
The Unique Surma People of Ethiopia Wear Lip Plates!
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Surma people have to be, hands down, the most unique ...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: Sheila Simkin
The Unique Surma People of Ethiopia Wear Lip Plates!
The Unique Surma People of Ethiopia Wear Lip Plates!
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Surma people have to be, hands down, the most unique ethnic group seen in this area of Ethiopia. Your first sight of a S...- published: 20 Jan 2012
- views: 1444
- author: Sheila Simkin

Blood gaining and drinking ritual at the Surma tribe in Ethiopia part 1
Surma people - when in Rome do as the Romans do, andere Länder, andere Sitten....
published: 05 Dec 2011
author: Andreas Vesper
Blood gaining and drinking ritual at the Surma tribe in Ethiopia part 1
Blood gaining and drinking ritual at the Surma tribe in Ethiopia part 1
Surma people - when in Rome do as the Romans do, andere Länder, andere Sitten.- published: 05 Dec 2011
- views: 12290
- author: Andreas Vesper

Stick Fights and Lip Plates - the Surma, South West Ethiopia
Stream the whole film for $1.00 or buy it at: http://oxfordhumanities.com/products_details...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: Oxford Humanities
Stick Fights and Lip Plates - the Surma, South West Ethiopia
Stick Fights and Lip Plates - the Surma, South West Ethiopia
Stream the whole film for $1.00 or buy it at: http://oxfordhumanities.com/products_details.php?name=products&id;=6 Narrated by Hollywood great Richard Harris....- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 4180722
- author: Oxford Humanities

Words of Life Surma People/Language Movie Trailer
This is: Words of Life Surma People/Language Movie Trailer c00841 [c00841t] Other names fo...
published: 04 Dec 2010
author: worldlanguagemovies
Words of Life Surma People/Language Movie Trailer
Words of Life Surma People/Language Movie Trailer
This is: Words of Life Surma People/Language Movie Trailer c00841 [c00841t] Other names for this language are: Churi; Dhuri; Eastern Suri; Shuri; Shuro; Suri...- published: 04 Dec 2010
- views: 83
- author: worldlanguagemovies

Jolting From Mizan Teferi into Surma Country - Unknown Ethiopia
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Surma area with its still uniquely traditional people...
published: 01 Feb 2012
author: Sheila Simkin
Jolting From Mizan Teferi into Surma Country - Unknown Ethiopia
Jolting From Mizan Teferi into Surma Country - Unknown Ethiopia
http://www.TravelsWithSheila.com The Surma area with its still uniquely traditional people was our destination after Mizan Teferi. Toursts have visited this ...- published: 01 Feb 2012
- views: 835
- author: Sheila Simkin

The Jesus Film - Suri / Churi / Dhuri / Eastern Suri / Shuri / Shuro / Surma Language
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God).
According to the Gospel of L...
published: 04 Dec 2013
The Jesus Film - Suri / Churi / Dhuri / Eastern Suri / Shuri / Shuro / Surma Language
The Jesus Film - Suri / Churi / Dhuri / Eastern Suri / Shuri / Shuro / Surma Language
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Ethiopia) Suri / Churi / Dhuri / Eastern Suri / Shuri / Shuro / Surma Language. God Bless You All.- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 82

Valle dell'Omo, sud dell'Etiopia, ai confini con il Kenia ed il Sud-Sudan, una delle aree ...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: Marcello Bogetti
Valle dell'Omo, sud dell'Etiopia, ai confini con il Kenia ed il Sud-Sudan, una delle aree più sperdute dell'Africa. La popolazione è quella dei Surma. Il Don...- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 16248
- author: Marcello Bogetti

Surma tribes - 1
Surma tribes, Ethiopia....
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: Samuel Torton
Surma tribes - 1

Ethiopia : Upper Omo Valley Suri tribe (aka Surma) tribal Donga Stick Fighting Ceremony
Donga is a tribal ceremony of the Suri / Mursi tribe members (men only) held in Kibish and...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: soratours
Ethiopia : Upper Omo Valley Suri tribe (aka Surma) tribal Donga Stick Fighting Ceremony
Ethiopia : Upper Omo Valley Suri tribe (aka Surma) tribal Donga Stick Fighting Ceremony
Donga is a tribal ceremony of the Suri / Mursi tribe members (men only) held in Kibish and Tulgit Villages and surroundings of the Upper and Lower Omo Valley...- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 16991
- author: soratours

