- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 3

Broadcatching behind the scenes :)
Courtesy of BABrC 2-3
Congrats, guys!! Umpisa palang 'to. Madami pa. May God bless us. =)...
published: 04 Sep 2013
Broadcatching behind the scenes :)
Broadcatching behind the scenes :)
Courtesy of BABrC 2-3 Congrats, guys!! Umpisa palang 'to. Madami pa. May God bless us. =)))- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 35

Download Station - Your 24/7 download center "QNAP QTS 4.0"
Typical Internet downloading requires the computers being turned on throughout the process...
published: 03 Jun 2013
author: QNAPTV
Download Station - Your 24/7 download center "QNAP QTS 4.0"
Download Station - Your 24/7 download center "QNAP QTS 4.0"
Typical Internet downloading requires the computers being turned on throughout the process, and it is usually energy-consuming. The Download Station serves a...- published: 03 Jun 2013
- views: 345
- author: QNAPTV

"We Are One" Labor Union Solidarity Protest Chicago, IL
www.rebelpundit.com "We Are One" Labor Union Solidarity Protest Chicago, IL, featuring Jan...
published: 11 Apr 2011
author: Rebel Pundit
"We Are One" Labor Union Solidarity Protest Chicago, IL
"We Are One" Labor Union Solidarity Protest Chicago, IL
www.rebelpundit.com "We Are One" Labor Union Solidarity Protest Chicago, IL, featuring Jan Schakowsky, Alex Armour, John Beacham, Socialists, Communists, Tea...- published: 11 Apr 2011
- views: 8985
- author: Rebel Pundit

President George W. Bush speech: making fun of himself
MAKE MONEY ONLINE http://www.webcasher.tk Hilarious and very amusing video of President Bu...
published: 12 Oct 2008
author: lordshaganoz
President George W. Bush speech: making fun of himself
President George W. Bush speech: making fun of himself
MAKE MONEY ONLINE http://www.webcasher.tk Hilarious and very amusing video of President Bush, a.k.a Dubya, making a speech about himself and his mistakes, bl...- published: 12 Oct 2008
- views: 10747
- author: lordshaganoz

Neron strong, stern Spanish filmbay Jim Perkins 2003
映画祭はひどい。 それらはブタのたわごとである。 それらは映画製作者を助けない。 問題に解決があるか。 はい、ある。 最もよいディストリビューターは Filmbay である。 すべ...
published: 25 Jun 2010
author: viralvideo2
Neron strong, stern Spanish filmbay Jim Perkins 2003
Neron strong, stern Spanish filmbay Jim Perkins 2003
映画祭はひどい。 それらはブタのたわごとである。 それらは映画製作者を助けない。 問題に解決があるか。 はい、ある。 最もよいディストリビューターは Filmbay である。 すべての生産者のために、お金をもうける唯一の方法は Filmbay.com オンラインインターネットのリーダーである。 それは今日巧妙なウ...- published: 25 Jun 2010
- views: 36
- author: viralvideo2

Chokoloskee Snook
Steve Broad catching a nice 10-15 pound snook in the backcountry, just after Everett broke...
published: 12 Jul 2008
author: Scott Baker
Chokoloskee Snook
Chokoloskee Snook
Steve Broad catching a nice 10-15 pound snook in the backcountry, just after Everett broke off a huge snook.- published: 12 Jul 2008
- views: 553
- author: Scott Baker

