
Feast in the Middle East: Mussakhan--Palestinian Chicken with caramelized onions, and Harisseh
In this cooking show pilot, tv personality Blanche (rhymes with launch) cooks a traditiona...
published: 20 Apr 2010
author: blanchetv
Feast in the Middle East: Mussakhan--Palestinian Chicken with caramelized onions, and Harisseh
Feast in the Middle East: Mussakhan--Palestinian Chicken with caramelized onions, and Harisseh
In this cooking show pilot, tv personality Blanche (rhymes with launch) cooks a traditional Middle Eastern dish called Mussakhan (baked chicken with onions a...- published: 20 Apr 2010
- views: 10090
- author: blanchetv

Food in Gaza: 'Appetite for Gaza' by Anders Holst Markussen
In the isolated Gaza Strip the food culture is spicy and its population find great pleasur...
published: 21 Sep 2011
Food in Gaza: 'Appetite for Gaza' by Anders Holst Markussen
Food in Gaza: 'Appetite for Gaza' by Anders Holst Markussen
In the isolated Gaza Strip the food culture is spicy and its population find great pleasure in kebab with chilli and liver. Forget about the riots, it can be peacefull in downtown Gaza City. Follow Culinary Traveller Anders Holst Markussen as he visit Gaza. Summer the 2011. Text by Anders Holst Markussen: Blog: www.nordickitchen.wordpress.com About the trip to Gaza: June 2011 for three days: I was excited to see the area that everyone had warned me about going into - "kidnapping", "assault". But after crossing Erez checkpoint I met only friendly people. An acquaintances was funny enough at home and visit his family in Gaza simultaneously, so here I found my guide and fixer. The Gaza Strip has its outset 70 kilometres south of Tel Aviv close to the Sinai Peninsula and the Suez. It's 1.6 million people live enclosed on 360 square kilometres, a size smaller than the Isle of Wight. The siege has been ongoing for years. How does food culture and indulgence thrive in an area of deprivation such as Gaza? Called the world's largest prison. Today, about half of the Gaza Strip area is used for agriculture, hardly enough to feed the population. Once a fertile environment, today it lacks water. The first new fields I see are 25 kilometres south of the City. Here a little outside Khan Younis, the second largest city of the Gaza Strip, a million olive trees grow alongside numerous date palm trees. The representatives from the ministry tells me that these were planted only two years ago on pieces of land on which 7-8000 Israeli settlers lived since 1967. The last settlers left Gaza in 2005 and left behind large pieces of land equalling around 30% of the Gaza Strip with fruit trees, apples and mango. At their departure the settlers annihilated all of their factories and houses. The Palestinians quickly reserved these areas for food production but were badly scared because the new land or as it is called Al Muharat "the free country" was without water. As one of the representatives from the ministry tells me "The groundwater was led out of Gaza and into Israel as drinking water causing the natural level to drop. That is why draught today is an unsolvable problem". Compost They believe in their agricultural projects: An example is the compost made from plant, sewer and animal disposal. I notice a fair amount of plastic in the piles of compost but am told this will be filtered out before it is packed and sold for 10 shekel pr. piece to a farmer in need. The mould is dry with sharp edges but in fairness it was made in only three months. The normal aging time for a biodynamic mould is three years. When you work under the pressure of time, as in Gaza, you must make thing grow as the surroundings allow. The Israeli tradition for ecology is passed on, the greenhouses are filled with aubergine and chilli pepper. As the last stop we see a fish farm. Street food I find my way to the largest food market. Containers carry the smell of spices and vinegar from pickled beetroots and chilli. There is a racket from chickens and rabbits rummaging in their cages. Onions and nectarines are loaded on flatbeds. I doubt the many young boys in the market spend much time in school, instead they help their parents make a living. Placed on the grill lies four half pitas, arayes, spread with chopped green chilli, onion and some minced beef. A kafta. The other half of the pita is put on top. Watermelons are sold from large stalls along the main road. Everyone can afford a melon. Melon with bread or cheese equals a separate meal. Most eateries serve hummus, chickpeas mashed with vinegar and olive oil, can be eaten alone or spread in the kebab. Folfol, the characteristic chilli, can be found in read, green and the light green and very strong variation pickled, called kotis. The people generally make the most of what they have, which is next to nothing. It is a stimulating, sensory trinity between the strength of the chilli, the crispy melon and the creamy hummus. But besides the chickpeas, nutritional value is low, watery melon with chilli lowers your ability to feel full. Souk Food is at display in the bazaar. Facing the street Souk el shijaia seated at a counter you can sit and watch meat being prepared on a stick, shishkebab. Meat of lamb and cow represents an unheard-of luxury. Here all meat comes from the intestines of a chicken. A pita with grilled liver, chilli and cubes of lime tastes divine, the flavours far surpassing a factory-made shawarma. The street kitchens of Gaza tastes like chilli. When evening falls the central square of Al Jundi el Majhol is filled with children playing, families, friends and lovers. I get a cake from a bakery. The speciality of Gaza, kanafi arabije is made from cashew, walnut and pistachio nut hold together by a deliciously sticky cinnamon syrup. (translation from Danish by S.R. Bernstorff)- published: 21 Sep 2011
- views: 5082

