- published: 08 Aug 2016
- views: 110135
Tomohon is a city in North Sulawesi Province (Sulawesi Utara), in central Indonesia. Tomohon was a part of the Minahasa Regency in North Sulawesi. There was a time when the inhabitants felt the necessity of upgrading the status of their residence into an autonomous city on behalf of its approach to community service. Tomohon officially became a city in 2003 by the passage of the Act of Republic Indonesia No. 10 of 2003 about the establishment of South Minahasa Regency and Tomohon city within North Sulawesi Province and was inaugurated on August 4, 2003. Tomohon is known for flower planting at people's homes. Nearby is the volcano Gunung Lokon or Mount Lokon and Mount Empung. Tomohon is also known for wooden-house production, palm-sugar (aren ) production, vegetable agriculture, as a center of Christian Ministry, and as a student town. Tomohon also has a local TV station, TV 5 Dimensi, with services available to 2.5 million viewers in North Sulawesi.
2016 Sulawesi extreme market Tomohon (Bizarre Food) चरम बाजार ekstrim أقصى 極端
Extreme Food at Tomohon Food Market
TOMKUU on VLOG #22 - Pasar Extreme Tomohon
Jelajahi Tomohon, Kota Cantik di Sulawesi Utara - NET5
Tomohon Market Indonesia
Cara Mendapatkan Cewek Tomohon - Caparuni Interview
Dogs being slaughtered in Tomohon, Indonesia (VERY DISTURBING TO WATCH!!)
Pasar Anjing Rica-Rica (Tomohon) - TRIPP! (MANADO 2)
Begini Ganasnya Banjir Bandang Terjang Manado, Minahasa dan Tomohon
TOMOHON MARKET: INDONESIA’S MOST MACABRE MEAT MARKET “I think I’m gonna cry at the Tomohon Market. I won’t have the heart to see a cat butchered and sold in pieces,” “Well, maybe…” “But I’m curious!” And so we went to Tomohon Market after the Bunaken. I crossed my fingers that I wouldn’t faint upon seeing crazy things at the famous market. I walked bravely in the alleys, I had prepared my guts to see whatever people said I would see in the market. There’s a joke that says “not a single cat nor mouse is safe in Tomohon or Manado because the people eat anything that breathes.” Crazy? I think so too, but it’s their custom. I was there to see the real thing. I hope through this film that people waking up and do something about it. Alone you can not stop this. This has to be stopped from ab...
EXTREME MARKET TOMOHON CITY - NORTH SULAWESI - INDONESIA THANK YOU FOR WATCHING. IF YOU LIKE, PLEASE LIKE AND COMMENT, DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE AND WATCH THE NEXT VIDEOS. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVNGKXH-1qgv4WK7Icox6UA Twitter: https://twitter.com/NnesChang Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johanneschang/
WARNING!!! The following content may contain elements that are not suitable / disturbing for some audiences. Accordingly, viewer discretion is advised PS: PLEASE STOP EATING DOG'S MEAT!!! DOGS ARE NOT FOOD!!
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/netmediatama dan subscribe untuk info berita terbaru di channel: http://www.youtube.com/OfficialNetNews Twitter : https://twitter.com/OfficialNetNews Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/netmediatamaindonesia Saksikan info berita ter-update di: NET 5 : pukul 5.00 - 6.00 WIB Indonesia Morning Show : pukul 6.00 - 7.30 WIB NET 10 (Senin-Jumat) : pukul 10.00 - 11.00 WIB NET 12 : pukul 12.00 - 13.00 WIB NET 16 : pukul 16.00 - 16.30 WIB NET 24 : pukul 24.00 - 00.30 WIB --- Syarat & Ketentuan: http://bit.ly/1jAbOYj
Traditional market Tomohon (near Manado) in North Sulawesi, Indonesia on one day before Christmas 2011. Busy morning at meat section of the market: Python, tree rats, flying fox, dogs, pork, are the fav cuisine of Minahasa people
Cewek Tomohon. Bagaimana cara mendapatkan cewek-cewek Tomohon yang cantik-cantik ? kali ini kami mewawancarai langsung Cewek-Cewek Cantik di Tomohon. Coba tonton video yang satu ini, selain cuci mata, teman-teman juga bisa mengambil tips dan trik cara mendapatkan cewek Tomohon di video interview kali ini. Penasaran bagaimana kecantikan cewe-cewe Tomohon ? Langsung jo ba uni video yang satu ini
MASIH DI KOTA MANADO, KOTA YANG TERKENAL DENGAN PASAR TOMOHON-NYA. APA SIH YANG MEREKA CARI DI PASAR TOMOHON? Dokumentasi perjalanan Reiner dan Wahyu untuk pencarian jati diri mereka, melihat kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Indonesia, dari yang umum hingga absurd Nothing is off LIMITS!! Instagram: https://instagram.com/tripp.id/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/tripp_id Facebook: https://facebook.com/tripp.id.1 For inquiries contact: tripp.indo@gmail.com
Sulawesi Utara atau Sulut kembali diterjang banjir dan longsor. Jika sebelumnya terjadi di Kota Bitung, hujan serta angin kencang sejak Minggu siang tadi menyebabkan bencana di tiga daerah sekaligus, yakni Kota Manado, Kabupaten Minahasa, dan Kota Tomohon. Di Kabupaten Minahasa, sejumlah wilayah yang terendam banjir antara lain Kelurahan Tataaran II dan Patar, Kecamatan Tondano Selatan, Kecamatan Sonder, Kecamatan Kakas dan Kecamatan Remboken. Selain itu longsor menutupi ruas jalan yang menghubungkan Desa Leilem dan Sonder serta beberapa titik lainnya. "Hujan deras sejak siang, akibatnya air langsung menggenangi rumah warga hingga beberapa ruas jalan. Aktivitas warga pun terhenti akibat kejadian tersebut," ucap Marcel Talokon, warga Kelurahan Tataaran II, Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulut, kepad...
