5 Thug Life od Nikola Gruevski
Ali Ahmeti dhe Nikola Gruevski
Dictator Nikola Gruevski-press conference 25/02/2015
Nikola Gruevski press conference 25/02/2015
People give you a red card.....
Nikola Gruevski Macedonia is not ur private property,
Nikola Gruevski have no courage to honestly look into the eyes of journalists .. you are totally broken in lie.
Seen it on the facial expression. Ah well man, Spoils man power. Severe mafia, so look ..
-you've gone too far as you bet no other government.See here
VO CENTAR 10 Razliki megju Ljubco Georgievski i Nikola Gruevski
Vasko Eftov gi zakopa politicarite. Nikola Gruevski, Branko Crvenkovski, Buckoski...
Васко Ефтов повторно ги "закопа" политичарите на свој начин.
Бранко е екстра пушач,
Никола го прегазив и потоа ми падна жал,
Бучкоски цреши да го прашаш кај крадел ко дете ќе ти каже.
Copyright © 2015. Radio Balkanika. All rights Reserved
#BOMBA 2015 [Прислушување ] 5 [Audio-9] Mile Janakieski - Nikola Gruevski
Nikola Gruevski goes to work
Prime minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski goes to work on sept-22-2008.
Matematikata na Nikola Gruevski 363 + 208 = 700
Matematikata na Nikola Gruevski 363 + 208 = 700.
Spot na Pesna za Nikola Gruevski
PM Gruevski says opposition 'holds Macedonia hostage'
PM Gruevski says opposition 'holds Macedonia hostage'
24.12.2015 http://vlada.mk/node/11641
While we are thinking of opening new jobs, projects providing houses for the young, building plants, roads, new hospitals, faculties, while we are thinking of how to implement projects in the interest of the people, someone else has been thinking about fake documents, destruction, scenarios, set-ups, disto
K-15 - Nikola Gruevski - Izbor na kapa
K-15 - Nikola Gruevski - Izbor na kapa.
Vlog: Luna zaljubljena u Nikola Gruevski, Skopje - Visiting Macedonia
Luna zaljubljena u Nikola Gruevski Skopje
Visiting Macedonia
Interview 20 - Nikola Gruevski, Sanela Prašović Gadžo
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Will Not Give Up, There Will Be No Retreat!
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Will Not Give Up, There Will Be No Retreat! https://www.facebook.com/NGruevski 18.05.2015 http://vmro-dpmne.org.mk/
“Tonight we are more numerous than ever before. A river consisted of dignified and proud people. We were silent for a while, but it is time for Macedonia to respond. Our people know who they are and their ideals helped us", Prime Minister Nikola Gru
Branko Crvenkovski za Nikola Gruevski i Aminta 3
Branko Crvenkovski za Nikola Gruevski i Aminta 3.
nikola gruevski bokser na mladi godini
Nikola Gruevski - Vtevme
Види повеќе на: http://thacasper.blogspot.com/
Како Груевски еден ден се изненади од тоа лебот :)
Сите коментари вон темата се, и ќе бидат избришани.
premierot Nikola Gruevski sutira penali
Nikola Gruevski vo X/O kaj Robert Popovski
Intervjuto koe ja odbeleza 2012-ta godina.
nikola gruevski
x 0 25 06 2012 NIKOLA GRUEVSKI
Illuminati Confirmed - Nikola Gruevski
Premier Macedonia Nikola Gruevski is Illuminati.
Illuminati is Everywhere !!!
Pesna za Nikola Gruevski
Dictator Nikola Gruevski-press conference 25/02/2015
Nikola Gruevski press conference 25/02/2015
People give you a red card.....
Nikola Gruevski Macedonia is not ur private property,
Nikola Gruevski have no c...
Nikola Gruevski press conference 25/02/2015
People give you a red card.....
Nikola Gruevski Macedonia is not ur private property,
Nikola Gruevski have no courage to honestly look into the eyes of journalists .. you are totally broken in lie.
Seen it on the facial expression. Ah well man, Spoils man power. Severe mafia, so look ..
-you've gone too far as you bet no other government.See here : www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWul_lAZ47U
Where is our awareness ? anywhere, wake you all politicians, people must to seized power without you....
wn.com/Dictator Nikola Gruevski Press Conference 25 02 2015
Nikola Gruevski press conference 25/02/2015
People give you a red card.....
Nikola Gruevski Macedonia is not ur private property,
Nikola Gruevski have no courage to honestly look into the eyes of journalists .. you are totally broken in lie.
Seen it on the facial expression. Ah well man, Spoils man power. Severe mafia, so look ..
-you've gone too far as you bet no other government.See here : www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWul_lAZ47U
Where is our awareness ? anywhere, wake you all politicians, people must to seized power without you....
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 17
Vasko Eftov gi zakopa politicarite. Nikola Gruevski, Branko Crvenkovski, Buckoski...
Васко Ефтов повторно ги "закопа" политичарите на свој начин.
Бранко е екстра пушач,
Никола го прегазив и потоа ми падна жал,
Бучкоски цреши да го прашаш кај кра...
Васко Ефтов повторно ги "закопа" политичарите на свој начин.
Бранко е екстра пушач,
Никола го прегазив и потоа ми падна жал,
Бучкоски цреши да го прашаш кај крадел ко дете ќе ти каже.
Copyright © 2015. Radio Balkanika. All rights Reserved
wn.com/Vasko Eftov Gi Zakopa Politicarite. Nikola Gruevski, Branko Crvenkovski, Buckoski...
Васко Ефтов повторно ги "закопа" политичарите на свој начин.
Бранко е екстра пушач,
Никола го прегазив и потоа ми падна жал,
Бучкоски цреши да го прашаш кај крадел ко дете ќе ти каже.
Copyright © 2015. Radio Balkanika. All rights Reserved
- published: 20 Mar 2015
- views: 117
Nikola Gruevski goes to work
Prime minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski goes to work on sept-22-2008....
Prime minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski goes to work on sept-22-2008.
wn.com/Nikola Gruevski Goes To Work
Prime minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski goes to work on sept-22-2008.
Matematikata na Nikola Gruevski 363 + 208 = 700
Matematikata na Nikola Gruevski 363 + 208 = 700....
Matematikata na Nikola Gruevski 363 + 208 = 700.
wn.com/Matematikata Na Nikola Gruevski 363 208 700
Matematikata na Nikola Gruevski 363 + 208 = 700.
- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 6225
author: mk fans
PM Gruevski says opposition 'holds Macedonia hostage'
PM Gruevski says opposition 'holds Macedonia hostage'
24.12.2015 http://vlada.mk/node/11641
While we are thinking of opening new jobs, projects providing house...
PM Gruevski says opposition 'holds Macedonia hostage'
24.12.2015 http://vlada.mk/node/11641
While we are thinking of opening new jobs, projects providing houses for the young, building plants, roads, new hospitals, faculties, while we are thinking of how to implement projects in the interest of the people, someone else has been thinking about fake documents, destruction, scenarios, set-ups, distorted constructions and appalling moves. This is not politics anymore. Our people haven’t deserved it. Someone is attempting to kidnap the country and to hold the country hostage. Our patience is wearing thin, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski says Wednesday in a written statement in connection to the so called “Factory of Affairs”.
