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The OFA, over 40 years of dedication to the advancement of canine health

The OFA Office in Columbia MOFounded and originally incorporated as a private not for profit foundation in 1966, the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) has passed its 40th birthday and is moving into the future.

Credit for the formation of the OFA is generally attributed to John M. Olin, well known inventor, industrialist, philanthropist, conservationist, and sportsman. John Olin was an avid sportsman, hunter, and field trial participant. When hip dysplasia began to impact the performance of Olin’s dogs, he organized an initial meeting with representatives of the veterinary community, the Golden Retriever Club of America, and the German Shepherd Dog Club of America to discuss means of limiting the disease. This ultimately led to the formation and incorporation of the OFA in 1966.  Its initial mission: To provide radiographic evaluation, data management, and genetic counseling for canine hip dysplasia.

While the OFA continues to focus on hip dysplasia, today’s OFA Mission, “To improve the health and well being of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease,” reflects the organization’s expansion into other inherited diseases and other companion animals such as cats.



Canine Health Information Center (CHIC)

Canine Health Foundation

Morris Animal Foundation

Animal Health Trust

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