GLBT: Good Lord! Banging Techno Vol. 1
This one's not for the faint of heart!
I've been on a bit of a techno streak lately and this is filled with tracks that just make me want to break everything in the room--in a brilliantly beautiful way. Tracklist below.
I was a bit reluctant to post this one as it was semi-impromptu and I added and deleted a few tracks from the original playlist on the fly.
The end result is fairly decent though and the acronym was just too good to let go. Some of these records had been itching to be played for far too long as well.
Say hi and download at &
EDIT: This video's now a repost because the original popped hot for SCNTST - Percee Scan, a killer tune by the way, so that audio had to be unfortunately removed.
Tough times. The full, uninterrupted aud