- published: 05 Sep 2016
- views: 776
Virar (Marathi: विरार ) is a city in Maharashtra, India, part of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Virar is also a part of Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation in Palghar district in the Indian state of Maharashtra.
Virar railway station is the northern-most railway station on the Western Line of Mumbai Suburban Railway. Real Estate has been booming in Virar because of its tourism and because of big construction players like Rustomjee, HDIL, which has already constructed the buildings . People from many places have migrated & have started making a living here, Virar is being eyed as a major development city.
The climate of the city is tropical.
The name Virar, as some believe, actually comes from the Goddess Eka-viraa (एकविरा). Just as Tunga Parvat becomes "Tunga-ar", similarly "Vira" becomes "Vira-ar".There is a huge temple of Eka-vira Devi on the banks of Vaitarna River at the foot hills Tunga Parvat, (this is now totally broken by the continuous raids of Mohamedeans and Portuguese in the last 400 years), where people used to conclude their "Shurpaaraka Yatra", as described in the Puranas and local legends. There is a huge tank here dedicated to Eka veera Devi called "Viraar Tirtha", i.e. "Eka- Viraa Tirtha". Even today, on the west banks of Viraar Tirtha, one finds a carved stone about three feet long and nine inches broad. Below that is a group of female figures of the Yoginis of Ekaveera Devi. Nearby one can find a stone with a roughly cut cow and calf (Savatsa Dhenu), a symbol of Govardhana Math which symbolises eternity or Moksha. Moving ahead near the foot of a knoll of rock are two cow’s feet (Go-Paad) roughly cut in rock.
Virar Engineering student Killed by Lover's Friend-TV9
Yakeen Nahi Hota: Virar Girl Brutally Murdered by Her Boyfriend's Friend
#AjudaaNath 100K vão virar 300K!
Amar o conhecimento é o oposto de virar militante do PSOL
COMO VIRAR O HOMEM DE FERRO NO MINECRAFT PE ! (Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.16.0)
Minecraft PE 0.16.0 - COMO VIRAR O HULK (SEM MODS)
COMO VIRAR UM BEBÊ SEM MODS NO MINECRAFT PE 0.16.0 ! (Minecraft Pocke Edition 0.16.0)
Gleisi Hoffmann é Humilhada Por Repórteres Depois de Virar Ré na Operação Lava Jato
Mi Marathi Khau Galli Ep 13 Virar
Virar Engineering student Killed by Lover's Friend .... arrested boyfriend Sohail Shaikh at his friend Deepak Wagri.... For more videos go to https://www.youtube.com/tv9marathi Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Tv9Marathi Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Tv9marathiNews For more videos go to http://www.dailymotion.com/TV9Mumbai Circle us on Tv9 Marathi G+ at https://plus.google.com/+tv9maharashtra
Yakeen Nahi Hota: Watch India TV's crime show to know the story of Virar girl who was brutally murdered by her boyfriend's friend. SUBSCRIBE to India TV Here: http://goo.gl/fcdXM0 Follow India TV on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/indiatvnews Twitter: https://twitter.com/indiatvnews Download India TV Android App here: http://goo.gl/kOQvVB
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O colunista Felipe Moura Brasil faz uma edição especial de um trecho de seu papo com Alexandre Borges sobre o resultado do 1º turno das eleições municipais de 2016, inserindo imagens e vídeos. Assista!
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✘ Abra a Descrição ✘ Muito obrigado a todos que assistiram o vídeo ! -Se você gostou, não esquece de deixar o like e comentar ❤ ✓ Se Inscreva no canal: https://goo.gl/iqE2De +Vídeo anterior : http://bit.ly/2dhJ6fh -Addon mostrado no video : http://adf.ly/1eByfl -Criador do addon : http://youtube.com/c/DoubleCartoons12 -Como instalar Addons no Minecraft PE : http://bit.ly/2cAm0wr -Como instalar Mapas no Minecraft PE : http://bit.ly/2aXT5oz -Como instalar Mods no Minecraft PE : https://goo.gl/egKkPG ☛Twitter: https://goo.gl/niAWNa ☛Instagram: https://goo.gl/NHy4Zh #FARM (Família arqueira 'Robin e os mobiles') Mareolito: http://bit.ly/29jp811 Beto: http://bit.ly/1Sky6LZ Cah: http://bit.ly/1MxUiRK JP Plays: http://bit.ly/1XgdiaS Quel: http://bit.ly/1riXiaf Épico: http://bit.ly/1D...
