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DNA Studies on Sebaceous Adenitis in the Standard Poodle

DNA testing remains the "gold standard" in terms of identifying a dog's genotype, however, at present there is no DNA test to determine a dog's status with regard to SA.

Several studies on the genetic basis of sebaceous adenitis the standard poodle have been performed by researchers, Drs. Mike Boursnell, Cathryn Mellersh, and others at the Animal Health Trust (AHT). The Animal Health Trust (AHT) is a veterinary charity dedicated to improving the health and welfare of horses, dogs and cats. It is based in Suffolk, United Kingdom (http://www.aht.org.uk/genetics_research.html).   

To date, the gene or genes involved in the development of SA in the standard poodle have not been identified. The researchers at the AHT are confident that the genotyping data was of very high quality so the fact that they have not been able to identify the genomic region involved in SA has suggested that SA in the standard poodle may not be a simple autosomal recessive disease. It may be that it is recessive but has low penetrance, that an environmental factor is involved, or that the original diagnoses were not accurate enough (some of the control poodles thought to be normal may have actually been subclinically affected). It also may be that more than one gene is involved. Again the effect of each gene could still be recessive.

The AHT researchers are committed to continuing their studies of SA in the Standard Poodle, and are continuing to collect and store samples from affected and unaffected Standard Poodles at the AHT until sufficient samples are available to successfully analyze SA as a complex trait.  

Currently samples are being collected for a future genetic study on sebaceous adenitis in the standard poodle. The submissions that are needed are as follows:

  1. Definitive cases of SA in the standard poodle confirmed by biopsy evaluation.
  2. "Control" cases that have no clinical or biopsy evidence of SA. These standard poodles should be at least 6 years of age when their most recent biopsy evaluation was performed.  The older the poodles are and the more often they have had biopsy samples collected with "no evidence of sebaceous adenitis", the more likely they are to be genetically normal.  It is important to try to minimize false negative results.  

If poodle owners or breeders are interested in submitting samples from standard poodles for the future DNA study, an email should be sent to Bryan McLaughlin, and a swab kit and instructions will be sent to you. Email for Bryan is: bryan.mclaughlin@aht.org.uk

The biopsy report and pedigree should be included in the submission materials along with the swab (this should be in the instruction packet).


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