اطباقنا الفلسطينية Palestinian Cuisine
نقدم لكم مجموعة مختارة من اطباقنا الفلسطينية للوصفات المذكورة تجدونها في مطخ لك هنا https:...
published: 12 Apr 2012
author: Matbkh Lakii
اطباقنا الفلسطينية Palestinian Cuisine
اطباقنا الفلسطينية Palestinian Cuisine
نقدم لكم مجموعة مختارة من اطباقنا الفلسطينية للوصفات المذكورة تجدونها في مطخ لك هنا https://www.facebook.com/Matbkhlakii/photos.- published: 12 Apr 2012
- views: 22495
- author: Matbkh Lakii

The Sumptuous World of Palestinian Cuisine (In Arabic)
The Sumptuous World of Palestinian Cuisine (In Arabic)...
published: 15 May 2012
author: SupremeMasterTV
The Sumptuous World of Palestinian Cuisine (In Arabic)
The Sumptuous World of Palestinian Cuisine (In Arabic)
The Sumptuous World of Palestinian Cuisine (In Arabic)- published: 15 May 2012
- views: 297
- author: SupremeMasterTV

الأطعمة في فلسطين Palestine's Food Concept
تستعرض لنا السيدة خلود النوباني طريق سهلة لعمل الجبنة واللبنة الفلسطينية، كما تتحدث قليلاً...
published: 25 Apr 2008
author: Asem Al Masri
الأطعمة في فلسطين Palestine's Food Concept
الأطعمة في فلسطين Palestine's Food Concept
تستعرض لنا السيدة خلود النوباني طريق سهلة لعمل الجبنة واللبنة الفلسطينية، كما تتحدث قليلاً عن ما يعرف في التراث الفلسطيني ببيت المونة وحواضر البيت.- published: 25 Apr 2008
- views: 15552
- author: Asem Al Masri

Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine Pt 2 - المطبخ الفلسطيني ج ٢
In this episode Mico continues his journey to explore the Palestinian cuisine with Hana fr...
published: 27 May 2014
Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine Pt 2 - المطبخ الفلسطيني ج ٢
Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine Pt 2 - المطبخ الفلسطيني ج ٢
In this episode Mico continues his journey to explore the Palestinian cuisine with Hana from "Tatreez" a Palestinian Cafe' where he discovers the range of rich Palestinian products they offer, and tastes a dish with a Palestinian signature " Frikeh soup". Also Mico learns how to make "Tabouli" and "Hummus" from Mrs. Sarah Elguindi. What accident will Mico get his self into this episode? Watch only on Al Ghad Al Arabi TV on Nilesat or Hotbird: Friday 09:30GMT or 21:00GMT or on http://www.alghadalarabi.com/ في الحلقة دي ميكو حيكمل رحلة المطبخ الفلسطيني مع هنا من "تطريز"، كاقيه فلسطيني و حيكتشف المواد الفلسطينية الغنية يلي بيقدموها في "تطريز" و حياكل شوربة فلسطنية مشهورة ويلي هي "شوربة الفريكة". برضو ميكو حيتعلم يعمل "تبولة" و "حمص" من السيدة سارة الجندي يا ترى ايه الحادث يلي حيحصل لميكو في الحلقة دي؟ شوفو بس على قناة الغد العربي على النايل سات أو الهوت بيرد أو على http://www.alghadalarabi.com/ الجمعة الساعة ٩:٣٠ بتوقيت غرينش إعادة الساعة ٢١:٠٠ بتوقيت غرينش- published: 27 May 2014
- views: 47

Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine Pt 1 - المطبخ الفلسطيني ج ١
In this episode Mico is on a journey to explore the Palestinian cuisine with Mrs. Sarah El...
published: 20 May 2014
Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine Pt 1 - المطبخ الفلسطيني ج ١
Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine Pt 1 - المطبخ الفلسطيني ج ١
In this episode Mico is on a journey to explore the Palestinian cuisine with Mrs. Sarah Elguindi, who along side her Husband Dr. Magdy Elguindi have a long time friendship with Mico. She will cook traditional "Mousakhan" with a modern twist. Also Mico visits Tatreez a Palestinian Cafe' which is designed in a way that fuses both old & modern, also it uses Palestinian ingredients & products to make their delicious food. Will Mico learn the secret behind Palestinian cooking? Watch only on Al Ghad Al Arabi TV on Nilesat or Hotbird: Friday 09:30GMT or 21:00GMT or on http://www.alghadalarabi.com/ في الحلقة دي ميكو حيزور المطبخ الفلسطيني مع السيدة سارة الجندي و زوجها الدكتور مجدي الجندي اللي بتريطهم علاقة صداقة قديمة مع ميكو. حتطبخلو "مسخن" بطريقة جديدة. برضو ميكو حيزور "تطريز" كاقيه فلسطيني في لندن بيجمع بديكورو القديم و الجديد يا ترى حيتعلم ميكو سر الطبخ الفلسطيني؟ شوفو بس على قناة الغد العربي على النايل سات أو الهوت بيرد أو على http://www.alghadalarabi.com/ الجمعة الساعة ٩:٣٠ بتوقيت غرينش إعادة الساعة ٢١:٠٠ بتوقيت غرينش- published: 20 May 2014
- views: 156

Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine P3 - أكلات ميكو - المطبخ الفلسطيني الجزء ٣
In this episode Mico ends his Palestinian cuisine journey with Hana From Tatreez cafe, whe...
published: 23 Jun 2014
Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine P3 - أكلات ميكو - المطبخ الفلسطيني الجزء ٣
Oklat Mico - Palestinian Cuisine P3 - أكلات ميكو - المطبخ الفلسطيني الجزء ٣
In this episode Mico ends his Palestinian cuisine journey with Hana From Tatreez cafe, where he learns the secret behind making traditional Fool, a dish called Souhila's cauliflower and Zaatar & Cheese Manakeesh. Mico also ends his visit to Dr Magdi's House where Madam Sarah teaches him how to make a modern homemade konafeh naboulsiah. Will Mico bask in the Palestinian cuisine? Watch only on Al Ghad Al Arabi TV on Nilesat or Hotbird: Friday 09:30GMT repeat 21:00GMT or on http://www.alghadalarabi.com/ في الحلقة دي ميكو حينهي رحلة المطبخ الفلسطني مع "هنا" من مطعم تطريز. وحيتعلم يعمل طبق الفول الفلسطيني، طبق اسمو زهرة أو قرنبيط سهيلة، ومناقيش الزعتر والجبنة. ميكو كمان حينهي الزيارة لبيت الدكتور مجدي، المدام سارة حتعلموا يعمل كناقة نابلسية في البيت يا ترى ميكو حيستمتع بالأكل الفلسطيني؟ شوفو بس على قناة الغد العربي على النايل سات أو الهوت بيرد أو على http://www.alghadalarabi.com/ الجمعة الساعة ٩:٣٠ بتوقيت غرينش إعادة الساعة ٢١:٠٠ بتوقيت غرينش- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 33

Israeli Cuisine iPhone video-chef Mike Solomonov at Al Babbour, Palestinian cuisine
Filming "The Search for Israeli Cuisine," we used hi-def cameras. We also made some iPhone...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Israeli Cuisine iPhone video-chef Mike Solomonov at Al Babbour, Palestinian cuisine
Israeli Cuisine iPhone video-chef Mike Solomonov at Al Babbour, Palestinian cuisine
Filming "The Search for Israeli Cuisine," we used hi-def cameras. We also made some iPhone and Instagram videos. After filming Husam Abbas at Al Babbour, in umm al fahm, cooking his amazing Palestinian cuisine, we sat down to eat plates and plates. Such hospitality. I made this short video of our chef/guide Mike Solomonov taking the top off an delicious lamb meatball dish.- published: 20 Jan 2014
- views: 13

