JSA – Joint Security Area | Official Trailer
Before Oldboy, before The Handmaiden, visionary filmmaker Park Chan-wook helmed this gripping tale of deceit, misunderstanding and the senselessness of war.
Gunfire breaks out in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea, leaving two North Korean soldiers dead while a wounded South Korean soldier (Lee Byung-hun, The Good, the Bad, the Weird) flees to safety. With the tenuous peace between the two warring nations on a knife-edge, a neutral team of investigators, headed by Swiss Army Major Sophie Jean (Lee Young-ae, Lady Vengeance), is dispatched to question both sides to determine what really happened under cover of darkness out in no-man’s land.
The recipient of multiple accolades, including Best Film at South Korea’s 2001 Grand Bell Awards, JSA – Joint Security Area showcases...
published: 23 Dec 2020
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) | JSA/JHA | Purpose/Basic Steps/Advantages/How to prepare or fill JSA
published: 25 Jun 2021
★코앞이 북한! 최전방 끝판왕★ 공동경비구역 JSA 경비대대 밀착 취재! 최강 전투력을 유지하기 위한 실전 훈련 / 대성동 마을 / 판문점 (KBS 080628 방송)
다큐멘터리 3일 (일요일 밤 11시 5분 KBS 2TV)
“대한민국 최전방 공동경비구역, JSA를 가다” (2008.6.28 방송)
세계 유일의 분단 국가, 대한민국. 지구상 마지막 남은 냉전 지대 공동경비구역, JSA!
건군 60주년을 맞아 남과 북이 첨예하게 대립중인 현장을 [다큐멘터리 3일]이 찾았다. 365일 극도의 긴장감이 감도는 분단의 최전선! 그곳에 선 JSA 경비대대 장병들을 만나본다.
🎥 공동경비구역, JSA를 가다
세계에서 가장 오래된 휴전 관리지역 공동경비구역, JSA! 1953년 정전협정 이후 주한미군이 담당하고 있던 경계 임무가 2004년 10월 한국군에 이양되면서 비무장지대의 모든 경계를 JSA 경비대대가 맡게 됐다. 군사분계선하나를 사이에 두고 남북이 최근거리에서 대치중인 판문점, 최전방 초소, 대성동 마을까지. 365일 극도의 긴장감이 흐르는 지대. 출입 허가를 받고 까다로운 신원 확인 절차를 거쳐야만 들어갈 수 있는 제한구역, JSA를 [다큐멘터리 3일]이 찾아가 본다.
🎥 최전방에서 나라를 지킨다! 최강 전투력 JSA 경비대대 장병들
한 걸음이면 오갈 수 있는, 낮은 콘크리트 판을 사이에 두고 북한 측 경비병들과 대치하고 있는 판문점. 언제 생길지 모를 비상사태를 위해 판문점 소초 장병들은 5일 동안 군화도 벗지 않은 채 생활한다.
판문점 소초와 함께 3초소, 기동타격대에서 5일 씩, 보름간의 교대 근무가 끝나면 JSA 경비대대만의 특수 훈련이 시작된다. 최악의 조건에도 임무를 수행할 수 있도록 훈련하는 ‘악조건 하 사격훈련’, 실제 상황을 가정한 전투 모의훈련, ...
published: 10 Nov 2020
J S A Joint Security Area 2000 1080p BRRip x264 Korean AAC ETRG
published: 05 Oct 2018
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
This video contains all information regarding Job safety analysis
Steps of jsa
What is jsa
published: 25 Dec 2019
JSA전? 할만하다고 봅니다! 너무 걱정하지 마세요 【①구가다/늑가다 ②엔트리 회의(음성X) :: 22.05.05 #2 풀영상】
#풀영상 #김윤환 #암센세
published: 06 May 2022
Justice Society Of America - Explained
Slated to appear in The Rock's Black Adam movie, what do fans need to know about the JSA?
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/
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published: 03 Feb 2020
이병헌, 송강호, 이영애, 신하균 4명이 동시에 나온 박찬욱 감독의 레전드 분단 영화
#지무비 #영화 #공동경비구역JSA
영화 '공동경비구역JSA'입니다.
▶ 지무비 굿즈스토어
▶지무비 인스타
▶해당 영화 구매링크
▶ 문의
*저작권사로부터 영상클립 사용을 허가받았습니다.
*The movie clips on my channel has gotten copyright permission of copyright holder
published: 16 Oct 2021
JSA – Joint Security Area | Official Trailer
Before Oldboy, before The Handmaiden, visionary filmmaker Park Chan-wook helmed this gripping tale of deceit, misunderstanding and the senselessness of war.
Before Oldboy, before The Handmaiden, visionary filmmaker Park Chan-wook helmed this gripping tale of deceit, misunderstanding and the senselessness of war.
Gunfire breaks out in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea, leaving two North Korean soldiers dead while a wounded South Korean soldier (Lee Byung-hun, The Good, the Bad, the Weird) flees to safety. With the tenuous peace between the two warring nations on a knife-edge, a neutral team of investigators, headed by Swiss Army Major Sophie Jean (Lee Young-ae, Lady Vengeance), is dispatched to question both sides to determine what really happened under cover of darkness out in no-man’s land.
The recipient of multiple accolades, including Best Film at South Korea’s 2001 Grand Bell Awards, JSA – Joint Security Area showcases Park’s iconic style in an embryonic form, and demonstrates that humanity and common purpose can be found in the most unlikely places.
#arrowvideo #boutiquebluray #JSA #parkchanwook #GongdonggyeongbiguyeokJSA
Before Oldboy, before The Handmaiden, visionary filmmaker Park Chan-wook helmed this gripping tale of deceit, misunderstanding and the senselessness of war.
Gunfire breaks out in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea, leaving two North Korean soldiers dead while a wounded South Korean soldier (Lee Byung-hun, The Good, the Bad, the Weird) flees to safety. With the tenuous peace between the two warring nations on a knife-edge, a neutral team of investigators, headed by Swiss Army Major Sophie Jean (Lee Young-ae, Lady Vengeance), is dispatched to question both sides to determine what really happened under cover of darkness out in no-man’s land.
The recipient of multiple accolades, including Best Film at South Korea’s 2001 Grand Bell Awards, JSA – Joint Security Area showcases Park’s iconic style in an embryonic form, and demonstrates that humanity and common purpose can be found in the most unlikely places.
#arrowvideo #boutiquebluray #JSA #parkchanwook #GongdonggyeongbiguyeokJSA
- published: 23 Dec 2020
- views: 129429
★코앞이 북한! 최전방 끝판왕★ 공동경비구역 JSA 경비대대 밀착 취재! 최강 전투력을 유지하기 위한 실전 훈련 / 대성동 마을 / 판문점 (KBS 080628 방송)
다큐멘터리 3일 (일요일 밤 11시 5분 KBS 2TV)
“대한민국 최전방 공동경비구역, JSA를 가다” (2008.6.28 방송)
세계 유일의 분단 국가, 대한민국. 지구상 마지막 남은 냉전 지대 공동경비구역, JSA!
건군 60주년을 맞아 남과 북이 첨예하게 대립중인 현장을 [다...
다큐멘터리 3일 (일요일 밤 11시 5분 KBS 2TV)
“대한민국 최전방 공동경비구역, JSA를 가다” (2008.6.28 방송)
세계 유일의 분단 국가, 대한민국. 지구상 마지막 남은 냉전 지대 공동경비구역, JSA!
건군 60주년을 맞아 남과 북이 첨예하게 대립중인 현장을 [다큐멘터리 3일]이 찾았다. 365일 극도의 긴장감이 감도는 분단의 최전선! 그곳에 선 JSA 경비대대 장병들을 만나본다.
