literally every individual into account," he said on a query over diktats of right wingers on eating and speaking in the country ... Without considering the sensitivity of all the people, you cannot run ......

14 things that change when your man becomes a daddy

Edit The Oklahoman 06 Apr 2016
I remember the day my husband found out he was going to be a father ... 1 ... 2 ... 3. More sensitive. Now I don’t necessarily mean more sensitive as in emotional sensitivity, although that can also happen. The type of sensitivity I’m referring to is that your man will become aware of your child just as much as you, like being able to identify their cry amongst other babies’ cries or the sound of their voice when they get older. 4. More confidence ... 5....

Boosting Indigenous-only services alone won’t end Aboriginal family violence (UNSW - The University of New South Wales)

Edit Public Technologies 06 Apr 2016
Mainstream family violence services must also become culturally sensitive and responsive so they too can provide services to Indigenous community members, writes Kyllie Cripps ... There is genuine concern that without culturally sensitive and trauma-informed support, these children will contribute to the next intergenerational wave of family violence....

Ransomware in the Health Care Industry (Preparis Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 06 Apr 2016
In general, ransomware is emerging as a serious threat to many industries who possess large databases containing sensitive information ... Health care organizations possess enormous databases that hold extremely sensitive and valuable data ... and reputational losses along with a loss of sensitive information which can lead to further legal repercussions....

Black Americans are under-prescribed pain medication 'because some doctors believe false biological differences between races'

Edit The Daily Mail 06 Apr 2016
Experts at the University of Virginia found when medical students and residents believe false statements such as black patients' nerve endings are less sensitive than whites - they are less accurate in their treatment ... ....

Novation Launchpad Pro USB Midi Controller for $229.99 + free shipping

Edit CNET 06 Apr 2016
Adorama offers the Novation Launchpad Pro USB Midi Controller, model no. LAUNCHPAD PRO, for $229.99 with free shipping. That's the lowest total price we could find by $70. It features a 64 RGB backlit velocity and pressure sensitive button grid, 32 RGB backlit round mode buttons, two MIDI sockets, and includes Ableton Live Lite 9 ... ....

New methods to study 'genetic invasion' detect the escape of crop genomes into the wild

Edit Science Daily 06 Apr 2016
Agricultural practices create opportunities for crop DNA to invade wild plant gene pools ... In a new study, researchers found substantial flaws in traditional methods used to track crop-wild gene flow, and developed a new, more sensitive approach to test agricultural systems for risk assessment of transgene escape ... ....

Rapid onset high blood pressure?

Edit Science Daily 06 Apr 2016
High levels of fructose similar to amounts consumed within the American diet may predispose individuals to fast-onset, salt-sensitive hypertension, according to new research ... ....

WhatsApp is now most widely used end-to-end crypto tool on the planet

Edit Ars Technica 06 Apr 2016
(credit. samazgor) ... "Every day we see stories about sensitive records being improperly accessed or stolen ... Fortunately, end-to-end encryption protects us from these vulnerabilities.". Read 7 remaining paragraphs ....

Panama Papers Hit Great Firewall of China

Edit Chosun Ilbo 06 Apr 2016
China has moved quickly to silence any discussion about the Panama Papers and information about the use of tax havens by the families of at least eight current and former top leaders, including the brother-in-law of President Xi Jinping ... ◆ Panama Papers Dam ... A user named Space Out said. "I don't understand why the phrase Panama Papers has been labeled a sensitive term ... "Obviously, ba na ma (Panama) is a sensitive phrase," one user wrote....

How a spy probe wound up as a child pornography prosecution

Edit Houston Chronicle 06 Apr 2016
Judges can theoretically order prosecutors to share FISA information with defendants if they deem it necessary for challenging a search's legality, but courts have consistently agreed with the government that disclosing the material could expose sensitive intelligence secrets ... ....

SKMU pupils hold VC hostage, attempt to garland him with slippers

Edit The Times of India 06 Apr 2016
Dumka. A section of tribal students held the SKMU vice-chancellor hostage and attempted to garland him with slippers on Monday evening ... But at the same time, the VC should be sensitive enough towards their plight to avoid such chaos on the campus," Navin Kumar Singh, general secretary of the SKMU teachers association, said ... ....

NoScript and other popular Firefox add-ons open millions to new attack [US]

Edit Ars Technica 06 Apr 2016
NoScript, Firebug, and other popular Firefox add-on extensions are opening millions of end users to a new type of attack that can surreptitiously execute malicious code and steal sensitive data, a team of researchers reported ... Nine of the top 10 most popular Firefox add-ons contain exploitable vulnerabilities ... Comments ....