أكلة المسخن الفلسطينية العريقه Palestinian Cuisine Musakhan
أكلة المسخن الفلسطينية العريقه Palestinian traditional food/Cuisine Musakhan....
published: 10 Sep 2011
author: m76gmm
أكلة المسخن الفلسطينية العريقه Palestinian Cuisine Musakhan
أكلة المسخن الفلسطينية العريقه Palestinian Cuisine Musakhan
أكلة المسخن الفلسطينية العريقه Palestinian traditional food/Cuisine Musakhan.- published: 10 Sep 2011
- views: 14613
- author: m76gmm

Palestinians: What is the Palestinian national food?
Please donate to the project so I can travel further and more often: http://www.gofundme.c...
published: 10 Jul 2014
Palestinians: What is the Palestinian national food?
Palestinians: What is the Palestinian national food?
Please donate to the project so I can travel further and more often: http://www.gofundme.com/Ask-Project http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=... http://www.wix.com/coreygilshuster/un... Want to know what Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East really think about the conflict? Ask a question and I will get answers. Want to contribute? Go to http://www.gofundme.com/Ask-Project People ask Israeli Jews questions. I go out and ask random people to answer.- published: 10 Jul 2014
- views: 1021

Palestinian cuisine.AVI
published: 26 Nov 2009
author: Saintsplacenta
Palestinian cuisine.AVI

My Tasty First Hour in Palestine
Leaving Israel I took a cab to the Security Barrier, then walked through the lonely no man...
published: 11 May 2013
author: RickSteves
My Tasty First Hour in Palestine
My Tasty First Hour in Palestine
Leaving Israel I took a cab to the Security Barrier, then walked through the lonely no man's land, which reminded me of the US-Mexico border between San Dieg...- published: 11 May 2013
- views: 2655
- author: RickSteves

tamam palestinian cuisine (2011)
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: MOTH LIGHT
tamam palestinian cuisine (2011)
Youtube results:

Palestinian Cooking Demonstration
A great journey into the Palestinian cuisine, hands on session including dinner at the Dar...
published: 21 May 2014
Palestinian Cooking Demonstration
Palestinian Cooking Demonstration
A great journey into the Palestinian cuisine, hands on session including dinner at the Darebin Intercultural Centre.- published: 21 May 2014
- views: 1

Palestinian Musakhan- Chicken & Sumac -مسخن فلسطيني
Palestinian traditional dish- for more on this recipe, please check out http://mimicooks.c...
published: 03 May 2009
author: Mimi Cooks
Palestinian Musakhan- Chicken & Sumac -مسخن فلسطيني
Palestinian Musakhan- Chicken & Sumac -مسخن فلسطيني
Palestinian traditional dish- for more on this recipe, please check out http://mimicooks.com/2009/05/palestinian-msakhkhan.html.- published: 03 May 2009
- views: 172827
- author: Mimi Cooks

Bourdain has traditional Palestinian meal
Anthony Bourdain shares maqluba -- a traditional Palestinian meal -- with a family who own...
published: 09 Sep 2013
Bourdain has traditional Palestinian meal
Bourdain has traditional Palestinian meal
Anthony Bourdain shares maqluba -- a traditional Palestinian meal -- with a family who own a farm in the Gaza strip.- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 444

Palestinian coasts are under "occupation," according to PA TV show on cuisine
Video: http://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=408&fld;_id=408&doc;_id=11665
PA TV Host: "When ...
published: 11 Jun 2014
Palestinian coasts are under "occupation," according to PA TV show on cuisine
Palestinian coasts are under "occupation," according to PA TV show on cuisine
Video: http://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=408&fld;_id=408&doc;_id=11665 PA TV Host: "When talking about fish, especially in Palestine, we ought to be on one of the coasts. But, as you know, most of its [Palestine's] coasts are under occupation, while the rest -- along the Gaza Strip -- is under siege." [Official PA TV, April 19, 2014]- published: 11 Jun 2014
- views: 17