🎥 공동경비구역, JSA를 가다
세계에서 가장 오래된 휴전 관리지역 공동경비구역, JSA! 1953년 정전협정 이후 주한미군이 담당하고 있던 경계 임무가 2004년 10월 한국군에 이양되면서 비무장지대의 모든 경계를 JSA 경비대대가 맡게 됐다. 군사분계선하나를 사이에 두고 남북이 최근거리에서 대치중인 판문점, 최전방 초소, 대성동 마을까지. 365일 극도의 긴장감이 흐르는 지대. 출입 허가를 받고 까다로운 신원 확인 절차를 거쳐야만 들어갈 수 있는 제한구역, JSA를 [다큐멘터리 3일]이 찾아가 본다.
🎥 최전방에서 나라를 지킨다! 최강 전투력 JSA 경비대대 장병들
한 걸음이면 오갈 수 있는, 낮은 콘크리트 판을 사이에 두고 북한 측 경비병들과 대치하고 있는 판문점. 언제 생길지 모를 비상사태를 위해 판문점 소초 장병들은 5일 동안 군화도 벗지 않은 채 생활한다.
판문점 소초와 함께 3초소, 기동타격대에서 5일 씩, 보름간의 교대 근무가 끝나면 JSA 경비대대만의 특수 훈련이 시작된다. 최악의 조건에도 임무를 수행할 수 있도록 훈련하는 ‘악조건 하 사격훈련’, 실제 상황을 가정한 전투 모의훈련, 항시 소지해야 하는 권총 사격훈련. 돌발 상황 속에서도 즉각적으로 대응할 수 있도록 강도 높은 훈련을 진행한다. 강인한 체력, 인내력, 자신감을 키우기 위한 JSA 대대만의 훈련 모습을 담았다.
🎥 대성동 자유의 마을
군사분계선에서 불과 800 미터 떨어진 곳에 위치한 대성동 마을. 비무장지대(DMZ) 안의 유일한 민간인 마을이다. 개성공단과 북한 기정동 마을이 눈앞에 보이고 가끔 북한 경비병과 마주칠 정도로 북측과 인접해 있는 곳. 때문에 JSA 부대가 치안과 민정업무를 맡아 마을 주민들을 보호하고 있다. 영농작업을 나갈 때면 경호임무를 수행하고 1년 중 240일 이상 거주해야 주민권을 유지할 수 있는 마을 특성상 부대원들은 매일 저녁, 집집마다 주민 체크를 다닌다. 불편할 법도 한데 자주 얼굴을 맞대다 보니 주민들 역시 부대원들과의 생활이 익숙해 졌다.
🎥 분단의 아픔을 간직한 곳, 판문점
판문점 공동경비구역에는 연간 16만 여명이 다녀간다. 내국인은 물론 외국인까지 신원 확인 절차와 사전 브리핑 을 거친 후 도착하게 되는 판문점. 남과 북이 서로 교차하면서 방문하다보니 시간적, 공간적인 제약에 가고 싶어도 쉽게 갈 수 없는 곳이다. 분단의 아픔이 서려있는 판문점을 찾은 견학단. 불과 몇 미터 앞에 나타난 북한군 모습에 견학단이 술렁이기 시작한다. JSA 대대 특수 보직인 견학경호병들과 함께 판문점을 찾은 이들을 따라가 본다.
🎥 평화와 냉전이 공존하는 JSA! 3일간의 기록
한국 전쟁의 정전협정과 포로교환이 이루어 졌던 분단 아픔의 현장! 1976년 도끼만행사건 사건 같은 씻을 수 없는 상처를 남긴 비극의 현장! 북측 지원과 이산가족 고향 방문, 각종 회담 등 남과 북의 교류의 현장! 공동경비구역, JSA! 아직 남북이 대치하고 있는 냉전 지대지만 언젠가는 평화의 장이 될 것이라는 기대를 저 버릴 수 없는 곳이다. 건군 60주년 맞아 평화와 냉전이 공존하는 JSA, 그리고 대한민국 최전방을 지키는 부대, 60만 육군의 상위 1%에 속한다는 자부심으로 뭉친 JSA 경비대대의 72시간을 담아본다.
#JSA #JSA경비대대 #공동경비구역 #판문점 #비무장지대 #군사분계선 #다큐3일 #다큐멘터리3일 #양희은
※ 본 영상은 2008년 방송된 것으로 최근의 상황과는 다소 다를 수 있는 점 양해바랍니다.
※ 영상관련 문의 : kbsdoculife@gmail.com
다큐멘터리 3일 (일요일 밤 11시 5분 KBS 2TV)
“대한민국 최전방 공동경비구역, JSA를 가다” (2008.6.28 방송)
세계 유일의 분단 국가, 대한민국. 지구상 마지막 남은 냉전 지대 공동경비구역, JSA!
건군 60주년을 맞아 남과 북이 첨예하게 대립중인 현장을 [다큐멘터리 3일]이 찾았다. 365일 극도의 긴장감이 감도는 분단의 최전선! 그곳에 선 JSA 경비대대 장병들을 만나본다.
🎥 공동경비구역, JSA를 가다
세계에서 가장 오래된 휴전 관리지역 공동경비구역, JSA! 1953년 정전협정 이후 주한미군이 담당하고 있던 경계 임무가 2004년 10월 한국군에 이양되면서 비무장지대의 모든 경계를 JSA 경비대대가 맡게 됐다. 군사분계선하나를 사이에 두고 남북이 최근거리에서 대치중인 판문점, 최전방 초소, 대성동 마을까지. 365일 극도의 긴장감이 흐르는 지대. 출입 허가를 받고 까다로운 신원 확인 절차를 거쳐야만 들어갈 수 있는 제한구역, JSA를 [다큐멘터리 3일]이 찾아가 본다.
🎥 최전방에서 나라를 지킨다! 최강 전투력 JSA 경비대대 장병들
한 걸음이면 오갈 수 있는, 낮은 콘크리트 판을 사이에 두고 북한 측 경비병들과 대치하고 있는 판문점. 언제 생길지 모를 비상사태를 위해 판문점 소초 장병들은 5일 동안 군화도 벗지 않은 채 생활한다.
판문점 소초와 함께 3초소, 기동타격대에서 5일 씩, 보름간의 교대 근무가 끝나면 JSA 경비대대만의 특수 훈련이 시작된다. 최악의 조건에도 임무를 수행할 수 있도록 훈련하는 ‘악조건 하 사격훈련’, 실제 상황을 가정한 전투 모의훈련, 항시 소지해야 하는 권총 사격훈련. 돌발 상황 속에서도 즉각적으로 대응할 수 있도록 강도 높은 훈련을 진행한다. 강인한 체력, 인내력, 자신감을 키우기 위한 JSA 대대만의 훈련 모습을 담았다.
🎥 대성동 자유의 마을
군사분계선에서 불과 800 미터 떨어진 곳에 위치한 대성동 마을. 비무장지대(DMZ) 안의 유일한 민간인 마을이다. 개성공단과 북한 기정동 마을이 눈앞에 보이고 가끔 북한 경비병과 마주칠 정도로 북측과 인접해 있는 곳. 때문에 JSA 부대가 치안과 민정업무를 맡아 마을 주민들을 보호하고 있다. 영농작업을 나갈 때면 경호임무를 수행하고 1년 중 240일 이상 거주해야 주민권을 유지할 수 있는 마을 특성상 부대원들은 매일 저녁, 집집마다 주민 체크를 다닌다. 불편할 법도 한데 자주 얼굴을 맞대다 보니 주민들 역시 부대원들과의 생활이 익숙해 졌다.