Lapp Lapp Surma by Surjit Bindrakhia mp3
Surjit Bindrakhia's song Lapp Lapp Surma....
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: banwait16
Lapp Lapp Surma by Surjit Bindrakhia mp3
Lapp Lapp Surma by Surjit Bindrakhia mp3
Surjit Bindrakhia's song Lapp Lapp Surma.- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 1641
- author: banwait16
Vimeo results:

Adorable Brighton People
Adorable people Brighton. Explores the dominant trends of accessorizing within the present...
published: 20 May 2009
author: Arturas Gudukas
Adorable Brighton People
Adorable people Brighton. Explores the dominant trends of accessorizing within the present Western World, it further looks how such accessories are linked to the tribal elements of (For example Surma tribe and their tunnel rings) are we copying tribes ? or are we applying some of the tribal element hierarchy in our societies ?
view to the end

The Usual Teen Suspects
A participatory documentary about the way young people feel stereotyped by society, focusi...
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: Suzanne Cohen Films
The Usual Teen Suspects
A participatory documentary about the way young people feel stereotyped by society, focusing particularly on their relationship with the police.
Directed by young people at the Surma Youth Centre, Camden in collaboration with filmmaker Suzanne Cohen. Local residents, business people and the police also participated in the making of the film which combines drama and documentary techniques.

Excerpts of the third showing of the Kanuti Gildi SAALs residents Kaja Kann and Maike Lond...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: maike lond
Excerpts of the third showing of the Kanuti Gildi SAALs residents Kaja Kann and Maike Lond. March 2012 in Tallinn Estonia. www.saal.ee
Hurrei (Dedication to Josef Goebbels)
soon, soon the soldier will fight with words and goodness and he won't shoot back, he'll softly caress the opponents head and then others will also feel embarrassed to be evil. nobody will take anything from you, only give. nobody will go to another country to vandalize, but to gaze and wonder with an open mind. nobody will take your seat at the restaurant, cause everybody will stay at home. you'll get a beer without paying, cause the bartender won't get money also. he'll give it to you with kindness. cause he's got the beer and you don't
soon, soon the chickens will be happy, cause they have more room and people are happy, cause a happy egg is full of love. people will pay tons of money for eggs filled with love, cause then they can be happy when they die, cause the world has become a better place. nobody will regret in their dying bed that they haven't spared money from chicken eggs and left the world a bad place.
soon, soon we can talk in dance performances and sing in dramas and artists work all the time, they won't make the difference between work and leisure time. even when they are doing the dishes or weeding the flower beds or they're at a relatives birthday party they make art and people can watch all the time. nobody says it is bad, cause it is not bad, theater is only good!
on the independence day we won't have to bring only bluebottles, cause all flowers are equal. it won't matter what color the flower is, cause all colors are beautiful. for the independence day we can bring roses and cloves and spruce branches. and we all will sing. everybody is allowed to sing, even if you sing out of tune, cause the song is good. we are GOOD.
hip hip hurrei!
kohe, kohe hakkavad sõdurid sõdima sõnadega ja headusega ja vaenlane ei tulista enam vastu vaid silitab õrnalt vastase pead ja siis hakkab teistel kah piinlik kuri olla.
keegi ei võta sult enam midagi ära, vaid annab juurde.
keegi ei lähe enam teisele maale laamendama, vaid läheb ilusate avatud silmadega uurima ja uudishimutsema.
keegi ei võta su kohta enam restoranis su lemmik lauas, sest kõik püsivad oma kodus.
õlu saad sa edaspidi nii, et sa ei pea raha maksam, sest baarman ei saa ka raha.
ta annab selle sulle heast südamest. sest tal on õlu ja sinul ei ole.
kohe, kohe saavad kanad õnnelikud, sest neil on rohkem ruumi ja inimesed on õnnelikud, sest õnneliku kana muna on armastust täis.
inimesed hakkavad palju raha maksma armastust täis munade eest, sest siis saavad nad surres olla ka ise õnnelikud, et maailm on muutunud paremaks.
keegi ei kahetse surma tunnil, et nad on koonerdanud kanamunade pealt ja jätnud maailma paremaks tegemata.
varsti, varsti võib tantsuetenduses rääkida ja draamaetenduses laulda ja kunstnikud töötavad kogu aeg,
nad ei tee vahet, kas on töö aeg või ei ole., kui nad pesevad nõusi või rohivad peenart või on sugulaste sünnipäeval.
nad teevad kunsti ja vaatajad võivad vaadata, koguaeg. keegi ei pahanda, et halb on. sest teater on ainult hea!
Eest Vabariigi aastapäeval ei pea tooma enam ainult rukililli, sest kõik lilled on võrdsed. enam ei ole vahet mis värvi on lill, sest kõik värvid on ilusad.
aastapäevaks võib tuua roose ja nelke ja karikakraid ja kuuseoksi. ja meie kõik laulame! kõik võivad laulda, ka need, kes ei pea viisi, sest laul on hea.
meie oleme head.
Hip, hip hurraa!
Youtube results:

