Millions of Fake Refugees flood Europe in biblical proportions, demand money and best housing,
A population transfer of biblical proportions is happening now.
Millions of africans, asians and arabs are flooding
Europe due to the open borders and the large sums of money being paid out to anyone without any checks or controls.
Refugees torching children into teargas and flying concrete blocks to get media sympathy.
Video link,
Fake refugees demand money and best housing, now millions, nearly all without refugee status, nearly all are accepted, they get lifetime welfare payments and modern houses/apartment. They are permitted to bring family, relatives and their clans.
Finland initially exposed 2/3 are not refugees, but on a closer look it shows only 3 % had legitimate refugee status, 97 % came from other countries and only wanted better living standard.
Similar revelations occur in other countries.
The video exposes refugees themselves saying that all of them are going only to
Sweden or Finland since those countries pay best "salary" as they call it. They mean welfare money, no work requirement, and their families can come later to also live on lifetime welfare. Refugees don't like
Denmark anymore since Denmark announced they reduced the welfare payments from 10,
000 crowns/month to 5000 while the other top paying countries still pay every refugee much more. Refugees have apps in their smartphones showing maps where to go, what government agency to contact, what to say, how to lie, how to get asylum.
The welfare payment amount equal about 50 times their normal income if they worked in their homeland. With global social media
Africa and
Arab countries are fully aware about the western clondyke with bundles of money being handed out to anyone and the open borders allowing anyone to get asylum as long as they lie a little bit.
Sweden grant asylum to 190 nationalities for any reason imaginable. So it's not about asylum, it’s more about replacing the original population with third world populations.
Refugees are fully aware of benefits, welfare payments, free healthcare, they can bring families to live on welfare, they get modern apartments or hotel rooms, furnished with modern furniture and electronic equipment, internet, free dinner in restaurants or hotels, waiters and servants attending to their need of clothing, shoes, healthcare, transport, more TVs, laundry, cars, Sweden even pay for vacation trips to the homeland they claim the "fled" from.
Insanity is standard.
The refugees are aware of weak western politicians afraid to say NO, scared of being accused of "racism" or stop the benefits, so they demand more and more until they get everything they demand. Locals call refugees "demand machines" since they never stop demanding more. Now they demand mosques and political influence, sharia law and islamic rules.
Stupid western politicians grant every wish since they use other peoples money, tax money and media protect them.
The taxpayers don't notice that their nations are collapsing, social service are collapsing all over Europe, media is not reporting the facts, they hide it.
Before the recent mass invasion of Europe we already have 80 million muslim immigrants, nearly all, about 90 % live on welfare and refuse to work. Add millions of poor non-muslims from the third world also living on welfare or crime. Europe may have 150 million third-world welfare immigrants already and are now permitting millions more to come. UK had 5 million new immigrants in one year, Germany expect 1.5 million refugees this year alone recently upgraded from
120,000, the numbers are staggering. The flow are increasing since refuges understand the open border policy and the welfare payment must end soon or nations will collapse.
The ONLY solution to avoid a muslim takeover of Europe is to send them back to their
home countries, secure the borders, kick out the stupid politicians, bring back common sense and survival instinct to the west. It is about the survival of the western culture, the western world, the survival of democracy, safety and freedom.
Listen to Coronel Ghaddafis words: "
Allah willing, we will take over Europe without firing one bullet, the masses of muslims flooding to Europe will soon be a majority"
Mass immigration is warfare. Defend your nations.
Islams imperialistic background, learn the history in a few minutes, A 1400 Year
Secret, by Dr
Bill Warner.;