🎥 분단의 아픔을 간직한 곳, 판문점
판문점 공동경비구역에는 연간 16만 여명이 다녀간다. 내국인은 물론 외국인까지 신원 확인 절차와 사전 브리핑 을 거친 후 도착하게 되는 판문점. 남과 북이 서로 교차하면서 방문하다보니 시간적, 공간적인 제약에 가고 싶어도 쉽게 갈 수 없는 곳이다. 분단의 아픔이 서려있는 판문점을 찾은 견학단. 불과 몇 미터 앞에 나타난 북한군 모습에 견학단이 술렁이기 시작한다. JSA 대대 특수 보직인 견학경호병들과 함께 판문점을 찾은 이들을 따라가 본다.
🎥 평화와 냉전이 공존하는 JSA! 3일간의 기록
한국 전쟁의 정전협정과 포로교환이 이루어 졌던 분단 아픔의 현장! 1976년 도끼만행사건 사건 같은 씻을 수 없는 상처를 남긴 비극의 현장! 북측 지원과 이산가족 고향 방문, 각종 회담 등 남과 북의 교류의 현장! 공동경비구역, JSA! 아직 남북이 대치하고 있는 냉전 지대지만 언젠가는 평화의 장이 될 것이라는 기대를 저 버릴 수 없는 곳이다. 건군 60주년 맞아 평화와 냉전이 공존하는 JSA, 그리고 대한민국 최전방을 지키는 부대, 60만 육군의 상위 1%에 속한다는 자부심으로 뭉친 JSA 경비대대의 72시간을 담아본다.
#JSA #JSA경비대대 #공동경비구역 #판문점 #비무장지대 #군사분계선 #다큐3일 #다큐멘터리3일 #양희은
※ 본 영상은 2008년 방송된 것으로 최근의 상황과는 다소 다를 수 있는 점 양해바랍니다.
※ 영상관련 문의 : kbsdoculife@gmail.com
- published: 10 Nov 2020
- views: 4264624
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
This video contains all information regarding Job safety analysis
Steps of jsa
What is jsa
This video contains all information regarding Job safety analysis
Steps of jsa
What is jsa
This video contains all information regarding Job safety analysis
Steps of jsa
What is jsa
- published: 25 Dec 2019
- views: 53919
Justice Society Of America - Explained
Slated to appear in The Rock's Black Adam movie, what do fans need to know about the JSA?
Slated to appear in The Rock's Black Adam movie, what do fans need to know about the JSA?
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/
Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/whatculture
Catch us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wc_comics
Slated to appear in The Rock's Black Adam movie, what do fans need to know about the JSA?
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/
Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/whatculture
Catch us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wc_comics
- published: 03 Feb 2020
- views: 103796
이병헌, 송강호, 이영애, 신하균 4명이 동시에 나온 박찬욱 감독의 레전드 분단 영화
#지무비 #영화 #공동경비구역JSA
영화 '공동경비구역JSA'입니다.
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▶지무비 인스타
▶해당 영화 구매링크
#지무비 #영화 #공동경비구역JSA
영화 '공동경비구역JSA'입니다.
▶ 지무비 굿즈스토어
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▶ 문의
*저작권사로부터 영상클립 사용을 허가받았습니다.
*The movie clips on my channel has gotten copyright permission of copyright holder
#지무비 #영화 #공동경비구역JSA
영화 '공동경비구역JSA'입니다.
▶ 지무비 굿즈스토어
▶지무비 인스타
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▶ 문의
*저작권사로부터 영상클립 사용을 허가받았습니다.
*The movie clips on my channel has gotten copyright permission of copyright holder
- published: 16 Oct 2021
- views: 942225
Origin of the Justice Society of America
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/VariantComics_R and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days
Get the comic book Origin of the Justice Society of America, a.k.a. the JSA!
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#JusticeSocietyofAmerica #BlackAdam #DoctorFate
published: 07 Oct 2022
The Justice Society of America Returns!
We're diving into Geoff Johns' new Justice Society of America title with the first two issues, where we see Huntress forming a new JSA and the possible emergence of a new Golden Age.
TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@variantcomics
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#JSA #DoctorFate
published: 19 Feb 2023
DC Comics: Justice Society Of America Explained
▸ http://bit.ly/2ovOT5I
The Justice Society of America is a superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The Justice Society of America was conceived by editor Sheldon Mayer and writer Gardner Fox.
▸ Twitter.com/Comicsexplained
▸ Facebook.com/Marvelexplained
▸ Instagram.com/Comicsexplained
This channel was designed to assist in answering all of your questions about Marvel Comics and DC Comics in an easy to understand way.
published: 22 Feb 2018
Justice Society Of America - Explained
Slated to appear in The Rock's Black Adam movie, what do fans need to know about the JSA?
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/
Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/whatculture
Catch us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wc_comics
published: 03 Feb 2020
Justice Society of America vs Legends in LoT Season 2 episode 2
Justice Society of America, Hourman, Commander Steel, Dr. Mid-Nite, Obsidian, Stargirl, Vixen, Legends of Tomorrow, Citizen Steel #dccomics #legendsoftomorrow
published: 25 Oct 2016
Origins of the Justice Society of America (Black Adam Trailer)
It's time for a deep dive into the history of this iconic DC superhero team! For this video, we’re exploring the origins of the Justice Society of America. We'll examine how this team came to fruition, the artists behind the iconic comic book series, and what the future holds! Who’s your favorite member of the Justice Society of America? Let us know in the comments below.
Watch more great comics videos here:
Top 20 Most Powerful Comic Book Characters Ever: https://youtu.be/xNcYn2YPpa0
Top 10 LGBTQ+ Comic Book Characters: https://youtu.be/BUu6rdVpOJ0
Top 10 Comic Book Events Fans Immediately Hated: https://youtu.be/jaS1tkeHkXQ
Test your Trivia Power!
Have Your Idea Become A Video!
Subscribe for more great content...
published: 08 Jun 2022
Top 10 Justice Society of America Moments
Just in time for their eagerly awaited debut on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, DC All Access looks back at the Justice Society's 75 years of comic book history, revisiting ten of their most memorable moments. From their formation to their recruitment of Kingdom Come's Superman to their run-in with Legends' Rip Hunter, this is Society at its finest.
Jason and Tiffany's shirts available here: http://www.shopdcentertainment.com/category/clothing/as+seen+on+dc+all+access+dcshopdcaa_dcshop.do?ref=PDCALL161014&utm;_source=dcall&utm;_medium=dcall&utm;_campaign=PDCALL161014
DC All Access is your connection to all of the latest DC news and announcements. Subscribe so you don't miss a segment, and be sure to visit DCComics.com for articles, features, character bios and more.
#DC #DCComics #DCUniverse
published: 14 Oct 2016
Who Are The JSA? Justice Society Of America 🗽💪 #SHORTS
#shorts #jsa #dccomics
Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18
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Check Out Our Most Recent Uploads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifjHypIVuCA&list;=UUF5tN4DO3Eh-BBOddG09gHw
💛 Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd Elite: https://bit.ly/3BC5JTP
For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com
Hosted By:
Ben Ball: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAcm3_NmZbVg6LJEGgXU8vA
Edited By:
Trevor Persaud: https://www.instagram.com/treveh/
published: 28 Jul 2022
Justice Society of America vs Sabbac / Black Adam (2022)
Non-Profit Channel. Fair Use. My Copyright Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended.
published: 13 Feb 2023
Justice Society Of America: Who are they and what are their powers?
This video is a compilation of members of the Justice Society of America DC Universe. The members include Black Adam, Superman, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Doctor Fate, and many more.