I Surma - Una tribù nilotica del sud ovest dell'Etiopia e il rituale del Sighirò
I Surma, altrimenti conosciuti con il nome di Tid, Suri, sono una popolazione di origine n...
published: 08 Jan 2014
I Surma - Una tribù nilotica del sud ovest dell'Etiopia e il rituale del Sighirò
I Surma - Una tribù nilotica del sud ovest dell'Etiopia e il rituale del Sighirò
I Surma, altrimenti conosciuti con il nome di Tid, Suri, sono una popolazione di origine nilotica che vive nell'Etiopia sud-occidentale ai confini con il Sudan. La concomitanza di più fattori (impervietà della regione, mancanza di vie di comunicazione, assenza di interessi economici occidentali, forte identità tribale) ha fatto sì che i Surma conservino ancora una forte identità culturale che rappresenta un patrimonio prezioso nel contesto delle culture nilotiche. Edizione integrata con il rituale del Sighirò=Il mistero del piattello labiale. Documentario realizzato nel 1998 Autori: Lorenzo Centola, Claudio Ficini, Alessandro Nannelli Programma n. 190/B - Copyright 2004 Università degli Studi di Firenze- published: 08 Jan 2014
- views: 28

Surma Sarela Garhwali Shakira Remix.mp4
I only edit the video for entertainment purpose only. Hope you all enjoy it. Shri Narendra...
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: F3V3RZONE
Surma Sarela Garhwali Shakira Remix.mp4
Surma Sarela Garhwali Shakira Remix.mp4
I only edit the video for entertainment purpose only. Hope you all enjoy it. Shri Narendra Singh Negi, the Versatile Garhwali singer of Uttaranchal has sung ...- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 858
- author: F3V3RZONE

John Surma, Chairman and CEO, United States Steel Corporation
John P. Surma was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1954. He graduated from Pennsylvania State U...
published: 05 Feb 2013
author: EconomicClubofMN
John Surma, Chairman and CEO, United States Steel Corporation
John Surma, Chairman and CEO, United States Steel Corporation
John P. Surma was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1954. He graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1976 with a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting. ...- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 681
- author: EconomicClubofMN

surma mera nirala..kishor kumar-majrooh sultanpuri-o p nayyar-a tribute to melodies king kishoreda
Song : surma mera nirala .. Movie : kabhi andhera kabhi ujala (1958) Singer : Kishore kuma...
published: 27 Apr 2011
author: mastkalandr
surma mera nirala..kishor kumar-majrooh sultanpuri-o p nayyar-a tribute to melodies king kishoreda
surma mera nirala..kishor kumar-majrooh sultanpuri-o p nayyar-a tribute to melodies king kishoreda
Song : surma mera nirala .. Movie : kabhi andhera kabhi ujala (1958) Singer : Kishore kumar,.. Lyricist : Majrooh Sultanpuri, Music Directur : O.P.Nayyar, Ca...- published: 27 Apr 2011
- views: 8731
- author: mastkalandr