“We thought the opposition had hit rock bottom a few days ago, however now they have definitely penetrated the bottom itself. This must be investigated thoroughly and all perpetrators must be brought to justice. All connections between this case and other major cases have to be investigated. An investigation must be conducted and it has to be revealed how doctored recordings and fake documents produced in the Factory of Affairs have ended up in neighboring countries. Who are those responsible for trading these things? Not only this has many other qualifications, but these are also typical anti-state actions against the Republic of Macedonia and its citizens. This cannot be justified with awkward statements and interviews with individuals of the opposition that only serve when phony confidence should be demonstrated,” PM Gruevski adds.
This is shameful and pathetic behavior, according to him. “I can see that even the journalists known as the staunchest of supporters of the opposition cannot find a way to justify opposition politicians.”
Gruevski says these actions have two objectives. “Their first objective is to continue the agony and destruction directed by the opposition… The second goal is to have the forthcoming elections postponed.”
We, the PM says, have done everything we were asked to do despite even being criticized for yielding too much, which has resulted in a bunch of conspiracy theories about this.
“Macedonia is held hostage by the madness of a handful of people from the opposition who are engulfed in their own criminal behavior. Being pressured by their own failure, they make actions that are desperate,” reads PM Gruevski’s written statement.
Изјава на претседателот на Владата на Република Македонија, г-дин Никола Груевски, за случајот Фабрика за афери http://vlada.mk/node/11636
Додека ние мислиме на отворање нови работни места, на куќи за младите, на градење фабрики, патишта, нови болници, факултети, додека мислиме како да реализираме проекти од интерес за народот, некој мислел на фалсификати, деструкција, сценарија, местенки, лажни конструкции и гнасни потези. Тоа не е политика. Ова веќе не е политика. Нашиот народ не го заслужил ова. Некој се обидува да ја киднапира државата и ја држи во заложништво и нашето трпение за ближи кон крајот. Ако до пред некој ден мислевме дека опозицијата го допрела дното, сега е дефинитивно дека го пробија и дното. Ова мора да се истражи до крај, и сите виновници да одговараат пред законот. Мора да се истражат сите поврзаности на овој случај со други големи случаи. Мора да се истражат безбедносните аспекти на овој случај со други случаи. Мора да се истражи и објави како конструирани снимки и фалсификати произведени во Фабриката за афери завршувале во соседни земји. Кој тоа правел трговија со овие работи? Тоа не само што има и други квалификации туку е и класично антидржавно однесување против Република Македонија и нејзините граѓани. И ова не може да се оправда со невешти изјави и интервјуа на лица од опозицијата кои служат само за прикажување на лажна самодоверба.
wn.com/Pm Gruevski Says Opposition 'Holds Macedonia Hostage'
PM Gruevski says opposition 'holds Macedonia hostage'
24.12.2015 http://vlada.mk/node/11641
While we are thinking of opening new jobs, projects providing houses for the young, building plants, roads, new hospitals, faculties, while we are thinking of how to implement projects in the interest of the people, someone else has been thinking about fake documents, destruction, scenarios, set-ups, distorted constructions and appalling moves. This is not politics anymore. Our people haven’t deserved it. Someone is attempting to kidnap the country and to hold the country hostage. Our patience is wearing thin, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski says Wednesday in a written statement in connection to the so called “Factory of Affairs”.
“We thought the opposition had hit rock bottom a few days ago, however now they have definitely penetrated the bottom itself. This must be investigated thoroughly and all perpetrators must be brought to justice. All connections between this case and other major cases have to be investigated. An investigation must be conducted and it has to be revealed how doctored recordings and fake documents produced in the Factory of Affairs have ended up in neighboring countries. Who are those responsible for trading these things? Not only this has many other qualifications, but these are also typical anti-state actions against the Republic of Macedonia and its citizens. This cannot be justified with awkward statements and interviews with individuals of the opposition that only serve when phony confidence should be demonstrated,” PM Gruevski adds.
This is shameful and pathetic behavior, according to him. “I can see that even the journalists known as the staunchest of supporters of the opposition cannot find a way to justify opposition politicians.”
Gruevski says these actions have two objectives. “Their first objective is to continue the agony and destruction directed by the opposition… The second goal is to have the forthcoming elections postponed.”
We, the PM says, have done everything we were asked to do despite even being criticized for yielding too much, which has resulted in a bunch of conspiracy theories about this.
“Macedonia is held hostage by the madness of a handful of people from the opposition who are engulfed in their own criminal behavior. Being pressured by their own failure, they make actions that are desperate,” reads PM Gruevski’s written statement.
Изјава на претседателот на Владата на Република Македонија, г-дин Никола Груевски, за случајот Фабрика за афери http://vlada.mk/node/11636
Додека ние мислиме на отворање нови работни места, на куќи за младите, на градење фабрики, патишта, нови болници, факултети, додека мислиме како да реализираме проекти од интерес за народот, некој мислел на фалсификати, деструкција, сценарија, местенки, лажни конструкции и гнасни потези. Тоа не е политика. Ова веќе не е политика. Нашиот народ не го заслужил ова. Некој се обидува да ја киднапира државата и ја држи во заложништво и нашето трпение за ближи кон крајот. Ако до пред некој ден мислевме дека опозицијата го допрела дното, сега е дефинитивно дека го пробија и дното. Ова мора да се истражи до крај, и сите виновници да одговараат пред законот. Мора да се истражат сите поврзаности на овој случај со други големи случаи. Мора да се истражат безбедносните аспекти на овој случај со други случаи. Мора да се истражи и објави како конструирани снимки и фалсификати произведени во Фабриката за афери завршувале во соседни земји. Кој тоа правел трговија со овие работи? Тоа не само што има и други квалификации туку е и класично антидржавно однесување против Република Македонија и нејзините граѓани. И ова не може да се оправда со невешти изјави и интервјуа на лица од опозицијата кои служат само за прикажување на лажна самодоверба.
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 74
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Will Not Give Up, There Will Be No Retreat!
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Will Not Give Up, There Will Be No Retreat! https://www.facebook.com/NGruevski 18.05.2015 http://vmro-dpmne.org.mk/
“Tonight ...
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Will Not Give Up, There Will Be No Retreat! https://www.facebook.com/NGruevski 18.05.2015 http://vmro-dpmne.org.mk/
“Tonight we are more numerous than ever before. A river consisted of dignified and proud people. We were silent for a while, but it is time for Macedonia to respond. Our people know who they are and their ideals helped us", Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said on Monday night speech in front of over 90,000 citizens, at the big rally in Skopje.
Not only that Zaev will never be a prime minister, but he will no longer be Mayor of Strumica, his time has passed. Macedonia will not allow having a prime minister that would fall down to his knees. They still haven’t managed to get to power, but the apartments they own, could not be counted", Gruevski said.
He stressed that there will be no retreat, that they won’t meet the requirements of the opposition.
"Are they the politicians who will bring democracy and freedom. They are the democrats that beat their own police officers and trample the Macedonian flag. The people tonight are the best answer for them. Macedonia will not give up, Macedonia is strong. There will be no retreat."
wn.com/Prime Minister Gruevski Macedonia Will Not Give Up, There Will Be No Retreat
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Will Not Give Up, There Will Be No Retreat! https://www.facebook.com/NGruevski 18.05.2015 http://vmro-dpmne.org.mk/
“Tonight we are more numerous than ever before. A river consisted of dignified and proud people. We were silent for a while, but it is time for Macedonia to respond. Our people know who they are and their ideals helped us", Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said on Monday night speech in front of over 90,000 citizens, at the big rally in Skopje.