Music From
Track: Resiliencia — Hiracutch [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/OEhXxvqQDvM
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/resiliencia
published: 21 Oct 2022
Origin of the Justice Society of America
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/VariantComics_R and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days
Get the comic boo...
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/VariantComics_R and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days
Get the comic book Origin of the Justice Society of America, a.k.a. the JSA!
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#JusticeSocietyofAmerica #BlackAdam #DoctorFate
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/VariantComics_R and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days
Get the comic book Origin of the Justice Society of America, a.k.a. the JSA!
TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@variantcomics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/variantcomics
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Variant_official/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/variantcomics/
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iTunes - http://bit.ly/VariantThePodcast
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2JBCTcV
Stitcher - http://bit.ly/2N0fTGh
#JusticeSocietyofAmerica #BlackAdam #DoctorFate
- published: 07 Oct 2022
- views: 111710
The Justice Society of America Returns!
We're diving into Geoff Johns' new Justice Society of America title with the first two issues, where we see Huntress forming a new JSA and the possible emergenc...
We're diving into Geoff Johns' new Justice Society of America title with the first two issues, where we see Huntress forming a new JSA and the possible emergence of a new Golden Age.
TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@variantcomics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/variantcomics
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Variant_official/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/variantcomics/
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iTunes - http://bit.ly/VariantThePodcast
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2JBCTcV
Stitcher - http://bit.ly/2N0fTGh
#JSA #DoctorFate
We're diving into Geoff Johns' new Justice Society of America title with the first two issues, where we see Huntress forming a new JSA and the possible emergence of a new Golden Age.
TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@variantcomics
Twitter: https://twitter.com/variantcomics
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Variant_official/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/variantcomics/
YT - http://bit.ly/VariantPodcast
iTunes - http://bit.ly/VariantThePodcast
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2JBCTcV
Stitcher - http://bit.ly/2N0fTGh
#JSA #DoctorFate
- published: 19 Feb 2023
- views: 75138
DC Comics: Justice Society Of America Explained
▸ http://bit.ly/2ovOT5I
The Justice Society of America is a superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The Justice Soc...
▸ http://bit.ly/2ovOT5I
The Justice Society of America is a superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The Justice Society of America was conceived by editor Sheldon Mayer and writer Gardner Fox.
▸ Twitter.com/Comicsexplained
▸ Facebook.com/Marvelexplained
▸ Instagram.com/Comicsexplained
This channel was designed to assist in answering all of your questions about Marvel Comics and DC Comics in an easy to understand way.
▸ http://bit.ly/2ovOT5I
The Justice Society of America is a superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The Justice Society of America was conceived by editor Sheldon Mayer and writer Gardner Fox.
▸ Twitter.com/Comicsexplained
▸ Facebook.com/Marvelexplained
▸ Instagram.com/Comicsexplained
This channel was designed to assist in answering all of your questions about Marvel Comics and DC Comics in an easy to understand way.
- published: 22 Feb 2018
- views: 112189
Justice Society Of America - Explained
Slated to appear in The Rock's Black Adam movie, what do fans need to know about the JSA?
Slated to appear in The Rock's Black Adam movie, what do fans need to know about the JSA?
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/
Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/whatculture
Catch us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wc_comics
Slated to appear in The Rock's Black Adam movie, what do fans need to know about the JSA?
For more awesome content, check out: http://whatculture.com/
Follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/whatculture
Catch us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wc_comics
- published: 03 Feb 2020
- views: 103796
Justice Society of America vs Legends in LoT Season 2 episode 2
Justice Society of America, Hourman, Commander Steel, Dr. Mid-Nite, Obsidian, Stargirl, Vixen, Legends of Tomorrow, Citizen Steel #dccomics #legendsoftomorrow
Justice Society of America, Hourman, Commander Steel, Dr. Mid-Nite, Obsidian, Stargirl, Vixen, Legends of Tomorrow, Citizen Steel #dccomics #legendsoftomorrow
Justice Society of America, Hourman, Commander Steel, Dr. Mid-Nite, Obsidian, Stargirl, Vixen, Legends of Tomorrow, Citizen Steel #dccomics #legendsoftomorrow
- published: 25 Oct 2016
- views: 71202
Origins of the Justice Society of America (Black Adam Trailer)
It's time for a deep dive into the history of this iconic DC superhero team! For this video, we’re exploring the origins of the Justice Society of America. We'l...
It's time for a deep dive into the history of this iconic DC superhero team! For this video, we’re exploring the origins of the Justice Society of America. We'll examine how this team came to fruition, the artists behind the iconic comic book series, and what the future holds! Who’s your favorite member of the Justice Society of America? Let us know in the comments below.
Watch more great comics videos here:
Top 20 Most Powerful Comic Book Characters Ever: https://youtu.be/xNcYn2YPpa0
Top 10 LGBTQ+ Comic Book Characters: https://youtu.be/BUu6rdVpOJ0
Top 10 Comic Book Events Fans Immediately Hated: https://youtu.be/jaS1tkeHkXQ
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Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news on Film, TV, Video Games, Comics, Celeb, Music and Superheroes.
It's time for a deep dive into the history of this iconic DC superhero team! For this video, we’re exploring the origins of the Justice Society of America. We'll examine how this team came to fruition, the artists behind the iconic comic book series, and what the future holds! Who’s your favorite member of the Justice Society of America? Let us know in the comments below.
Watch more great comics videos here:
Top 20 Most Powerful Comic Book Characters Ever: https://youtu.be/xNcYn2YPpa0
Top 10 LGBTQ+ Comic Book Characters: https://youtu.be/BUu6rdVpOJ0
Top 10 Comic Book Events Fans Immediately Hated: https://youtu.be/jaS1tkeHkXQ
Test your Trivia Power!
Have Your Idea Become A Video!
Subscribe for more great content!
Visit WatchMojo Club for Great Deals!
Your trusted authority for Top 10 lists, reviews, tips and tricks, biographies, origins, and entertainment news on Film, TV, Video Games, Comics, Celeb, Music and Superheroes.
- published: 08 Jun 2022
- views: 87436
Top 10 Justice Society of America Moments
Just in time for their eagerly awaited debut on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, DC All Access looks back at the Justice Society's 75 years of comic book history, revi...
Just in time for their eagerly awaited debut on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, DC All Access looks back at the Justice Society's 75 years of comic book history, revisiting ten of their most memorable moments. From their formation to their recruitment of Kingdom Come's Superman to their run-in with Legends' Rip Hunter, this is Society at its finest.
Jason and Tiffany's shirts available here: http://www.shopdcentertainment.com/category/clothing/as+seen+on+dc+all+access+dcshopdcaa_dcshop.do?ref=PDCALL161014&utm;_source=dcall&utm;_medium=dcall&utm;_campaign=PDCALL161014
DC All Access is your connection to all of the latest DC news and announcements. Subscribe so you don't miss a segment, and be sure to visit DCComics.com for articles, features, character bios and more.
#DC #DCComics #DCUniverse
Just in time for their eagerly awaited debut on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, DC All Access looks back at the Justice Society's 75 years of comic book history, revisiting ten of their most memorable moments. From their formation to their recruitment of Kingdom Come's Superman to their run-in with Legends' Rip Hunter, this is Society at its finest.
Jason and Tiffany's shirts available here: http://www.shopdcentertainment.com/category/clothing/as+seen+on+dc+all+access+dcshopdcaa_dcshop.do?ref=PDCALL161014&utm;_source=dcall&utm;_medium=dcall&utm;_campaign=PDCALL161014
DC All Access is your connection to all of the latest DC news and announcements. Subscribe so you don't miss a segment, and be sure to visit DCComics.com for articles, features, character bios and more.
