Without a Paddle is a 2004 American comedy film directed by Steven Brill and written by Jay Leggett and Mitch Rouse based on a story by Harris Goldberg, Tom Nursall, and Fred Wolf. The film stars Seth Green, Matthew Lillard, and Dax Shepard as three reunited childhood friends going on a trip up a remote river in order to search for the loot of a long-lost airplane hijacker.
A direct-to-video spin-off, entitled Nature's Calling, was released in January 2009.
Following a friend's death, a group of three old friends go on an adventure, a search for the treasure of D. B. Cooper, which their dead buddy Billy planned for them years prior. Along the way, they meet up with pot farming, insane hillbillies that try to hunt them and kill them. They go through the forest along the way, avoiding a bear as well, before meeting two friendly hippies who help them get away. The hillbillies track them down, but not before the three friends meet D.B. Cooper's accomplice. The boys find D.B.'s bones and believe he burned his share of the money to survive. The hillbillies catch up to them and a fight ensues. Some quick thinking and a grenade causes a tree to fall on the rednecks and gives the guys a chance to get away. Once they escape the wilderness D.B.'s partner gives them his share of the money.