Not only that Zaev will never be a prime minister, but he will no longer be Mayor of Strumica, his time has passed. Macedonia will not allow having a prime minister that would fall down to his knees. They still haven’t managed to get to power, but the apartments they own, could not be counted", Gruevski said.
He stressed that there will be no retreat, that they won’t meet the requirements of the opposition.
"Are they the politicians who will bring democracy and freedom. They are the democrats that beat their own police officers and trample the Macedonian flag. The people tonight are the best answer for them. Macedonia will not give up, Macedonia is strong. There will be no retreat."
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 61
Nikola Gruevski - Vtevme
Види повеќе на: http://thacasper.blogspot.com/
Како Груевски еден ден се изненади од тоа лебот :)
Сите коментари вон темата се, и ќе бидат избришани....
Види повеќе на: http://thacasper.blogspot.com/
Како Груевски еден ден се изненади од тоа лебот :)
Сите коментари вон темата се, и ќе бидат избришани.
wn.com/Nikola Gruevski Vtevme
Види повеќе на: http://thacasper.blogspot.com/
Како Груевски еден ден се изненади од тоа лебот :)
Сите коментари вон темата се, и ќе бидат избришани.
- published: 10 May 2007
- views: 189758
Illuminati Confirmed - Nikola Gruevski
Premier Macedonia Nikola Gruevski is Illuminati.
Illuminati is Everywhere !!!...
Premier Macedonia Nikola Gruevski is Illuminati.
Illuminati is Everywhere !!!
wn.com/Illuminati Confirmed Nikola Gruevski
Premier Macedonia Nikola Gruevski is Illuminati.
Illuminati is Everywhere !!!
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 721
Pesna za Nikola Gruevski
Да живее ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Да живее МАКЕДОНИЈА....
wn.com/Pesna Za Nikola Gruevski
- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 21
author: mczoze1998
Interview 20 Nikola Gruevski Trailer
Interview with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
A Bulgarian journalist interviews a person in FYROM.
A Bulgarian reporter interviews someone from Skopje. When the Bulgarian reporter asks "Why can they understand each other"? ...The old man reply is priceless :) This is FYROM.
Gruevski for “Leaders”: Advantages of Macedonia
Gruevski for “Leaders”: Advantages of Macedonia
http://www.alfa.mk/News.aspx?id=104461 14.01.2016 http://kurir.mk/en/?p=52112
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in the interview with US magazine “Leaders” talks on the strategic priorities of the Government for foreign investment, opportunities for development and stability of the country, the refugee crisis etc.
“Leaders” magazine was founded in 197
Ljubco Georgievski : MACEDONIANS WERE GREEKS !
Interview with UMD Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. - Part 1
UMD President Metodija A. Koloski interviewed UMD Lifetime Achievement Award recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. during the 2nd Annual United Macedonian Diaspor...
Interview with UMD Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. - Part 2
UMD President Metodija A. Koloski interviewed UMD Lifetime Achievement Award recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. during the 2nd Annual United Macedonian Diaspor...
FYROM: Broad Alliance against Gruevski- Protest on May 17
FYROM: Stevo Pendarovski Announces the 17th of May protest against Nikola Gruevski
Vladislav Perunović – (wperunovic@gmail.com)
Former candidate for President of FYROM, Social-Democrat Stevo Pendarovski announced the plan for forming a wide coallition against Nikola Gruevski and his ruling VMRO-DPMNE. During the interview for the press he emphasized that the time demands forming a wide coalition,
GRUEVSKI - interview before elections - 2008
Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" M...
Nikos Grujos - Nikola Gruevski
Koj e Nikola Gruevski
Кој е Никола Груевски
Никос Грујос
Nikos Grujos
Copyright © 2015. Radio Balkanika. All rights Reserved
Macedonia Anto-Government Protests: Activists demand PM Nikola Gruevski resigns
Massive protests in Macedonia. Tens of thousands of people demanded the prime minister’s resignation following weeks of revelations surrounding a high-profile wiretapping scandal. Crowds packed into central Skopje shouting anti-government slogans, in what was a dramatic display of ethnic unity between Macedonians and Albanians.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.
Prime minister Nikola Gruevski - Macedonia - Greece
Prime minister Nikola Gruevski - Macedonia - Greece My message today is simple. Do not forget the Balkans. Do not forget the Republic of Macedonia, not to fo...
A Bulgarian journalist interviews a person in FYROM.
A Bulgarian reporter interviews someone from Skopje. When the Bulgarian reporter asks "Why can they understand each other"? ...The old man reply is priceless ...
A Bulgarian reporter interviews someone from Skopje. When the Bulgarian reporter asks "Why can they understand each other"? ...The old man reply is priceless :) This is FYROM.
wn.com/A Bulgarian Journalist Interviews A Person In Fyrom.
A Bulgarian reporter interviews someone from Skopje. When the Bulgarian reporter asks "Why can they understand each other"? ...The old man reply is priceless :) This is FYROM.
- published: 04 Jul 2015
- views: 415
Gruevski for “Leaders”: Advantages of Macedonia
Gruevski for “Leaders”: Advantages of Macedonia
http://www.alfa.mk/News.aspx?id=104461 14.01.2016 http://kurir.mk/en/?p=52112
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in...
Gruevski for “Leaders”: Advantages of Macedonia
http://www.alfa.mk/News.aspx?id=104461 14.01.2016 http://kurir.mk/en/?p=52112
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in the interview with US magazine “Leaders” talks on the strategic priorities of the Government for foreign investment, opportunities for development and stability of the country, the refugee crisis etc.
“Leaders” magazine was founded in 1978 and deals with world leaders in politics, diplomacy, business, media. Leaders is the only worldwide magazine that deals with the broad range of leadership thoughts and visions of the world’s most influential people. “Leaders” magazine is a forum of ideas and opinions of world leaders on key topical issues.
wn.com/Gruevski For “Leaders” Advantages Of Macedonia
Gruevski for “Leaders”: Advantages of Macedonia
http://www.alfa.mk/News.aspx?id=104461 14.01.2016 http://kurir.mk/en/?p=52112
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in the interview with US magazine “Leaders” talks on the strategic priorities of the Government for foreign investment, opportunities for development and stability of the country, the refugee crisis etc.
“Leaders” magazine was founded in 1978 and deals with world leaders in politics, diplomacy, business, media. Leaders is the only worldwide magazine that deals with the broad range of leadership thoughts and visions of the world’s most influential people. “Leaders” magazine is a forum of ideas and opinions of world leaders on key topical issues.
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 99
Ljubco Georgievski : MACEDONIANS WERE GREEKS !
wn.com/Ljubco Georgievski Macedonians Were Greeks
- published: 18 Dec 2011
- views: 33577
author: dut888
Interview with UMD Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. - Part 1
UMD President Metodija A. Koloski interviewed UMD Lifetime Achievement Award recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. during the 2nd Annual United Macedonian Diaspor......