#DC #DCComics #DCUniverse
- published: 14 Oct 2016
- views: 59436
Who Are The JSA? Justice Society Of America 🗽💪 #SHORTS
#shorts #jsa #dccomics
Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18
💙 Follow Top 10 Nerd Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/top10nerdofficial
Check Out Our...
#shorts #jsa #dccomics
Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18
💙 Follow Top 10 Nerd Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/top10nerdofficial
Check Out Our Most Recent Uploads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifjHypIVuCA&list;=UUF5tN4DO3Eh-BBOddG09gHw
💛 Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd Elite: https://bit.ly/3BC5JTP
For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com
Hosted By:
Ben Ball: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAcm3_NmZbVg6LJEGgXU8vA
Edited By:
Trevor Persaud: https://www.instagram.com/treveh/
#shorts #jsa #dccomics
Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd: http://bit.ly/2eI6p18
💙 Follow Top 10 Nerd Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/top10nerdofficial
Check Out Our Most Recent Uploads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifjHypIVuCA&list;=UUF5tN4DO3Eh-BBOddG09gHw
💛 Subscribe To Top 10 Nerd Elite: https://bit.ly/3BC5JTP
For business inquiries please contact top10nerdchannel@gmail.com
Hosted By:
Ben Ball: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAcm3_NmZbVg6LJEGgXU8vA
Edited By:
Trevor Persaud: https://www.instagram.com/treveh/
- published: 28 Jul 2022
- views: 193038
Justice Society of America vs Sabbac / Black Adam (2022)
Non-Profit Channel. Fair Use. My Copyright Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for pu...
Non-Profit Channel. Fair Use. My Copyright Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended.
Non-Profit Channel. Fair Use. My Copyright Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended.
- published: 13 Feb 2023
- views: 125043
Justice Society Of America: Who are they and what are their powers?
This video is a compilation of members of the Justice Society of America DC Universe. The members include Black Adam, Superman, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Doctor Fat...
This video is a compilation of members of the Justice Society of America DC Universe. The members include Black Adam, Superman, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Doctor Fate, and many more.
Music From
Track: Resiliencia — Hiracutch [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/OEhXxvqQDvM
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/resiliencia
This video is a compilation of members of the Justice Society of America DC Universe. The members include Black Adam, Superman, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Doctor Fate, and many more.
Music From
Track: Resiliencia — Hiracutch [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/OEhXxvqQDvM
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/resiliencia
- published: 21 Oct 2022
- views: 7667
Joint Security Area
published: 20 Nov 2022
JSA – Joint Security Area | Official Trailer
Before Oldboy, before The Handmaiden, visionary filmmaker Park Chan-wook helmed this gripping tale of deceit, misunderstanding and the senselessness of war.
Gunfire breaks out in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea, leaving two North Korean soldiers dead while a wounded South Korean soldier (Lee Byung-hun, The Good, the Bad, the Weird) flees to safety. With the tenuous peace between the two warring nations on a knife-edge, a neutral team of investigators, headed by Swiss Army Major Sophie Jean (Lee Young-ae, Lady Vengeance), is dispatched to question both sides to determine what really happened under cover of darkness out in no-man’s land.
The recipient of multiple accolades, including Best Film at South Korea’s 2001 Grand Bell Awards, JSA – Joint Security Area showcases...
published: 23 Dec 2020
Joint Security Area - A Film in Three Minutes
#jointsecurityarea #afilminthreeminutes #parkchanwook
Discover the truth behind a murder at the DMZ in Park Chan-wook's excellent political thriller "Joint Security Area" (J.S.A.), starring Lee Young-ae, Lee Byung-hun, Song Kang-ho and Kim Tae-woo.
Cinematography by Kim Seong-bok, music by Jo Yeong-wook. Released in 2000.
published: 17 Mar 2019
Joint Security Area- Funny scene at the DMZ
Good movie :-)
published: 14 May 2012
North and South.. Can They Really be Friends? | Song Kang-Ho, Lee Byung-Hun |JSA-Joint Security Area
With Star Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was unaccounte...
published: 02 Dec 2021
Stepped on A Landmine, Saved By North Koreans | Song Kang-Ho, Lee Byung-Hun |JSA-Joint Security Area
With Star Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was unaccounte...
published: 01 Dec 2021
Joint Security Area - hat scene
A scene from the movie joint security area.
published: 15 Jun 2009
Friendship Shatters with A Gunfire | ft. Song Kang-Ho, Lee Byung-Hun | JSA - Joint Security Area
With Star Korean Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was una...
published: 21 Dec 2021
In this video, we will show you a top 15 best movies ever made about the Korean War. Check out more great content from Stream TV on our official YouTube channel.
#bestgeekx #warmovies #koreanwar #bestkoreanmovies #koreanwarmovies #bestkoreanwarmovies #bestmovies #korean #war
0:00 - Introuction
0:32 - Battle for Incheon: Operation Chromite
1:52 - The Battle of Jangsari
2:58 - The Front Line
3:57 - 71: Into the Fire
4:33 - The Long Way Home
5:03 - The Battle at Lake Changjin
5:35 - The Great Battle
6:07 - Welcome to Dongmakgol
6:41 - R-Point
7:23 - The Battle: Roar to Victory
8:03 - War of the Arrows
8:46 - The Admiral: Roaring Currents
9:26 - Ode to My Father
10:03 - Ayla: The Daughter of War
10:40 - Joint Security Area
11:17 - Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of...
published: 07 Jun 2024
[무료영화] '공동경비구역 JSA' (2000) / '이병헌' '송강호' '이영애' '신하균' '김태우' 그리고 '박찬욱 감독' 레전드 한국 영화
채널 구독을 통해 수십 편의 무료영화와😎
독점 공개하는 특별영상을 모두 확인해 보세요~🥳
구독하고 무료영화 보기👇👇👇
다른 신작영화 보러가기 👇👇👇
- 영화정보 -
제목: 공동경비구역 JSA
감독: 박찬욱
출연: 이병헌, 이영애, 송강호, 김태우, 신하균
장르: 드라마
등급: 15세 관람가
국내개봉: 2000년 9월 9일
- 줄거리 -
판문점 공동경비구역 내 돌아오지 않는 다리 북측 초소에서 북한 초소병(신하균 분)이 총상을 입고 살해되는 사건이 발생한다. 사건 이후 북한은 남한의 기습테러공격으로, 남한은 북한의 납치설로 각각 엇갈린 주장을 한다. 양국은 남북한의 실무협조 하에 스위스와 스웨덴으로 구성된 중립국 감독위원회의 책임수사관을 기용해 수사에 착수할 것을 극적으로 합의한다. 중립국 감독 위원회에서는 책임수사관으로 취리히 법대 출신의 한국계 스위스인이며 군 정보단 소령인 소피(이영애 분)를 파견한다. 태어나 처음으로 한국에 입국한 소피는 남측과 북측 모두 피의자 인도 거부와 관계 당국의 비협조적인 태도로 수사 초기부터 어려움을 겪는다. 어렵게 사건 당사자인 남한의 이수혁 병장(이병헌 분)과 북한의 오경필 중사(송강호 분)를 만나 사건 정황을 듣게 되지만, 그들은 서로 상반된 진술만을 반복해 수사는 점차 미궁으로 빠져든다. 그러던 중 사건 최초의 목격자인 남성식 일병(김태우 분)의 진술에서 의혹을 느끼고 수사를 주변 인물로 확대시켜 나간다. 사건을 은폐 축소하...
published: 12 Aug 2023
JSA – Joint Security Area | Official Trailer
Before Oldboy, before The Handmaiden, visionary filmmaker Park Chan-wook helmed this gripping tale of deceit, misunderstanding and the senselessness of war.
