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Sun, 14/06/2015 - 23:49
Court hearings on the case of political prisoner's Ilya Romanov to start June 16

On June 2 preliminary hearing regarding the case of anarchist political prisoner Ilya Romanov from Nizhnii Novgorod was conducted in Moscow District Military Court. Ilya took part in the court session via video conference link.

Sun, 14/06/2015 - 17:56
Campaign of solidarity with Alexander Kolchenko continues

Actions to demand the release Alekxander Kolchenko will take place in France from June 27 to 30, 2015. Demonstraions and meetings will be organised in Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg, Marseille and Biarritz. We strongly encourage you to join the solidarity campaign and to do something in support of Alexander Kolchenko from June 30 to July 5.

Sun, 31/05/2015 - 23:18
Rally against the police department of Yekaterinburg №5

In Yekaterinburg May 30, 2015 rally against the tyranny of the police. The occasion was a series of unjustified detentions of public activists cops of the Police Department №5, including anti-fascists on May 9 for a photo with a scarf Omonia at the monument to the heroes of World War II.

Mon, 04/05/2015 - 00:50
News on the case of Alexander Kolchenko

On April 9, Lefortovskiy district Moscow court prolonged detention of Alexander Kolchenko for a month, till May, 16. On May 16 a year will pass away since Kolchenko had been arrested in the Simferopol center as a terrorist attack suspect. 22/05/2014 he had been sent to Moscow together with other defendants and had been held in a pretrial detention center "Lefortovo" since then.

Sun, 03/05/2015 - 02:54
Alexander Kolchenko: The “Terrorist” from Simferopol

According to the FSB, Alexander Kolchenko is a member of the anti-Russian underground in Crimea. Along with three other arrested residents of the peninsula, he has been accused of terrorism.

Tue, 07/04/2015 - 04:01
The story about samba action against fascist conference in St. Petersburg and arrest that followed

I'm at home now after a night spent at the police department. Me and three of my comrades were arrested for showing our disapproval to Nazis, who came to the International Russian Conservative Forum that was held in Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg 22nd of March.

Sun, 22/03/2015 - 21:53
Protest action at Holiday Inn of Helsinki

In the center of Helsinki, at the building of Holiday Inn, action of anarchists took place against a conference of far-right parties, which took place in Holiday Inn of St. Petersburg. Around 15 participators encouraged a boycott of hotel chain. 

Fri, 06/03/2015 - 03:51
Join international solidarity campaign for Alexander Kolchenko

Alexander Kolchenko is a Crimean anarchist, social activist and antifascist who is held in captivity by the Russian authorities. Along with other Crimean activists, he has been kidnapped by the Russian FSB (ex-KGB) and is now detained as a political hostage in Lefortovo jail in Moscow.

Fri, 16/01/2015 - 20:34
Interview with girl ultras "Spartak Nalchik"

Team Spartak Nalchik has never been a serious financial support like Anji Makhachkala, but his mark in the history of football in the Caucasus it postponed. We hope that the trend created in these years, will continue to evolve in Nalchik. At the very least, any precedent antifascist ultras in the former USSR and, especially, in Russia deserves a detailed review.

Wed, 31/12/2014 - 20:55
Russian imprisoned anarchist Ilya Romanov needs your solidarity

Ilya Romanov, a 46-years old Russian anarchist, has been under arrest for more than a year for now, from October 29, 2013. He is charged with an attempt of a terrorist attack (art.30 of 205.1 of Russian Criminal Code) and of illegal manufacturing of explosives (222.1 CC). He declares that his rigths are badly violated. In violation of the law courts held behind closed doors, the investigation takes unreasonably long, and all his complaints rejected. His imprisonment was continued till February 26, 2015. Ilya was arrested after he came to a hospital badly wounded after a self made firecracker suddenly went off in his hands. The accident happened next to a building occupied by Russian Army draft office. His left hand was torn off. The man was placed in hospital. He was interrogated by the...