UMD President Metodija A. Koloski interviewed UMD Lifetime Achievement Award recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. during the 2nd Annual United Macedonian Diaspor...
wn.com/Interview With Umd Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. Part 1
UMD President Metodija A. Koloski interviewed UMD Lifetime Achievement Award recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. during the 2nd Annual United Macedonian Diaspor...
Interview with UMD Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. - Part 2
UMD President Metodija A. Koloski interviewed UMD Lifetime Achievement Award recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. during the 2nd Annual United Macedonian Diaspor......
UMD President Metodija A. Koloski interviewed UMD Lifetime Achievement Award recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. during the 2nd Annual United Macedonian Diaspor...
wn.com/Interview With Umd Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. Part 2
UMD President Metodija A. Koloski interviewed UMD Lifetime Achievement Award recipient John L.N. Bitove, C.M. during the 2nd Annual United Macedonian Diaspor...
FYROM: Broad Alliance against Gruevski- Protest on May 17
FYROM: Stevo Pendarovski Announces the 17th of May protest against Nikola Gruevski
Vladislav Perunović – (wperunovic@gmail.com)
Former candidate for President ...
FYROM: Stevo Pendarovski Announces the 17th of May protest against Nikola Gruevski
Vladislav Perunović – (wperunovic@gmail.com)
Former candidate for President of FYROM, Social-Democrat Stevo Pendarovski announced the plan for forming a wide coallition against Nikola Gruevski and his ruling VMRO-DPMNE. During the interview for the press he emphasized that the time demands forming a wide coalition, even among political subjects that ideologically disagree with each other, since the priority is 'removal of Nikola Gruevski from power. The demonstrations should start at 17th of May this year. Pendarovski stated that citizens of all ethnicities, faiths, political orientations are free to contact SDSM and to obtain the concrete plan for the mass-protest.
Ο πρώην υποψήφιος για την προεδρία της πΓΔΜ, ο σοσιαλδημοκράτης Στέβο Πενταρόφσκι, ανακοίνωσε το σχέδιο για το σχηματισμό μιας ευρείας συμμαχίας κατά του Νίκολα Γκρούεφσκι και του καθεστώτος του VMRO-DPMNE.
Κατά τη διάρκεια συνέντευξης Τύπου τόνισε ότι η χρονική συγκυρία απαιτεί το σχηματισμό ενός ευρύ συνασπισμού, ακόμη και με πολιτικές δομές που ιδεολογικά διαφωνούν μεταξύ τους, δεδομένου ότι προτεραιότητα έχει «η πτώση του Νίκολα Γκρούεφσκι από την εξουσία».
Οι διαδηλώσεις αναμένονται να αρχίσουν στις 17 Μαΐου του τρέχοντος έτους. Ο Πενταρόφσκι δήλωσε ότι οι πολίτες όλων των εθνοτήτων, θρησκειών, πολιτικών προσανατολισμών, μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν με το κόμμα της Σοσιαλδημοκρατικής Ένωσης – SDSM, και να σχεδιάσουν από κοινού τη μαζική διαμαρτυρία.
The Hellenic Information Team
© Βαλκανικό Περισκόπιο -Γιῶργος Ἐχέδωρος
wn.com/Fyrom Broad Alliance Against Gruevski Protest On May 17
FYROM: Stevo Pendarovski Announces the 17th of May protest against Nikola Gruevski
Vladislav Perunović – (wperunovic@gmail.com)
Former candidate for President of FYROM, Social-Democrat Stevo Pendarovski announced the plan for forming a wide coallition against Nikola Gruevski and his ruling VMRO-DPMNE. During the interview for the press he emphasized that the time demands forming a wide coalition, even among political subjects that ideologically disagree with each other, since the priority is 'removal of Nikola Gruevski from power. The demonstrations should start at 17th of May this year. Pendarovski stated that citizens of all ethnicities, faiths, political orientations are free to contact SDSM and to obtain the concrete plan for the mass-protest.
Ο πρώην υποψήφιος για την προεδρία της πΓΔΜ, ο σοσιαλδημοκράτης Στέβο Πενταρόφσκι, ανακοίνωσε το σχέδιο για το σχηματισμό μιας ευρείας συμμαχίας κατά του Νίκολα Γκρούεφσκι και του καθεστώτος του VMRO-DPMNE.
Κατά τη διάρκεια συνέντευξης Τύπου τόνισε ότι η χρονική συγκυρία απαιτεί το σχηματισμό ενός ευρύ συνασπισμού, ακόμη και με πολιτικές δομές που ιδεολογικά διαφωνούν μεταξύ τους, δεδομένου ότι προτεραιότητα έχει «η πτώση του Νίκολα Γκρούεφσκι από την εξουσία».
Οι διαδηλώσεις αναμένονται να αρχίσουν στις 17 Μαΐου του τρέχοντος έτους. Ο Πενταρόφσκι δήλωσε ότι οι πολίτες όλων των εθνοτήτων, θρησκειών, πολιτικών προσανατολισμών, μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν με το κόμμα της Σοσιαλδημοκρατικής Ένωσης – SDSM, και να σχεδιάσουν από κοινού τη μαζική διαμαρτυρία.
The Hellenic Information Team
© Βαλκανικό Περισκόπιο -Γιῶργος Ἐχέδωρος
- published: 08 May 2015
- views: 18
GRUEVSKI - interview before elections - 2008
Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" M......
Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" M...
wn.com/Gruevski Interview Before Elections 2008
Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" M...
Nikos Grujos - Nikola Gruevski
Koj e Nikola Gruevski
Кој е Никола Груевски
Никос Грујос
Nikos Grujos
Copyright © 2015. Radio Balkanika. All rights Reserv...
Koj e Nikola Gruevski
Кој е Никола Груевски
Никос Грујос
Nikos Grujos
Copyright © 2015. Radio Balkanika. All rights Reserved
wn.com/Nikos Grujos Nikola Gruevski
Koj e Nikola Gruevski
Кој е Никола Груевски
Никос Грујос
Nikos Grujos
Copyright © 2015. Radio Balkanika. All rights Reserved
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 131
Macedonia Anto-Government Protests: Activists demand PM Nikola Gruevski resigns
Massive protests in Macedonia. Tens of thousands of people demanded the prime minister’s resignation following weeks of revelations surrounding a high-profile w...
Massive protests in Macedonia. Tens of thousands of people demanded the prime minister’s resignation following weeks of revelations surrounding a high-profile wiretapping scandal. Crowds packed into central Skopje shouting anti-government slogans, in what was a dramatic display of ethnic unity between Macedonians and Albanians.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
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wn.com/Macedonia Anto Government Protests Activists Demand Pm Nikola Gruevski Resigns
Massive protests in Macedonia. Tens of thousands of people demanded the prime minister’s resignation following weeks of revelations surrounding a high-profile wiretapping scandal. Crowds packed into central Skopje shouting anti-government slogans, in what was a dramatic display of ethnic unity between Macedonians and Albanians.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
- published: 17 May 2015
- views: 7
Prime minister Nikola Gruevski - Macedonia - Greece
Prime minister Nikola Gruevski - Macedonia - Greece My message today is simple. Do not forget the Balkans. Do not forget the Republic of Macedonia, not to fo......
Prime minister Nikola Gruevski - Macedonia - Greece My message today is simple. Do not forget the Balkans. Do not forget the Republic of Macedonia, not to fo...
wn.com/Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski Macedonia Greece
Prime minister Nikola Gruevski - Macedonia - Greece My message today is simple. Do not forget the Balkans. Do not forget the Republic of Macedonia, not to fo...