Before Oldboy, before The Handmaiden, visionary filmmaker Park Chan-wook helmed this gripping tale of deceit, misunderstanding and the senselessness of war.
Gunfire breaks out in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea, leaving two North Korean soldiers dead while a wounded South Korean soldier (Lee Byung-hun, The Good, the Bad, the Weird) flees to safety. With the tenuous peace between the two warring nations on a knife-edge, a neutral team of investigators, headed by Swiss Army Major Sophie Jean (Lee Young-ae, Lady Vengeance), is dispatched to question both sides to determine what really happened under cover of darkness out in no-man’s land.
The recipient of multiple accolades, including Best Film at South Korea’s 2001 Grand Bell Awards, JSA – Joint Security Area showcases Park’s iconic style in an embryonic form, and demonstrates that humanity and common purpose can be found in the most unlikely places.
#arrowvideo #boutiquebluray #JSA #parkchanwook #GongdonggyeongbiguyeokJSA
Before Oldboy, before The Handmaiden, visionary filmmaker Park Chan-wook helmed this gripping tale of deceit, misunderstanding and the senselessness of war.
Gunfire breaks out in the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea, leaving two North Korean soldiers dead while a wounded South Korean soldier (Lee Byung-hun, The Good, the Bad, the Weird) flees to safety. With the tenuous peace between the two warring nations on a knife-edge, a neutral team of investigators, headed by Swiss Army Major Sophie Jean (Lee Young-ae, Lady Vengeance), is dispatched to question both sides to determine what really happened under cover of darkness out in no-man’s land.
The recipient of multiple accolades, including Best Film at South Korea’s 2001 Grand Bell Awards, JSA – Joint Security Area showcases Park’s iconic style in an embryonic form, and demonstrates that humanity and common purpose can be found in the most unlikely places.
#arrowvideo #boutiquebluray #JSA #parkchanwook #GongdonggyeongbiguyeokJSA
- published: 23 Dec 2020
- views: 129429
Joint Security Area - A Film in Three Minutes
#jointsecurityarea #afilminthreeminutes #parkchanwook
Discover the truth behind a murder at the DMZ in Park Chan-wook's excellent political thriller "Joint Sec...
#jointsecurityarea #afilminthreeminutes #parkchanwook
Discover the truth behind a murder at the DMZ in Park Chan-wook's excellent political thriller "Joint Security Area" (J.S.A.), starring Lee Young-ae, Lee Byung-hun, Song Kang-ho and Kim Tae-woo.
Cinematography by Kim Seong-bok, music by Jo Yeong-wook. Released in 2000.
#jointsecurityarea #afilminthreeminutes #parkchanwook
Discover the truth behind a murder at the DMZ in Park Chan-wook's excellent political thriller "Joint Security Area" (J.S.A.), starring Lee Young-ae, Lee Byung-hun, Song Kang-ho and Kim Tae-woo.
Cinematography by Kim Seong-bok, music by Jo Yeong-wook. Released in 2000.
- published: 17 Mar 2019
- views: 46559
North and South.. Can They Really be Friends? | Song Kang-Ho, Lee Byung-Hun |JSA-Joint Security Area
With Star Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple g...
With Star Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was unaccounted for, which leads to another witness, South Korea Private First Class Nam (Kim Tae-Woo). But Nam, who can't stand the interrogation, tries to kill himself and goes into a coma. The news shakes Lee, and Jean tries to persuade him to find out what really happened that day.
#JointSecurityArea #LeeByungHun #SongKangHo
You can watch the Korean Movie 'Joint Security Area' 공동경비구역 JSA (2000) now on:
On Demand Korea https://bityl.co/9eY7
Lee Byung-hun 이병헌 (Joint Security Area, G.I. Joe, Mr. Sunshine, Emergency Declaration, Concrete Utopia, I Believe In A Thing Called Love, Netflix Squid Game)
Lee Young-ae 이영애 (Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, A Jewel in the Palace, Saimdang, Memoir of Colors, Inspector Koo)
Song Kang-ho 송강호 (Academy Award Winner Bong Joon ho's Parasite, Emergency Declaration, A Taxi Driver, The Age of Shadows, Snowpiercer, The Host, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Memories of Murder, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Joint Security Area)
Shin Ha-kyun 신하균 (Extreme Job, Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Beyond Evil)
Kim Tae-woo 김태우 (Romance is a Bonus Book, Mr. Queen, Awaken, Tokyo Sun-Shower, Joint Security Area)
Director: Park Chan-wook 박찬욱 (Director of Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK, The Handmaiden, The Decision to Break Up)
Genre: Drama, War
Subscribe to 815 (Eight One Five) Pictures for exclusive Kmovie and Kdrama Clips every day〜
To know more about us:
Website http://www.815pictures.net/
Amazon Video https://www.amazon.com/v/815pictures
VIKI http://bit.ly/2T2ey4Y
With Star Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was unaccounted for, which leads to another witness, South Korea Private First Class Nam (Kim Tae-Woo). But Nam, who can't stand the interrogation, tries to kill himself and goes into a coma. The news shakes Lee, and Jean tries to persuade him to find out what really happened that day.
#JointSecurityArea #LeeByungHun #SongKangHo
You can watch the Korean Movie 'Joint Security Area' 공동경비구역 JSA (2000) now on:
On Demand Korea https://bityl.co/9eY7
Lee Byung-hun 이병헌 (Joint Security Area, G.I. Joe, Mr. Sunshine, Emergency Declaration, Concrete Utopia, I Believe In A Thing Called Love, Netflix Squid Game)
Lee Young-ae 이영애 (Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, A Jewel in the Palace, Saimdang, Memoir of Colors, Inspector Koo)
Song Kang-ho 송강호 (Academy Award Winner Bong Joon ho's Parasite, Emergency Declaration, A Taxi Driver, The Age of Shadows, Snowpiercer, The Host, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Memories of Murder, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Joint Security Area)
Shin Ha-kyun 신하균 (Extreme Job, Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Beyond Evil)
Kim Tae-woo 김태우 (Romance is a Bonus Book, Mr. Queen, Awaken, Tokyo Sun-Shower, Joint Security Area)
Director: Park Chan-wook 박찬욱 (Director of Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK, The Handmaiden, The Decision to Break Up)
Genre: Drama, War
Subscribe to 815 (Eight One Five) Pictures for exclusive Kmovie and Kdrama Clips every day〜
To know more about us:
Website http://www.815pictures.net/
Amazon Video https://www.amazon.com/v/815pictures
VIKI http://bit.ly/2T2ey4Y
- published: 02 Dec 2021
- views: 1110257
Stepped on A Landmine, Saved By North Koreans | Song Kang-Ho, Lee Byung-Hun |JSA-Joint Security Area
With Star Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple g...
With Star Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was unaccounted for, which leads to another witness, South Korea Private First Class Nam (Kim Tae-Woo). But Nam, who can't stand the interrogation, tries to kill himself and goes into a coma. The news shakes Lee, and Jean tries to persuade him to find out what really happened that day.
