- published: 29 Apr 2016
- views: 1268
Amateur astronomy is a hobby whose participants enjoy watching the sky, and the abundance of objects found in it with the unaided eye, binoculars, or telescopes. Even though scientific research is not their main goal, many amateur astronomers make a contribution to astronomy by monitoring variable stars, tracking asteroids and discovering transient objects, such as comets and novae.
The typical amateur astronomer is one who does not depend on the field of astronomy as a primary source of income or support, and does not have a professional degree or advanced academic training in the subject. Many amateurs are beginners or hobbyists, while others have a high degree of experience in astronomy and often assist and work alongside professional astronomers.
Amateur astronomy is usually associated with viewing the night sky when most celestial objects and events are visible, but sometimes amateur astronomers also operate during the day for events such as sunspots and solar eclipses. Amateur astronomers often look at the sky using nothing more than their eyes, but common tools for amateur astronomy include portable telescopes and binoculars.
Amateur Astronomy More Than a Hobby 1
Amateur astronomers and the art of astrophotography | Iowa Outdoors
Astronomy for Beginners - Getting Started Stargazing!
Amateur Astronomers - KQED QUEST
Amateur Astronomy Video 1 - Introduction
Starfleet Caught On Amateur Telescope.flv
Amateur Astronomy in Australia
This Backyard Astronomer Has Discovered 300 Asteroids and Counting
MOON and ALIEN -Amateur Astronomers Footage-HD-AVI Video-New Version
We join amateur astronomers at one of Iowa's darkest locations for the Iowa Star Party, as they share their interstellar hobby and stunning photos with each other and curious guests. http://www.iptv.org/iowaoutdoors
In this informative video, we share some tips and insight into the steps you need to take to get into stargazing. We cover: establishing a location, useful beginner accessories, observing tips, using binoculars, and more! Telescopes / Télescopes / Teleskopes For our US and Canadian customers – http://bit.ly/1Xgs0NS For our UK customers – http://bit.ly/1OwD8iC For our English-speaking EU customers – http://bit.ly/24VEGw8 Pour nos clients français - http://bit.ly/1Tj3YAn Für unsere deutschen Kunden - http://bit.ly/27tlAzy Binoculars / Jumelles / Ferngläser For our US and Canadian customers – http://bit.ly/1TFlDhI For our UK customers – http://bit.ly/1WBPGNE For our English-speaking EU customers – http://bit.ly/24VEI77 Pour nos clients français - http://bit.ly/1WB2tAi Für unsere...
This video shows how many well known and amateur astronomers and scientists have died in strange circumstances over the years that the PTB have known Nibiru was coming, please watch all of video. Thank you and may the Lord Jesus Christ Bless You and Be with You Always... MARANATHA... All Glory to the Lamb of God!
This is the first video in a series I've made to help my nieces and nephews, sisters, and parents use the Dobsonian Mount Reflector Telescopes that I bought them for Christmas. It is an introduction to telescopes and stargazing. To view the next video in this series all about the parts of a telescope follow this link: https://youtu.be/T-HGFavzZfg.
Starfleet Caught On Amateur Telescope. This is footage is from an amateur astronomers telescope,he has pictures and video evidence of large space craft in space around our planet.The government deny it but its there,if it is are governments up there then why are they there? and what are they there for?,if it isn't our governments then who is it? where are they from? and what are they doing there?
An insight into the extraordinary night-lives of three ordinary Australians.
Gary Hug turned his fascination with asteroids into more than just a hobby. He built an observatory behind his house, and courtesy of his homemade reflector telescope, the "amateur" asteroid tracker has identified 300 flaming balls of ice and rock. SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/vR6Acb Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: http://goo.gl/2KABeX Make our acquaintance on Facebook: http://goo.gl/Vn0XIZ Give us a shout on Twitter: http://goo.gl/sY1GLY Visit our world directly: http://www.greatbigstory.com Great Big Story is a video network dedicated to the untold, overlooked & flat-out amazing. Humans are capable of incredible things & we're here to tell their stories. When a rocket lands in your backyard, you get in.
An asteroid or comet just slammed into Jupiter, and two amateur astronomers caught it on video.
Karen Ng lectures on the El Gordo Super Cluster to the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers on August 21st.
No one believes an amateur astronomer''s spaceship sighting until the town''s people begin disappearing.
Deep Impact Teenage http://bit.ly/1XlbNXC amateur astronomer Leo Beiderman discovers an unusual object near the stars Mizar and Alcor at a star party in Richmond..
Presented at meeting of Amateur Astronomers, Inc. (AAI) at Union County Community College, Cranford, NJ
A lecture given to the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers on November 19th 2014 by Dr. Richard McCray of UC Berkeley on the Subject of Super Nova 1987a
A lecture given to the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers on 6/18/2014 by Brad Tucker on the subject of Exploding Stars and Dark Energy.
This educational video explains telescope astronomy, the use of telescope software, locating stars and constellations, and general practices using your telescope. Many amateur astronomers are beginners or hobbyists, while others have experience in stargazing often assist and work alongside professional astronomers. For more information on visual or amateur astronomers online, goto: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amateur_astronomy College Classes playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSjDVMHUtJM&list;=PLCIsViWU6sLnsF26GtJvfKMFUFJGB3suL FOLLOW on: https://www.facebook.com/documentarytube.net https://twitter.com/DocArchive
Gill Broussard is gaining popularity as a proponent Planet X theory based ancient cataclysms. Gill is a science-based researcher, amateur astronomer, and theologian has found new evidence for Planet X based on historical Chinese records and biblical accounts. Is this rogue “PLANET X,” (so named by NASA, and so named by astronomers for the past century), ie. Nibiru, actually being reeled in by our Sun’s gravitational pull ? Audio is property of www.latenightinthemidlands.com Become an LNM insider & subscribe for details go to http://lnmradionetwork.com/subscribe-to-lnm/ Catch up with the Last and most up to date shows in 2016 by subscribing to this channel..