- published: 10 Dec 2009
- views: 12192
author: oooMKDooo
PM Netanyahu Meets Macedonian PM Gruevski
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם ראש ממשלת מקדוניה ניקולא גרוייבסקי
וידאו: איתי בית-און, לע"מ
סאונד: ניר שרף, לע"מ
Nikola Gruevski vo poseta na Kocani i Vinica
Svadba Vencafka Nikola Gruevski 200.000 evra 2015
Seanca për llogaridhënien, Gruevski vihet nën akuza - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Deputetët e opozitës e kanë pritur me akuza të rënda kryeministrin maqedonas, Nikola Gruevski, në seancën mujore kushtuar llogaridhënies së qeverisë para të zgjedhurve të popullit.
PM Gruevski: : Macedonia Is Open for Chinese Investments
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Is Open for Chinese Investments Преговараме со повеќе кинески компании заинересирани за инвестирање во Македонија http://vlada.mk/node/9875?language=en-gb 25.11.2015 http://www.alfa.mk/ Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski and Deputy Economy Minister Hristijan Delev took part Tuesda
China Daily: Macedonia is credible friend and partner
China Daily: Macedonia is credible friend and partner
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in Beijing met with Prime Minister of China, Li Keqiang. 27.11.2015 http://www.alfa.mk/
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang yesterday met with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in Beijing, where reached Agreement on cooperation in infrastructure and industrialization, writes China Daily.
Noting tha
Gruevski odi vo zatvor !!!
pesna za Nikola Gruevski
EPP Madrid Congress - Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of F.Y.R.O. Macedonia
The speech of Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of F.Y.R.O. Macedonia, at the EPP Congress in Madrid. This video is free of rights. Fore more requests contact: connect@epp.eu #Together #WeAreFamily
FYROM*'s PM Gruevski Invokes Patriotism Of The 1903 Thessaloniki Terrorists
During the 2015 celebration of the day of foundation of the VMRO (Internal “Macedonian” Revolutionary Organization) in Thessaloniki, on the 23rd of October 1893, which is a national holiday in the *Former YugoSLAV Republic of "Makedonija", its Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, at the end of a long self-serving speech during a solemn academic meeting, concluded his address to the nation with an alle
President of the Government – Nikola Gruevski
President of the Government – Nikola Gruevski
NIKOLA GRUEVSKI si naraca prasanje....Fokus otkriva
Nikola Gruevski vo 2003 i Nikola Gruevski vo 2011
Who (or What) Really Is the FYROM*'s Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski?
Nikos Grouios, the Greek grandfather of the *Former YugoSLAV Republic of "Makedonija's" PM Nikola Gruevski, was born in the village of Achlada in the Florina Municipality, West Macedonia province in Greece and was killed in 1940 in the mountains of Albania, while fighting the Italian invaders.
The end of the Greek civil war in 1949 found the grandmother and the father of Nikola Gruevski on the te
Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine - Débat 2015 de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU
Allocution de S.E. M. Nikola Gruevski, Président de l'Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine, lors du Débat général de la 70e session de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU
NIKOLA GRUEVSKI =Makedonski Sanader
Nikola Gruevski: IMAJ TRETO DETE
Nikola Gruevski: IMAJ TRETO DETE
The Independence Day in Macedonia
SKOPJE, MACEDONIA - SEPTEMBER 8: Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski attend a ceremony to mark Independence Day in Skopje, Macedonia on September 8, 2015. Macenodian soldiers stand during ceremony to mark Independence Day in Skopje, Macedonia. Footage by Toni Nikolovski / Anadolu Agency .
7NEWS - kanal informativ Shqiptar - Tring TV
Kanali informativ i Platformes Shqiptare Televizive dixhitale Tring TV.
Lajmet më të fundit vijnë tek ju në kohë rekord, nga gazetarët tanë në terren 24 orë gjatë 7 ditëve të javës.
PM Netanyahu Meets Macedonian PM Gruevski
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם ראש ממשלת מקדוניה ניקולא גרוייבסקי
וידאו: אי...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם ראש ממשלת מקדוניה ניקולא גרוייבסקי
וידאו: איתי בית-און, לע"מ
סאונד: ניר שרף, לע"מ
wn.com/Pm Netanyahu Meets Macedonian Pm Gruevski
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם ראש ממשלת מקדוניה ניקולא גרוייבסקי
וידאו: איתי בית-און, לע"מ
סאונד: ניר שרף, לע"מ
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 388
Seanca për llogaridhënien, Gruevski vihet nën akuza - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
Deputetët e opozitës e kanë pritur me akuza të rënda kryeministrin maqedonas, Nikola Gruevski, në seancën mujore kushtuar llogaridhënies së qeverisë para të zgj...
Deputetët e opozitës e kanë pritur me akuza të rënda kryeministrin maqedonas, Nikola Gruevski, në seancën mujore kushtuar llogaridhënies së qeverisë para të zgjedhurve të popullit.
wn.com/Seanca Për Llogaridhënien, Gruevski Vihet Nën Akuza Top Channel Albania News Lajme
Deputetët e opozitës e kanë pritur me akuza të rënda kryeministrin maqedonas, Nikola Gruevski, në seancën mujore kushtuar llogaridhënies së qeverisë para të zgjedhurve të popullit.
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 266
PM Gruevski: : Macedonia Is Open for Chinese Investments
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Is Open for Chinese Investments Преговараме со повеќе кинески компании заинересирани за инвестирање во Македонија http://vlad...
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Is Open for Chinese Investments Преговараме со повеќе кинески компании заинересирани за инвестирање во Македонија http://vlada.mk/node/9875?language=en-gb 25.11.2015 http://www.alfa.mk/ Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski and Deputy Economy Minister Hristijan Delev took part Tuesday at the 4th Summit of Heads of Government of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and China, and the 5th National Economic and Trade Forum in Suzhou, China.
Prime Minister Gruevski addressed the summit of Heads of Government, attended by delegations from 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, along with the host, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.
"Macedonia and China are tied by traditional friendship, bilateral relations are continually enhanced, accompanied by important projects within the Central European Initiative", said Gruevski.
He stressed that in the framework of China's commitment to the CEE cooperation process, Macedonia has recognized and accepted the opportunities for funding infrastructure projects, the Government said in a press release.
Gruevski said Macedonia is the first country to sign an agreement over the use of a portion of the funds, allocated for the construction of new motorway sections Skopje-Stip and Kicevo-Ohrid.
He also referred to the possibilities for future cooperation and projects of enormous significance for the country and region.
"Important European corridors pass through Macedonia and the country is interested in involvement into joint infrastructure projects within the 16+1 cooperation process. The Government is fully committed to attracting foreign companies and open for Chinese investments", said Gruevski.
Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said cooperation between China and CEE states is an example of commitment and use of potentials at disposal.
"People's Republic of China is interested in infrastructure investments, especially roads and railways, construction, IT, agriculture. Prior summits have shown that each government is working hard on achieving more advanced levels of cooperation", added Keqiang.
He said China is intensively working on stimulating companies to invest in the CEE region.
"Chinese companies are currently prepared to invest USD 5 billion in these countries, and I believe investments will rise by half of this amount in the coming period", underlined Keqiang.