#JointSecurityArea #LeeByungHun #SongKangHo
You can watch the Korean Movie 'Joint Security Area' 공동경비구역 JSA (2000) now on:
On Demand Korea https://bityl.co/9eY7
Lee Byung-hun 이병헌 (Joint Security Area, G.I. Joe, Mr. Sunshine, Emergency Declaration, Concrete Utopia, I Believe In A Thing Called Love, Netflix Squid Game)
Lee Young-ae 이영애 (Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, A Jewel in the Palace, Saimdang, Memoir of Colors, Inspector Koo)
Song Kang-ho 송강호 (Academy Award Winner Bong Joon ho's Parasite, Emergency Declaration, A Taxi Driver, The Age of Shadows, Snowpiercer, The Host, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Memories of Murder, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Joint Security Area)
Shin Ha-kyun 신하균 (Extreme Job, Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Beyond Evil)
Kim Tae-woo 김태우 (Romance is a Bonus Book, Mr. Queen, Awaken, Tokyo Sun-Shower, Joint Security Area)
Director: Park Chan-wook 박찬욱 (Director of Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK, The Handmaiden, The Decision to Break Up)
Genre: Drama, War
Subscribe to 815 (Eight One Five) Pictures for exclusive Kmovie and Kdrama Clips every day〜
To know more about us:
Website http://www.815pictures.net/
Amazon Video https://www.amazon.com/v/815pictures
VIKI http://bit.ly/2T2ey4Y
With Star Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was unaccounted for, which leads to another witness, South Korea Private First Class Nam (Kim Tae-Woo). But Nam, who can't stand the interrogation, tries to kill himself and goes into a coma. The news shakes Lee, and Jean tries to persuade him to find out what really happened that day.
#JointSecurityArea #LeeByungHun #SongKangHo
You can watch the Korean Movie 'Joint Security Area' 공동경비구역 JSA (2000) now on:
On Demand Korea https://bityl.co/9eY7
Lee Byung-hun 이병헌 (Joint Security Area, G.I. Joe, Mr. Sunshine, Emergency Declaration, Concrete Utopia, I Believe In A Thing Called Love, Netflix Squid Game)
Lee Young-ae 이영애 (Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, A Jewel in the Palace, Saimdang, Memoir of Colors, Inspector Koo)
Song Kang-ho 송강호 (Academy Award Winner Bong Joon ho's Parasite, Emergency Declaration, A Taxi Driver, The Age of Shadows, Snowpiercer, The Host, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Memories of Murder, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Joint Security Area)
Shin Ha-kyun 신하균 (Extreme Job, Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Beyond Evil)
Kim Tae-woo 김태우 (Romance is a Bonus Book, Mr. Queen, Awaken, Tokyo Sun-Shower, Joint Security Area)
Director: Park Chan-wook 박찬욱 (Director of Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK, The Handmaiden, The Decision to Break Up)
Genre: Drama, War
Subscribe to 815 (Eight One Five) Pictures for exclusive Kmovie and Kdrama Clips every day〜
To know more about us:
Website http://www.815pictures.net/
Amazon Video https://www.amazon.com/v/815pictures
VIKI http://bit.ly/2T2ey4Y
- published: 01 Dec 2021
- views: 301566
Joint Security Area - hat scene
A scene from the movie joint security area.
A scene from the movie joint security area.
A scene from the movie joint security area.
- published: 15 Jun 2009
- views: 600787
Friendship Shatters with A Gunfire | ft. Song Kang-Ho, Lee Byung-Hun | JSA - Joint Security Area
With Star Korean Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
With Star Korean Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was unaccounted for, which leads to another witness, South Korea Private First Class Nam (Kim Tae-Woo). But Nam, who can't stand the interrogation, tries to kill himself and goes into a coma. The news shakes Lee, and Jean tries to persuade him to find out what really happened that day.
#JointSecurityArea #LeeByungHun #SongKangHo
You can watch the Korean Movie 'Joint Security Area' 공동경비구역 JSA (2000) now on:
On Demand Korea https://bityl.co/9eY7
Lee Byung-hun 이병헌 (Joint Security Area, G.I. Joe, Mr. Sunshine, Emergency Declaration, Concrete Utopia, I Believe In A Thing Called Love, Netflix Squid Game)
Lee Young-ae 이영애 (Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, A Jewel in the Palace, Saimdang, Memoir of Colors, Inspector Koo)
Song Kang-ho 송강호 (Academy Award Winner Bong Joon ho's Parasite, Emergency Declaration, A Taxi Driver, The Age of Shadows, Snowpiercer, The Host, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Memories of Murder, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Joint Security Area)
Shin Ha-kyun 신하균 (Extreme Job, Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Beyond Evil)
Kim Tae-woo 김태우 (Romance is a Bonus Book, Mr. Queen, Awaken, Tokyo Sun-Shower, Joint Security Area)
Director: Park Chan-wook 박찬욱 (Director of Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK, The Handmaiden, The Decision to Break Up)
Genre: Drama, War
Subscribe to 815 (Eight One Five) Pictures for exclusive Kmovie and Kdrama Clips every day〜
To know more about us:
Website http://www.815pictures.net/
Amazon Video https://www.amazon.com/v/815pictures
VIKI http://bit.ly/2T2ey4Y
With Star Korean Actors Lee Byung-Hun (Netflix Squid Game cameo) and Song Kang-Ho (Bong Joon ho's Parasite).
About JSA - Joint Security Area 공동경비구역 (2000):
Multiple gunshots were heard at the North Korean checkpoint in the DMZ. Two soldiers were dead and one wounded. South Korean Sergeant Lee (Lee Byung-Hun), a prime suspect of this case, was captured at the border injured. The truth becomes a mystery as the two Korean governments blame each other. Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission dispatches Sophie E. Jean (Lee Young-Ae), a Korean-swiss Army Major, to conduct a special investigation. She interrogates North Korean Sergeant Oh (Song Kang-Ho), the injured soldier, and Sergeant Lee, but they dodge the question with repetitive answers. After an autopsy on a dead soldier, a bullet was unaccounted for, which leads to another witness, South Korea Private First Class Nam (Kim Tae-Woo). But Nam, who can't stand the interrogation, tries to kill himself and goes into a coma. The news shakes Lee, and Jean tries to persuade him to find out what really happened that day.
#JointSecurityArea #LeeByungHun #SongKangHo
You can watch the Korean Movie 'Joint Security Area' 공동경비구역 JSA (2000) now on:
On Demand Korea https://bityl.co/9eY7
Lee Byung-hun 이병헌 (Joint Security Area, G.I. Joe, Mr. Sunshine, Emergency Declaration, Concrete Utopia, I Believe In A Thing Called Love, Netflix Squid Game)
Lee Young-ae 이영애 (Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, A Jewel in the Palace, Saimdang, Memoir of Colors, Inspector Koo)
Song Kang-ho 송강호 (Academy Award Winner Bong Joon ho's Parasite, Emergency Declaration, A Taxi Driver, The Age of Shadows, Snowpiercer, The Host, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Memories of Murder, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Joint Security Area)
Shin Ha-kyun 신하균 (Extreme Job, Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Beyond Evil)
Kim Tae-woo 김태우 (Romance is a Bonus Book, Mr. Queen, Awaken, Tokyo Sun-Shower, Joint Security Area)
Director: Park Chan-wook 박찬욱 (Director of Joint Security Area, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK, The Handmaiden, The Decision to Break Up)
Genre: Drama, War
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- published: 21 Dec 2021
- views: 120595
In this video, we will show you a top 15 best movies ever made about the Korean War. Check out more great content from Stream TV ...
In this video, we will show you a top 15 best movies ever made about the Korean War. Check out more great content from Stream TV on our official YouTube channel.
