Ten years ago I was a freshman in college sitting in a physics classroom. I watched the
9/11 attacks on TV with my professors and classmates. When we first saw the towers go down, our initial conclusion was that they had been blown up. I left campus that day with a friend and drove out to the country expecting a scene like the movie "
Red Dawn" to unfold. When nothing happened I went back to my normal way of student life and never thought about or questioned what I saw on TV that day until 4 years later when I watched a documentary about the attacks which piques my interest.
I began my research as a skeptic with scientific training and background, but soon began to uncover overwhelming evidence of a larger conspiracy. I decided to devote all my time towards uncovering and exposing the truth in order to bring justice to the thousands who lost their lives that tragic day.
This video is a compilation of all the best evidence I have found in the past 6 years of research I have done into
9/11. My aim is to encourage viewers to support the victim's families plea for a new investigation of 9/11 and give them the specific areas and people who I feel should be investigated most.
Thanks, please comment below if you would like additional sources and research material for topics covered in this video.
John Oneil (
Able Danger) flight training:
1. Four hijackers' ID'd as al-Qaeda before 9/11, officer says
2. 9/11
Commission's Staff
Rejected Report on
Early Identification of
Chief Hijacker
3. Former assistant director of the
FBI and an expert on terrorism
John O'Neill starts his first day of work at the
WTC. (
Sep, 10,
Officer Says
Pentagon Barred
Sharing Pre-9/11 Qaeda
Data With
5. Four in 9/11
Plot Are Called Tied to Qaeda in '00
6. Much Larger Able Danger
Archive: http://summeroftruth.org/atta2.html
Henry Kissinger:
November 29,
2002 -
President Bush names former
Secretary of State, former
National Security advisor, and former
Unocal consultant Henry Kissinger to head the "independent" 9/11 investigations.
December 12, 2002 -
Democrats want Henry Kissinger to name his business clients.
December 13, 2002 - Henry Kissinger resigns as head of 9/11 commission.
Rumsfeld Trillions:
September 10, 2001 -
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announces that the Pentagon has lost track of $2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS of military spending.
http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/2001/s20010910-secdef.html (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU4GdHLUHwU (
Live footage of the speech)
Ex. CIA-director, former
President, and President Bush's Dad,
George H.W. Bush, meets with one of
Osama Bin Laden's brothers at a
Carlyle business conference in
Washington D.C.
a) http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/columnists/article881598
b) http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2002/jun/16/features.magazine57
c) http://www.economist.com/books/displaystory
9/11 - Sen.
Bob Graham (
D-FL) and Rep.
Porter Goss (
R-FL) -- the chairmen of the
Senate and
House Intelligence Committees -- along with Sen.
John Kyl (
R-AZ) and some other members of the
House Intelligence Committee are in a meeting at the
Capital building with the director of
Pakistani intelligence (
Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmad, who authorized a $
000 wire transfer to alleged lead 9/11 hijacker,
Mohamed Atta.
- published: 11 Sep 2011
- views: 55158