The 5th National Economic and Trade Forum in Suzhou, which brings together more than 1,000 representatives of business sectors from the 16 CEE states and China, includes Macedonian companies organized by the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce (SSK).
The forum represents an opportunity for networking and increase of trade exchange, reads the press release. http://video.chinadaily.com.cn/2015/1126/7276.shtml
wn.com/Pm Gruevski Macedonia Is Open For Chinese Investments
Prime Minister Gruevski: Macedonia Is Open for Chinese Investments Преговараме со повеќе кинески компании заинересирани за инвестирање во Македонија http://vlada.mk/node/9875?language=en-gb 25.11.2015 http://www.alfa.mk/ Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski and Deputy Economy Minister Hristijan Delev took part Tuesday at the 4th Summit of Heads of Government of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and China, and the 5th National Economic and Trade Forum in Suzhou, China.
Prime Minister Gruevski addressed the summit of Heads of Government, attended by delegations from 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, along with the host, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.
"Macedonia and China are tied by traditional friendship, bilateral relations are continually enhanced, accompanied by important projects within the Central European Initiative", said Gruevski.
He stressed that in the framework of China's commitment to the CEE cooperation process, Macedonia has recognized and accepted the opportunities for funding infrastructure projects, the Government said in a press release.
Gruevski said Macedonia is the first country to sign an agreement over the use of a portion of the funds, allocated for the construction of new motorway sections Skopje-Stip and Kicevo-Ohrid.
He also referred to the possibilities for future cooperation and projects of enormous significance for the country and region.
"Important European corridors pass through Macedonia and the country is interested in involvement into joint infrastructure projects within the 16+1 cooperation process. The Government is fully committed to attracting foreign companies and open for Chinese investments", said Gruevski.
Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang said cooperation between China and CEE states is an example of commitment and use of potentials at disposal.
"People's Republic of China is interested in infrastructure investments, especially roads and railways, construction, IT, agriculture. Prior summits have shown that each government is working hard on achieving more advanced levels of cooperation", added Keqiang.
He said China is intensively working on stimulating companies to invest in the CEE region.
"Chinese companies are currently prepared to invest USD 5 billion in these countries, and I believe investments will rise by half of this amount in the coming period", underlined Keqiang.
The 5th National Economic and Trade Forum in Suzhou, which brings together more than 1,000 representatives of business sectors from the 16 CEE states and China, includes Macedonian companies organized by the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce (SSK).
The forum represents an opportunity for networking and increase of trade exchange, reads the press release. http://video.chinadaily.com.cn/2015/1126/7276.shtml
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 108
China Daily: Macedonia is credible friend and partner
China Daily: Macedonia is credible friend and partner
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in Beijing met with Prime Minister of China, Li Keqiang. 27.11.2015 http://...
China Daily: Macedonia is credible friend and partner
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in Beijing met with Prime Minister of China, Li Keqiang. 27.11.2015 http://www.alfa.mk/
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang yesterday met with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in Beijing, where reached Agreement on cooperation in infrastructure and industrialization, writes China Daily.
Noting that Macedonia is credible friend and partner of China, Li emphasized that China wants to work with Macedonia to upgrade railways, express roads and power plants and to expand trade in agricultural products.
Chinese premier pledged to encourage Chinese companies to participate in construction of cement factory and construction of the industrial park.
Gruevski, who is in China at the fourth summit between China and the 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, said that the mechanism 16 + 1 significantly strengthened cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
-Macedonia welcomes the decision of the Chinese companies interested in investment in the field of hydroelectricity, gas, transport, industrial park, food, cement and metal processing, said the Prime Minister Gruevski, reports the China Daily.
wn.com/China Daily Macedonia Is Credible Friend And Partner
China Daily: Macedonia is credible friend and partner
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in Beijing met with Prime Minister of China, Li Keqiang. 27.11.2015 http://www.alfa.mk/
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang yesterday met with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in Beijing, where reached Agreement on cooperation in infrastructure and industrialization, writes China Daily.
Noting that Macedonia is credible friend and partner of China, Li emphasized that China wants to work with Macedonia to upgrade railways, express roads and power plants and to expand trade in agricultural products.
Chinese premier pledged to encourage Chinese companies to participate in construction of cement factory and construction of the industrial park.
Gruevski, who is in China at the fourth summit between China and the 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, said that the mechanism 16 + 1 significantly strengthened cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
-Macedonia welcomes the decision of the Chinese companies interested in investment in the field of hydroelectricity, gas, transport, industrial park, food, cement and metal processing, said the Prime Minister Gruevski, reports the China Daily.
- published: 27 Nov 2015
- views: 62
Gruevski odi vo zatvor !!!
pesna za Nikola Gruevski
pesna za Nikola Gruevski
wn.com/Gruevski Odi Vo Zatvor
pesna za Nikola Gruevski
- published: 27 Nov 2015
- views: 80
EPP Madrid Congress - Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of F.Y.R.O. Macedonia
The speech of Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of F.Y.R.O. Macedonia, at the EPP Congress in Madrid. This video is free of rights. Fore more requests contact: co...
The speech of Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of F.Y.R.O. Macedonia, at the EPP Congress in Madrid. This video is free of rights. Fore more requests contact: connect@epp.eu #Together #WeAreFamily
wn.com/Epp Madrid Congress Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister Of F.Y.R.O. Macedonia
The speech of Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of F.Y.R.O. Macedonia, at the EPP Congress in Madrid. This video is free of rights. Fore more requests contact: connect@epp.eu #Together #WeAreFamily
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 30
FYROM*'s PM Gruevski Invokes Patriotism Of The 1903 Thessaloniki Terrorists
During the 2015 celebration of the day of foundation of the VMRO (Internal “Macedonian” Revolutionary Organization) in Thessaloniki, on the 23rd of October 1893...
During the 2015 celebration of the day of foundation of the VMRO (Internal “Macedonian” Revolutionary Organization) in Thessaloniki, on the 23rd of October 1893, which is a national holiday in the *Former YugoSLAV Republic of "Makedonija", its Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, at the end of a long self-serving speech during a solemn academic meeting, concluded his address to the nation with an alleged quote by one of the Boatmen of Thessaloniki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boatmen_of_Thessalon%C3%ADki, an early 20th century terrorist group. His reference was to the alleged last words of Yordan Popyordanov: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yordan_Popyordanov, which he promoted as an example of “Macedon(sk)ian” patriotism, an act followed by applause by selected guests.
Subtitles provided by Vladislav Perunović from Skopje, the FYRo'M'
© MPT - FYRo'M' Public Tv Channel
wn.com/Fyrom 's Pm Gruevski Invokes Patriotism Of The 1903 Thessaloniki Terrorists
During the 2015 celebration of the day of foundation of the VMRO (Internal “Macedonian” Revolutionary Organization) in Thessaloniki, on the 23rd of October 1893, which is a national holiday in the *Former YugoSLAV Republic of "Makedonija", its Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, at the end of a long self-serving speech during a solemn academic meeting, concluded his address to the nation with an alleged quote by one of the Boatmen of Thessaloniki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boatmen_of_Thessalon%C3%ADki, an early 20th century terrorist group. His reference was to the alleged last words of Yordan Popyordanov: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yordan_Popyordanov, which he promoted as an example of “Macedon(sk)ian” patriotism, an act followed by applause by selected guests.