Thu, 20/11/2014 - 13:32
Aleksandr Kolchenko: I am not a terrorist. I am a citizen of Ukraine

The story of this interview is different from how interviews are usually recorded. The person answering the questions is in the place not very accessible for journalists – Lefortovo Moscow Pretrial Detention Facility that is still known as RF FSB SIZO (RF FSB SIZO - pre-trial detention facility of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation – transl.).

Sun, 19/10/2014 - 12:06
Moscow Autonomous Action on the Ukrainian war

This text was written as an answer to our foreign friends' questions about situation in the Eastern Ukraine and Russian anarchists' attitude towards that. We hope it will be of use to everybody interested in these matters. The situation is complex and controversial and you should understand that the text below does not (and can't) reflect the opinion of all Russian anti-fascists and anti-capitalists. We discussed this within our group, but even here we have a couple of contradicting points of view.

Thu, 04/09/2014 - 22:22
Match report Dynamo Moscow - Omonia Nicosia 21/08/14

After the drawing play-off round of the Europa League, it became clear that the Cyprus Omonia will hold two games with the  Dynamo Moscow.

Sun, 31/08/2014 - 20:13
Russian troops out of Ukraine! Demonstration in Helsinki 8th of September

Stop the war and human rights violations! Meeting on September 8 at the Kolme Seppää -statue at 6.00 PM from where we will walk to Russian embassy at Tehtaankatu.

Sat, 12/07/2014 - 03:54
Moscow Anarchist Black Cross Repressions Review, April-June 2014

We continue our regular summaries on repressions of anarchists, antifascists, and social activists in Russia, on obstacles which police state creates for our activity.

Tue, 08/07/2014 - 02:11
Dzmitry Rezanovich got a fine and deportation from Russia

On 3 July Dzmitry Rezanovich was fined with 15 000 russian rubles and deportation from Russia. It is still unclear for how long it will be forbidden for Dzmitry to enter the russian territory. The deportation date was not announced yet and some sources point that it is possible only after the fine will be payed. The relatives already got papers to do so. We would like to thank everyone who supported Dzmitry financially and morally.

Tue, 20/05/2014 - 03:18
ABC-Moscow: Repressions summary for March-April 2014

We continue to publish news about repressions against anarchists, antifascists and social activists and about the obstacles we face from the side of police state. In February, March and April issue you can read about Maidan ghost, letters from the prisons and senseless trials.

Mon, 07/04/2014 - 13:39
ABC-Moscow: Repressions summary for January-February 2014

From now on, we are going to publish summaries of repressions against anarchists, antifascists and social activists in Russia on a regular basis, as well as on how the state opposes our activity. In the January-February issue: sudden amnesty of antifascists in Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, attempt to ban "Avtonom" zine due to

Wed, 12/03/2014 - 05:30
Anarchists from Petrozavodsk, Russia were kidnapped and seriously injured by unknown people in masks.

Anarchists, organizers of demonstration "Against the war in Ukraine" in Petrozavodsk, Russia were kidnapped and seriously injured by unknown people in masks.   On 9th of March, along with the traditional Food Not Bombs action, demonstration "Against the war in Ukraine" suppose

Sun, 23/02/2014 - 22:42
A solidarity action for Bolotnaya prisoners in Helsinki

We went and dropped two banners as a protest against treatment of Bolotnaya square demonstrators. A sentence for Bolotnaya case is expected next monday, 24rd of December. Our action was also in solidarity for all political prisoners.

Tue, 28/01/2014 - 14:33
"Prison united all of us"

Interview with anarchist prisoners in the so-called "Bolotnaya Case", former sailor Alexei Polikhovich, 22 (pictured), and historian Stepan Zimin, 21. They are amongst the many people charged with participation in the May 6, 2012 clashes with police during an opposition rally in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square.

Sat, 18/01/2014 - 20:25
Moscow anti-fascists amnestied

On Friday 10th of January Basmanniy district court of Moscow ceased criminal case against Alexey Olesinov, Alexey Sutuga, Alyon Volikov and Babken Guskasyan. All four were accused of “hooliganism”, a criminal offense which is included in the amnesty bill, approved as a PR stunt on initiative of Vladimir Putin himself in advent of the Sochi Winter Olympics – most known amnestied political prisoners being 30 detainees of the Arctic Sunrise ship of Greenpeace, and two imprisoned members of Pussy Riot. Four anti-fascists had also other, less severe charges which fall under statutes of limitations.