Video Marketing 530.582.7420 Best in Video Marketing
Most savvy Internet marketers didn't need YouTube or
the cover of Time magazine to tell t...
published: 06 Sep 2013
Video Marketing 530.582.7420 Best in Video Marketing
Video Marketing 530.582.7420 Best in Video Marketing
Most savvy Internet marketers didn't need YouTube or the cover of Time magazine to tell them video marketing is the next big thing. Most web marketers were already using and benefiting from online videos long before Time and other pundits declared video and self generated content to be having a profound impact on our daily lives. Many online marketers have been using videos for years to promote and sell their products. Mainly because the use of video marketing tool is cost-effective and a very simple way to market. It is one marketing trend no online marketer can ignore. It is already playing a major role in online marketing and will play an even greater role in the future. Just look at how video is being used by Brock Felt and Buck Rizvi to roll out their PipeLine Profits venture. These relatively unknown marketers are using video from the recent StomperNet event to introduce and gather buzz for their PipeLine (Co-Registration) Profits (www.pipelineprofits.com). You should also note how effectively blogs and podcasts are being used in this marketing product roll-out. More and more well known Internet marketers are using videos to create buzz, to promote and sell their products. From John Reese promotional video, standing at the Great Wall of China announcing his upcoming 'online training courses' (www.income.com) to Joel Comm plugging his latest AdSense Templates package on Google Video to Michael Cheney's tongue-in-cheek CMN Cheney's Marketing News. (www.cheneysmarketingnews.com) Note how Cheney is offering these videos for placement on any site around the web, building links and brand recognition in the process. Video Marketing Most marketers also use blogs to update and connect with potential clients. Blogs and RSS feeds are perhaps the more important marketing tools which actually give videos their unlimited potential. The real power behind the throne. With the advent of the next RSS empowered Windows (Vista), one would expect Blogs and RSS to play an even greater role in the Internet marketing arena. Video has truly arrived in the online marketing world. Basically, what we will see is every website on the net becoming its own broadcasting system. Its own television channel catering to a specific niche or a broad topic depending on the subject matter covered by the site. A billion channel Internet powered by RSS and video. One only has to look at how a prominent site like WebProNews.com is using videos to see how this scenario will play out. But what is truly revolutionary, you don't have to be a major player to get in this marketing game, even the smallest marketer can use and benefit from implementing their own videos. A simple video or digital camera can produce an informational video within minutes. These can range from the so-called 'poor man' Camtasia videos, to elaborate infomercials and commercials. You can then upload these videos to your blog or site and distribute them around the web within seconds. Those concerned with bandwidth costs can always upload their videos to YouTube or Google Video. This simple video marketing system is available to everyone. Nothing beats the personal and direct connection video marketing or TV makes with your potential customers and follow-up leads. It's the infomercial personalized for the web. Soon marketers will be using video software that automatically inserts their subscriber's name in their videos for a more personal touch. Similar to what we see done now with AutoResponders with the field {first_name) personalizing all correspondence with our subscribers. Expect this personalized video marketing to be a big trend in the coming years. Video Marketing Your own name is still the sweetest word on the planet. Most savvy marketers will take advantage of video marketing fact by personalizing their messages and building a genuine relationship with their clients. Personalized videos will help cement this relationship and make it stronger -- all contributing to more sales for the marketer, of course! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjpPhhVYTgo From a video marketing viewpoint: videos, podcasts, broadcatching, webcasting and video casting are all phrases for the same thing: they are all ways to get your message in front of your customers. Obviously video marketing will help you reach more customers. Video will make it easier for you to promote your products or services. Perhaps, more importantly, videos will make it easier for you to sell your products and services. It is one more tool every online marketer should have in their marketing arsenal. Video marketing is already the future of online video marketing, you should be taking full advantage of it right now. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Titus_Hoskins- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 12

The Voice- Brighter Than The Sun
Three chair turner, baby! \m/ With my girlfriends, playing The Voice app at Gateway Mall :...
published: 26 Sep 2013
The Voice- Brighter Than The Sun
The Voice- Brighter Than The Sun
Three chair turner, baby! \m/ With my girlfriends, playing The Voice app at Gateway Mall :D- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 8

The Voice- Diamonds
Three chair turner, baby! \m/ With my girlfriends, playing The Voice app at Gateway Mall :...
published: 26 Sep 2013
The Voice- Diamonds
The Voice- Diamonds
Three chair turner, baby! \m/ With my girlfriends, playing The Voice app at Gateway Mall :D- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 15

News and Public Affairs Simulation behind the scenes :)
Another one to be proud of. Congrats, BABrC 2-3!! =)))...
published: 05 Sep 2013
News and Public Affairs Simulation behind the scenes :)
News and Public Affairs Simulation behind the scenes :)
Another one to be proud of. Congrats, BABrC 2-3!! =)))- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 17

BABrC 2-3: News Simulation
This was part of a college project assigned to me and my classmate, Arvy ignacio. We were ...
published: 30 Sep 2013
BABrC 2-3: News Simulation
BABrC 2-3: News Simulation
This was part of a college project assigned to me and my classmate, Arvy ignacio. We were given the task of making this for a news simulation. Lots of work since it was our first time doing this sort of editing but hey, atleast it was a learning experience for both of us. I can't say it was all fun. But it was enjoyable to see your efforts come together.- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 11
Youtube results:

Joven Makiling singing..
hahah:] this video is quite funny.. for the friends and even for the supporters of Joven M...
published: 11 Feb 2009
author: ayeeh012
Joven Makiling singing..
Joven Makiling singing..
hahah:] this video is quite funny.. for the friends and even for the supporters of Joven Makiling, please watch this video.. thank you.. i am his fan and bes...- published: 11 Feb 2009
- views: 150
- author: ayeeh012

for the teacher's day..
hmp.xD.. he's angry with the class presidents cause we're not listening to him.. but, it's...
published: 11 Feb 2009
author: ayeeh012
for the teacher's day..
for the teacher's day..
hmp.xD.. he's angry with the class presidents cause we're not listening to him.. but, it's just for fun!! no offsense.. heheh.. thanks again!- published: 11 Feb 2009
- views: 65
- author: ayeeh012