Subtitles provided by Vladislav Perunović from Skopje, the FYRo'M'
© MPT - FYRo'M' Public Tv Channel
- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 64
President of the Government – Nikola Gruevski
President of the Government – Nikola Gruevski...
President of the Government – Nikola Gruevski
wn.com/President Of The Government – Nikola Gruevski
President of the Government – Nikola Gruevski
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 1
Who (or What) Really Is the FYROM*'s Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski?
Nikos Grouios, the Greek grandfather of the *Former YugoSLAV Republic of "Makedonija's" PM Nikola Gruevski, was born in the village of Achlada in the Florina Mu...
Nikos Grouios, the Greek grandfather of the *Former YugoSLAV Republic of "Makedonija's" PM Nikola Gruevski, was born in the village of Achlada in the Florina Municipality, West Macedonia province in Greece and was killed in 1940 in the mountains of Albania, while fighting the Italian invaders.
The end of the Greek civil war in 1949 found the grandmother and the father of Nikola Gruevski on the territory of the present-day FYRo'M', following the communists after their defeat. Even in Skopje, his grandmother received her pension from the Greek state, as the residents of Achlada assert.
© "In the spotlight" ("Vo centar") TV Show with Vasko Eftov, 3rd of June 2011
wn.com/Who (Or What) Really Is The Fyrom 's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
Nikos Grouios, the Greek grandfather of the *Former YugoSLAV Republic of "Makedonija's" PM Nikola Gruevski, was born in the village of Achlada in the Florina Municipality, West Macedonia province in Greece and was killed in 1940 in the mountains of Albania, while fighting the Italian invaders.
The end of the Greek civil war in 1949 found the grandmother and the father of Nikola Gruevski on the territory of the present-day FYRo'M', following the communists after their defeat. Even in Skopje, his grandmother received her pension from the Greek state, as the residents of Achlada assert.
© "In the spotlight" ("Vo centar") TV Show with Vasko Eftov, 3rd of June 2011
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 18
Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine - Débat 2015 de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU
Allocution de S.E. M. Nikola Gruevski, Président de l'Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine, lors du Débat général de la 70e session de l'Assemblée générale de ...
Allocution de S.E. M. Nikola Gruevski, Président de l'Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine, lors du Débat général de la 70e session de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU
wn.com/Ex République Yougoslave De Macédoine Débat 2015 De L'Assemblée Générale De L'Onu
Allocution de S.E. M. Nikola Gruevski, Président de l'Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine, lors du Débat général de la 70e session de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 14
Nikola Gruevski: IMAJ TRETO DETE
Nikola Gruevski: IMAJ TRETO DETE...
Nikola Gruevski: IMAJ TRETO DETE
wn.com/Nikola Gruevski Imaj Treto Dete
Nikola Gruevski: IMAJ TRETO DETE
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 61
The Independence Day in Macedonia
SKOPJE, MACEDONIA - SEPTEMBER 8: Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski attend a ceremony to mark Independence Day in Skopje, Macedonia on September 8, 2015...
SKOPJE, MACEDONIA - SEPTEMBER 8: Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski attend a ceremony to mark Independence Day in Skopje, Macedonia on September 8, 2015. Macenodian soldiers stand during ceremony to mark Independence Day in Skopje, Macedonia. Footage by Toni Nikolovski / Anadolu Agency .
wn.com/The Independence Day In Macedonia
SKOPJE, MACEDONIA - SEPTEMBER 8: Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski attend a ceremony to mark Independence Day in Skopje, Macedonia on September 8, 2015. Macenodian soldiers stand during ceremony to mark Independence Day in Skopje, Macedonia. Footage by Toni Nikolovski / Anadolu Agency .
- published: 08 Sep 2015
- views: 11
7NEWS - kanal informativ Shqiptar - Tring TV
Kanali informativ...
7NEWS - kanal informativ Shqiptar - Tring TV
Kanali informativ i Platformes Shqiptare Televizive dixhitale Tring TV.
Lajmet më të fundit vijnë tek ju në kohë rekord, nga gazetarët tanë në terren 24 orë gjatë 7 ditëve të javës.
wn.com/Nikola Gruevski Per Terrorizmin, “Maqedonia Kercenohet Nga Ekstremistet” Lajm
7NEWS - kanal informativ Shqiptar - Tring TV
Kanali informativ i Platformes Shqiptare Televizive dixhitale Tring TV.
Lajmet më të fundit vijnë tek ju në kohë rekord, nga gazetarët tanë në terren 24 orë gjatë 7 ditëve të javës.
- published: 02 Aug 2015
- views: 32
Опуштено со Премиерот Никола Груевски
ОПУШТЕНО со Претседателот на Владата Никола Груевски. Премиерот за семејството, за спортот, за користењето Фејсбук и Твитер и за други случки со Тони Михајло...
Nikola Gruevski - Struga 2013
Vo Centar prvata zabraneta emisija vo 2007 godina, vtor del
Premierot Nikola Gruevski po povod 13 godisna konferencija na UNIJA NA ZENI (17 12 2010)
Milenko 7 03 2014
3 Mart 2013 tarihinde M.C Basbakani Sn.Nikola Gruevski MATTO üyeleri ile bir araya geldi
05 of 14 CII session with Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Macedonia
(Part of video-notes of interactions as a journalist, and of conferences etc., attended in response to a press/media invite.) http://about.me/dmurali
Orbán Viktor és Nikola Gruevski sajtótájékoztatója
A miniszterelnök, kijelentette: a mai magyar gazdasági modell legnagyobb sikere, hogy az ország megszorítások nélkül fog kijutni a válságból, a büdzsé iránya...
Zoran Milanovic and Nikola Gruevski press conference in Zagreb
Macedonia's PM Nikola Gruevski on an official visit in Zagreb. A remarkable difference in the questions posed by Macedonian journalists and by Croatian repor...
"Dzandar zbira za Nikola Gruevski" Vo centar 2emisija .mp4
vo centar so vasko eftov.
UMDGC2013 | Closing Gala Keynote Remarks by Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
Following a recognition by the United Macedonian Diaspora, Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski delivers keynote remarks during the 4th UMD Global Conference on July 27, 2013 in Macedonia.
Support our work!
Visit http://www.umdiaspora.org/index.php/en/get-involved-umd/2012-07-20-12-26-46 to become a member.
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), the leading voice for the Macedonian Diaspor
Gruevski se pravda na Sitel tv!
Duri 25 minuti od dnevnikot odvoen za Nikola Gruevski da go laze narodot na Makedonija kako site na protestot bile SDSM i se toa bilo instruirano.
Lagite na ovaa korumpirana vlast se pokazatel na licemernosta i borbata za vlast im e edinstvena cel, po sekoja cena.
Narodot vo Makedonija kaza dosta e!
Nikola Gruevski vo ON
Grev ili spricer
Grev ili spricer.
Слушнете како Груевски дошол до мерцедес од фантазиите со 600.000 евра народни пари
Никола Груевски гостин во вестите на Сител (14 септември 2014)
Никола Груевски гостин во вестите на Сител (14 септември 2014)
Nikola Gruevski gostin vo vestite na Sitel (14 septemvri 2014)
Başbakan Davutoğlu - Gruevski Ortak Basın Toplantısı / 23 Aralık 2014
Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu, Makedonya Başbakanı Nikola Gruevski ile görüştü. Davutoğlu ve Gruevski, ortak basın toplantısı düzenledi.