Sat, 07/12/2013 - 07:54
My article “On anarchism and violence” is now banned in Russia

28th of November Lenin district court of the city of Tyumen uphold a request of the prosecutor of the Lenin district on recognition a text I wrote two years ago as “extremist”. My article “on anarchism and violence” was published in issue 33 of Avtonom journal in autumn of 2011, and also in 5th issue of Finnish anarchist journal Väärinajattelija. I published both of these texts with a pseudonyme, as I did not want Russian authorities to pay unsoliticed attention to my person. Now I have translated this text to English, as I would like as many people as possible to make conclusion on justification of the decision of the Lenin district court of Tyumen.

Tue, 03/12/2013 - 05:55
A Call for Solidarity with the Avtonom-journal, several issues of which are now banned in Russia!

On Thursday the 28th of November, the Lenin district court of the city of Tyumen upheld the request of the prosecutor of said district in recognizing five articles of the journal Avtonom as “extremist.”

Thu, 21/11/2013 - 00:23
Varshavsky Warehouse Squat Case: St Petersburg Anarchist Black Cross statement on criminal charges against Denis Levkin

Denis Levkin has been imprisoned since February 2013. He was detained when the police stormed the squatted warehouse near the former Varshavsky Station in St Petersburg, Russia, and charged under article 318 part 2 of the Russian Criminal Code (use of violence dangerous for health or life against an officer).

Wed, 13/11/2013 - 14:35
Greek ecologists: solidarity from Yekaterinburg (Russia)

  Event was held near the building of the visa center in Greece on November 9 at the day of United Action. Halkidiki is located in the north of Greece, and it is Aristotle’ homeland. This is one of the main recreational areas of the country, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year. Harming the environment, the Eldorado Gold Company shows the hypocrisy and greed of capitalists. In the pursuit of profits, they will stop at nothing. We believe that environmental problems - is the problems of all people in the world. Capital does not respect political boundaries. Polluting nature in one place, corporations harms the entire global ecosystem. So it is especially important to the world's environmental movement to strengthen its solidarity and support any struggle...

Wed, 06/11/2013 - 04:58
Nizhni Novgorod: Anarchist Ilya Romanov wounded in an explosion at draft office

Ilya Romanov, a 46-years old Russian anarchist, was wounded on 26th of October 2013. According to authorities, this happened when a homemade bomb suddenly went off in his hands.

Tue, 05/11/2013 - 20:26
Antifascist action in Yekaterinburg (Ural)

  4 of November in Yekaterinburg was held an antifascist action. This day Russian neo-nazis traditionally organizing so-called "Russian March". In fact, Russian holiday called "Day of National Unity" is the day of nazi riot and xenophobia. We took to the streets on that day in order to show the righ-wing scum that not everyone will be tacitly support the further transformation of Russia into a fascist state. We used the banner "No to fascism of all kinds", because Chauvinism has different manifestations and it affects both the ruling elite and the poor. We also stands in solidarity with anti-fascists around the world. We remember those who have become victims of the Nazi terror and died for ideals. One of the last of these deaths was the murder of Pavlos...

Sun, 06/10/2013 - 02:38
Kazan, Russia: Arrested anarchists released court pending

  In Thursday 3rd of October, local activists learned that four anarchist anti-fascists arrested in Kazan have been released court pending. According to one of the comrades, during the arrest everyone was heavily pressured to sign a confession during the period of arrest. Activists spent around half years in remand. Due to bad arrest conditions, some of them got health problems.    It is expected that court will begin approximately in one month. Comrades in Kazan are still in need of financial help for lawyer costs and other costs of the criminal case.    You may donate to Kazan anarchists via Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow (instructions:    Updates and previous news on the...

Sat, 05/10/2013 - 03:13
Under Fire between the Lines - Russian anarchists during the 1993 Yeltsin coup

As 20 years have passed since tragical events of October 1993, we republish this detailed account stored in flag.blackened archive.   

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