#bestgeekx #warmovies #koreanwar #bestkoreanmovies #koreanwarmovies #bestkoreanwarmovies #bestmovies #korean #war
0:00 - Introuction
0:32 - Battle for Incheon: Operation Chromite
1:52 - The Battle of Jangsari
2:58 - The Front Line
3:57 - 71: Into the Fire
4:33 - The Long Way Home
5:03 - The Battle at Lake Changjin
5:35 - The Great Battle
6:07 - Welcome to Dongmakgol
6:41 - R-Point
7:23 - The Battle: Roar to Victory
8:03 - War of the Arrows
8:46 - The Admiral: Roaring Currents
9:26 - Ode to My Father
10:03 - Ayla: The Daughter of War
10:40 - Joint Security Area
11:17 - Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War
11:54 - Silmido
12:31 - Snipers
Contact for partnerships: bestgeekx@gmail.com
In this video, we will show you a top 15 best movies ever made about the Korean War. Check out more great content from Stream TV on our official YouTube channel.
#bestgeekx #warmovies #koreanwar #bestkoreanmovies #koreanwarmovies #bestkoreanwarmovies #bestmovies #korean #war
0:00 - Introuction
0:32 - Battle for Incheon: Operation Chromite
1:52 - The Battle of Jangsari
2:58 - The Front Line
3:57 - 71: Into the Fire
4:33 - The Long Way Home
5:03 - The Battle at Lake Changjin
5:35 - The Great Battle
6:07 - Welcome to Dongmakgol
6:41 - R-Point
7:23 - The Battle: Roar to Victory
8:03 - War of the Arrows
8:46 - The Admiral: Roaring Currents
9:26 - Ode to My Father
10:03 - Ayla: The Daughter of War
10:40 - Joint Security Area
11:17 - Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War
11:54 - Silmido
12:31 - Snipers
Contact for partnerships: bestgeekx@gmail.com
- published: 07 Jun 2024
- views: 124
[무료영화] '공동경비구역 JSA' (2000) / '이병헌' '송강호' '이영애' '신하균' '김태우' 그리고 '박찬욱 감독' 레전드 한국 영화
채널 구독을 통해 수십 편의 무료영화와😎
독점 공개하는 특별영상을 모두 확인해 보세요~🥳
구독하고 무료영화 보기👇👇👇
다른 신작영화 보러가기 👇👇👇
채널 구독을 통해 수십 편의 무료영화와😎
독점 공개하는 특별영상을 모두 확인해 보세요~🥳
구독하고 무료영화 보기👇👇👇
다른 신작영화 보러가기 👇👇👇
- 영화정보 -
제목: 공동경비구역 JSA
감독: 박찬욱
출연: 이병헌, 이영애, 송강호, 김태우, 신하균
장르: 드라마
등급: 15세 관람가
국내개봉: 2000년 9월 9일
- 줄거리 -
판문점 공동경비구역 내 돌아오지 않는 다리 북측 초소에서 북한 초소병(신하균 분)이 총상을 입고 살해되는 사건이 발생한다. 사건 이후 북한은 남한의 기습테러공격으로, 남한은 북한의 납치설로 각각 엇갈린 주장을 한다. 양국은 남북한의 실무협조 하에 스위스와 스웨덴으로 구성된 중립국 감독위원회의 책임수사관을 기용해 수사에 착수할 것을 극적으로 합의한다. 중립국 감독 위원회에서는 책임수사관으로 취리히 법대 출신의 한국계 스위스인이며 군 정보단 소령인 소피(이영애 분)를 파견한다. 태어나 처음으로 한국에 입국한 소피는 남측과 북측 모두 피의자 인도 거부와 관계 당국의 비협조적인 태도로 수사 초기부터 어려움을 겪는다. 어렵게 사건 당사자인 남한의 이수혁 병장(이병헌 분)과 북한의 오경필 중사(송강호 분)를 만나 사건 정황을 듣게 되지만, 그들은 서로 상반된 진술만을 반복해 수사는 점차 미궁으로 빠져든다. 그러던 중 사건 최초의 목격자인 남성식 일병(김태우 분)의 진술에서 의혹을 느끼고 수사를 주변 인물로 확대시켜 나간다. 사건을 은폐 축소하려는 남북한의 상부조직의 음모와 극도의 혼돈 상태에 빠진 피의자들, 중립국 감독 위원회 측의 미온적인 수사태도로 소피는 계속적인 어려움을 겪게 되지만 시체부검과 증거물 조사, 공격적이고 치밀한 추적으로 점차 진실에 가까이 접근해 간다. 그러던 중 사건의 전모가 드러날 것을 두려워한 남성식이 돌연 투신 자살을 시도한다. 이 사건을 계기로 상부 조직은 소피의 아버지가 과거 한국전에 참전했던 인민군이었음을 폭로하고 중립국 감독위원회를 사주해 소피의 수사전권 해임을 통보한다. 남한 병사 이수혁 병장은 왜 북한 초소병을 쏘았을까? 최초 목격자인 남성식 일병은 왜 자살을 시도했을까? 그리고, 북한의 오경필 중사는 무엇을 숨기고 있는가? 그녀는, 진실을 파헤치기 위해 마지막 시도를 감행하는데.
채널 구독을 통해 수십 편의 무료영화와😎
독점 공개하는 특별영상을 모두 확인해 보세요~🥳
구독하고 무료영화 보기👇👇👇
다른 신작영화 보러가기 👇👇👇
- 영화정보 -
제목: 공동경비구역 JSA
감독: 박찬욱
출연: 이병헌, 이영애, 송강호, 김태우, 신하균
장르: 드라마
등급: 15세 관람가
국내개봉: 2000년 9월 9일
- 줄거리 -
판문점 공동경비구역 내 돌아오지 않는 다리 북측 초소에서 북한 초소병(신하균 분)이 총상을 입고 살해되는 사건이 발생한다. 사건 이후 북한은 남한의 기습테러공격으로, 남한은 북한의 납치설로 각각 엇갈린 주장을 한다. 양국은 남북한의 실무협조 하에 스위스와 스웨덴으로 구성된 중립국 감독위원회의 책임수사관을 기용해 수사에 착수할 것을 극적으로 합의한다. 중립국 감독 위원회에서는 책임수사관으로 취리히 법대 출신의 한국계 스위스인이며 군 정보단 소령인 소피(이영애 분)를 파견한다. 태어나 처음으로 한국에 입국한 소피는 남측과 북측 모두 피의자 인도 거부와 관계 당국의 비협조적인 태도로 수사 초기부터 어려움을 겪는다. 어렵게 사건 당사자인 남한의 이수혁 병장(이병헌 분)과 북한의 오경필 중사(송강호 분)를 만나 사건 정황을 듣게 되지만, 그들은 서로 상반된 진술만을 반복해 수사는 점차 미궁으로 빠져든다. 그러던 중 사건 최초의 목격자인 남성식 일병(김태우 분)의 진술에서 의혹을 느끼고 수사를 주변 인물로 확대시켜 나간다. 사건을 은폐 축소하려는 남북한의 상부조직의 음모와 극도의 혼돈 상태에 빠진 피의자들, 중립국 감독 위원회 측의 미온적인 수사태도로 소피는 계속적인 어려움을 겪게 되지만 시체부검과 증거물 조사, 공격적이고 치밀한 추적으로 점차 진실에 가까이 접근해 간다. 그러던 중 사건의 전모가 드러날 것을 두려워한 남성식이 돌연 투신 자살을 시도한다. 이 사건을 계기로 상부 조직은 소피의 아버지가 과거 한국전에 참전했던 인민군이었음을 폭로하고 중립국 감독위원회를 사주해 소피의 수사전권 해임을 통보한다. 남한 병사 이수혁 병장은 왜 북한 초소병을 쏘았을까? 최초 목격자인 남성식 일병은 왜 자살을 시도했을까? 그리고, 북한의 오경필 중사는 무엇을 숨기고 있는가? 그녀는, 진실을 파헤치기 위해 마지막 시도를 감행하는데.
- published: 12 Aug 2023
- views: 459439