Опуштено со Премиерот Никола Груевски
ОПУШТЕНО со Претседателот на Владата Никола Груевски. Премиерот за семејството, за спортот, за користењето Фејсбук и Твитер и за други случки со Тони Михајло......
ОПУШТЕНО со Претседателот на Владата Никола Груевски. Премиерот за семејството, за спортот, за користењето Фејсбук и Твитер и за други случки со Тони Михајло...
wn.com/Опуштено Со Премиерот Никола Груевски
ОПУШТЕНО со Претседателот на Владата Никола Груевски. Премиерот за семејството, за спортот, за користењето Фејсбук и Твитер и за други случки со Тони Михајло...
05 of 14 CII session with Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of Macedonia
(Part of video-notes of interactions as a journalist, and of conferences etc., attended in response to a press/media invite.) http://about.me/dmurali...
(Part of video-notes of interactions as a journalist, and of conferences etc., attended in response to a press/media invite.) http://about.me/dmurali
wn.com/05 Of 14 Cii Session With Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister Of Macedonia
(Part of video-notes of interactions as a journalist, and of conferences etc., attended in response to a press/media invite.) http://about.me/dmurali
- published: 15 Jan 2015
- views: 2
Orbán Viktor és Nikola Gruevski sajtótájékoztatója
A miniszterelnök, kijelentette: a mai magyar gazdasági modell legnagyobb sikere, hogy az ország megszorítások nélkül fog kijutni a válságból, a büdzsé iránya......
A miniszterelnök, kijelentette: a mai magyar gazdasági modell legnagyobb sikere, hogy az ország megszorítások nélkül fog kijutni a válságból, a büdzsé iránya...
wn.com/Orbán Viktor És Nikola Gruevski Sajtótájékoztatója
A miniszterelnök, kijelentette: a mai magyar gazdasági modell legnagyobb sikere, hogy az ország megszorítások nélkül fog kijutni a válságból, a büdzsé iránya...
- published: 15 Nov 2012
- views: 43
author: Imre320
Zoran Milanovic and Nikola Gruevski press conference in Zagreb
Macedonia's PM Nikola Gruevski on an official visit in Zagreb. A remarkable difference in the questions posed by Macedonian journalists and by Croatian repor......
Macedonia's PM Nikola Gruevski on an official visit in Zagreb. A remarkable difference in the questions posed by Macedonian journalists and by Croatian repor...
wn.com/Zoran Milanovic And Nikola Gruevski Press Conference In Zagreb
Macedonia's PM Nikola Gruevski on an official visit in Zagreb. A remarkable difference in the questions posed by Macedonian journalists and by Croatian repor...
- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 163
author: euinside
UMDGC2013 | Closing Gala Keynote Remarks by Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
Following a recognition by the United Macedonian Diaspora, Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski delivers keynote remarks during the 4th UMD Global Confere...
Following a recognition by the United Macedonian Diaspora, Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski delivers keynote remarks during the 4th UMD Global Conference on July 27, 2013 in Macedonia.
Support our work!
Visit http://www.umdiaspora.org/index.php/en/get-involved-umd/2012-07-20-12-26-46 to become a member.
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), the leading voice for the Macedonian Diaspora worldwide, hosted its fourth Annual UMD Global Conference in our ancestral and historical homeland, Macedonia July 24 - August 2, 2013.
The theme of the conference – Macedonia 2013: 100 Years After the Treaty of Bucharest – coincided with the 100th anniversary of the completion of the Balkans Wars and the signing of the Treaty of Bucharest.
For more information on last year's Global Conference, visit http://umdglobalconference.com
Video Production: Pobeda Piskaceva
Video Editing: Brooke Lee
wn.com/Umdgc2013 | Closing Gala Keynote Remarks By Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski
Following a recognition by the United Macedonian Diaspora, Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski delivers keynote remarks during the 4th UMD Global Conference on July 27, 2013 in Macedonia.
Support our work!
Visit http://www.umdiaspora.org/index.php/en/get-involved-umd/2012-07-20-12-26-46 to become a member.
The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD), the leading voice for the Macedonian Diaspora worldwide, hosted its fourth Annual UMD Global Conference in our ancestral and historical homeland, Macedonia July 24 - August 2, 2013.
The theme of the conference – Macedonia 2013: 100 Years After the Treaty of Bucharest – coincided with the 100th anniversary of the completion of the Balkans Wars and the signing of the Treaty of Bucharest.
For more information on last year's Global Conference, visit http://umdglobalconference.com
Video Production: Pobeda Piskaceva
Video Editing: Brooke Lee
- published: 19 Aug 2014
- views: 1
Gruevski se pravda na Sitel tv!
Duri 25 minuti od dnevnikot odvoen za Nikola Gruevski da go laze narodot na Makedonija kako site na protestot bile SDSM i se toa...
Gruevski se pravda na Sitel tv!
Duri 25 minuti od dnevnikot odvoen za Nikola Gruevski da go laze narodot na Makedonija kako site na protestot bile SDSM i se toa bilo instruirano.
Lagite na ovaa korumpirana vlast se pokazatel na licemernosta i borbata za vlast im e edinstvena cel, po sekoja cena.
Narodot vo Makedonija kaza dosta e!
wn.com/Https Www.Youtube.Com Watch V Cf Hhxtse24 Feature Youtu.Be
Gruevski se pravda na Sitel tv!
Duri 25 minuti od dnevnikot odvoen za Nikola Gruevski da go laze narodot na Makedonija kako site na protestot bile SDSM i se toa bilo instruirano.
Lagite na ovaa korumpirana vlast se pokazatel na licemernosta i borbata za vlast im e edinstvena cel, po sekoja cena.
Narodot vo Makedonija kaza dosta e!
- published: 08 May 2015
- views: 12
Никола Груевски гостин во вестите на Сител (14 септември 2014)
Никола Груевски гостин во вестите на Сител (14 септември 2014)
Nikola Gruevski gostin vo vestite na Sitel (14 septemvri 2014)...
Никола Груевски гостин во вестите на Сител (14 септември 2014)
Nikola Gruevski gostin vo vestite na Sitel (14 septemvri 2014)
wn.com/Никола Груевски Гостин Во Вестите На Сител (14 Септември 2014)
Никола Груевски гостин во вестите на Сител (14 септември 2014)
Nikola Gruevski gostin vo vestite na Sitel (14 septemvri 2014)
- published: 14 Sep 2014
- views: 93
Başbakan Davutoğlu - Gruevski Ortak Basın Toplantısı / 23 Aralık 2014
Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu, Makedonya Başbakanı Nikola Gruevski ile görüştü. Davutoğlu ve Gruevski, ortak basın toplantısı düzenledi....
Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu, Makedonya Başbakanı Nikola Gruevski ile görüştü. Davutoğlu ve Gruevski, ortak basın toplantısı düzenledi.
wn.com/Başbakan Davutoğlu Gruevski Ortak Basın Toplantısı 23 Aralık 2014
Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu, Makedonya Başbakanı Nikola Gruevski ile görüştü. Davutoğlu ve Gruevski, ortak basın toplantısı düzenledi.
- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 8