Tomohon en Sulawesi : Que voir ? Que faire ? Volcans, Lacs, marché traditionnel et champs de fleurs - 2ème épisode de notre itinéraire de voyage à Sulawesi en Indonésie. Guide de voyage sur Tomohon avec toutes les infos pratiques, conseils et récit : http://www.onedayonetravel.com/sejour-a-tomohon-en-sulawesi-guide-de-voyage/ Guide de voyage de notre itinéraire à Sulawesi : http://www.onedayonetravel.com/itineraire-et-guide-de-voyage-a-sulawesi-en-indonesie/ ✈ Suis-nous ✈ Follow us ✈ Blog Voyage http://www.onedayonetravel.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/onedayonetravel Instagram https://instagram.com/onedayonetravel/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Onedayonetravel Google+ https://plus.google.com/108297571335072174535
We travel to Sulawesi from South to North showing you some of the top places to visit. For full details about itinerary, cost and tips http://bit.ly/2dylizW For more travel destinations please visit: http://travellinganddreaming.com/ Places featured on this video: -Tana Toraja Region -Tangkoko -Tomohon town and Minahasa -Hiking mount Klabat -Bunaken Island or Palau Bunaken Music Album:Youtube Audio Library Title: Take you home Tonight Authors:Vibe tracks You can also find us here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/travellinganddreaming/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travellinganddreaming/
Third day in MANADOOO \(^.^)/ It’s not Manado actually.. We travel to Tomohon which is a Highland near Manado. We can reach Tomohon by rent a car for a day. It’s about one and half hour from Manado. The view was very beatiful, it was green everywhere, I falling in love with that place.. Hope you'll like it guys :D Don’t forget to LIKE if you enjoy this video, leave your COMMENT if you want to ask something to us, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you will get notification if we just upload another video.. Ps: Vlog Buka-buka Oleh-oleh will be uploaded soon (~^.^)~ Catch us on our Social Media... *Facebook Vania Zulfa Ingrid Fadila *Twitter @Vhavanya @ingridfadila *Instagram @vaniazulfa https://www.instagram.com/vaniazulfa/ @ingridfadila https://www.instagram.com/ingridfadila/ Thank ...
Bomba Island aux Togian Islands à Central Sulawesi, c'est une île paradisiaque en Indonésie méconnue du tourisme de masse. Bienvenue au paradis ! On pose nos sacs au Island Retreat Cottages qui se situe à 1 h à pied du village de Bomba peuplé de Bajau, des nomades des mers, au sud-Ouest des iles Togian. On peut aussi s'y rendre en pirogue à moteur en 10 minutes. Guide de voyage sur les îles Togian avec toutes les infos pratiques, conseils et récit : http://www.onedayonetravel.com/sejour-aux-iles-togian-guide-de-voyage-a-sulawesi/ Guide de voyage de notre itinéraire à Sulawesi : http://www.onedayonetravel.com/itineraire-et-guide-de-voyage-a-sulawesi-en-indonesie/ ✈ Suis-nous ✈ Follow us ✈ Blog Voyage http://www.onedayonetravel.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/onedayonetravel Insta...
Our second day in Manado and man the city really knows how to win our heart (and our belly). We were lucky to have a friend to guide us today through the gory scenes at Tomohon wet market, eat at the legendary Tinoor restaurant, rumah kopi Gembira at Kawangkoan and bask in the view of Linow Lake. We hope you enjoy. And stay tune for the full short movie. Subscribe, so you'll be the first one to know when it is up! --- Videographer: Vedro El Citra
Dit is de eerste dag van onze wandeltocht door Toraja land.
We took an early rest and woke up in the break of dawn to witness the sun rising from atop mount Mahawu. Unfortunately it was gloomy and the sun was covered in cloud. Nevertheless we took a morning walk by circling the crater rim of mount Mahawu. It was cold and windy, and half of the path are covered in bushes. But we got to see Mount Lokon, Mount Manado Tua, Bunaken and all the other islands nearby. It was worth it. Tomohon is well known for its traditional market which sell a variety of unusual species such as bats, dogs, snakes, etc. Many of you probably wouldn’t stand the view. We visited the market and left with a little bit of traumatic experience, as we feel sorry for the pets that are soon gonna be sold as meat. After a quick nap, we continued to enjoy the day by cruising the st...
Have always loved you
I hope to for a life time
The promise made
By this heart of mine
Hold the line
You know one day
I will come
I will come for you
You don't know what it's like
For all your hopes to rise
To see them fall again
With the setting sun
In my heart you're the one
I know one day
You will come
You will come for me
I will comfort you
We'll grow old forever
Together in love
To settle in the calm
Following loves frown
It's just you and I
Never let you down
I will never let you down
E he galo koe i toku loto
Just you and I
For a life time
I will always love you
And not for just this lifetime
The promise made
By this heart of mine
You're the one
I knew one day
You would come
You would come for me
E he galo koe i toku loto
Just you and I