Gleisi Hoffmann é Humilhada Por Repórteres Depois de Virar Ré na Operação Lava Jato Link Para Este Vídeo: https://youtu.be/EoDTXm2CwPI .................... Veja Também: Lula Chama Sergio Moro de 'Menino de Curitiba' e é Humilhado de Jornalista que o Chama de Marginal Link Para Este Vídeo: https://youtu.be/uwNj_NTF87I ................. Todos os Depoimentos da Operação Lava Jato Sobre Lula á Sergio Moro - Parte 7 Link Para Este Vídeo: https://youtu.be/w6szu-KWUto .................... Todos os Depoimentos da Operação Lava Jato Sobre Lula á Sergio Moro - Parte 6 Link Para Este Vídeo: https://youtu.be/w6szu-KWUto .................... Todos os Depoimentos da Operação Lava Jato Sobre Lula á Sergio Moro - Parte 5 Link Para Este Vídeo: https://youtu.be/w6szu-KWUto .................... Todos os Depo...
The Government of Maharashtra, with financial assistance from the World Bank and through MMRDA under the Mumbai Urban Transport Project has prepared the Comprehensive Transportation Study (CTS) for the Mumbai Metropolitan Region in the year 2008 known as TRANSFORM (TRANSportation Study FOR the region of Mumbai). The premier objective of this study was to identify the travel modes and travel patterns of the residents in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region and recommend long term Comprehensive Transportation Strategy for MMR up to 2031. The final report was submitted in July, 2008. One of the major recommendations of TRANSFORM is the development of Multi Modal Corridor in MMR to take care of the varied travel demands of the region for the horizon period up to 2031. One such corridor is planned fr...
Women risking their life by getting in or boarding into a moving local train and does not wait till the train stops completely and people don't allow passengers to alight down first they just rush in creating a chaotic situation which may further leads to fights.. During the peak hours in evening there is lot of chaos and its very hectic to get in a Virar local train and see how women travel daily in Mumbai... It is like a fight to get in to a local train in ladies coach or compartment for women.. SUBSCRIBE to my channel: http://goo.gl/JB23Ss LIKE + SHARE The Mumbai Suburban Railway (Marathi: मुंबई उपनगरीय रेल्वे) consists of rapid transit on exclusive inner suburban railway lines augmented by commuter rail on main lines serving outlying suburbs to serve the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. S...
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Virar-Alibuag Multi Modal Corridor is 126 km long and will connect NH-8, Bhiwandi bypass, NH-3, NH-4 and NH-4B, Mumbai-Pune Expressway, NH-17, etc. Out of this 126 km corridor, 79 km long Virar (Navghar) to Chirner (JNPT) corridor is financially feasible and has been approved by the MMRDA in its meeting held on 6th March, 2012. The Multi Modal Corridor will be a crucial step towards development, strengthening and creating job opportunities in seven growth centers in MMR such as Virar, Bhiwandi, Kalyan, Dombivali, Panvel, Taloja and Uran. The Corridor will also be useful for the development of Navi Mumbai International Airport, JNPT Port, MTHL and Dedicated Freight Corridor. This Corridor will carry all the traffic from JNPT towards Navi Mumbai and Thane outside the city and will help redu...
SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/JB23Ss - This is the last local of 1:34 AM for Virar from Andheri station and if you miss this train then you have to wait till the early morning first train. So check out the video of Mumbai's lifeline and do remember to SUBSCRIBE. The Mumbai Suburban Railway (Marathi: मुंबई उपनगरीय रेल्वे) consists of rapid transit on exclusive inner suburban railway lines augmented by commuter rail on main lines serving outlying suburbs to serve the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Spread over 465 kilometres (289 mi), the suburban railway operates 2,342 train services and carries more than 7.24 million commuters daily. By annual ridership (2.64 billion), the Mumbai Suburban Railway is the second busiest rapid transit system in the world. It has some of the most severe overcrowding i...
A beautiful Sunset view at Navapur Beach located at far north end of Mumbai called Vasai Virar City. Quite near to virar's famous arnala beach, this beach is much more clean and safe comparatively. Navapur village beach also have few resorts around if anyone likes to stay back for a night or two. About 60 kms in north these are few of the clean local beaches near Mumbai.
Give me the power
To make a dream come real
Destiny will be denied
The truth will be revealed
Don't listen to their lies
It isn't in their book
What's right - oh, no
People of the legion
The time has come to go
VIsion of the dreamer
Showed the kingdom arose
Welcome aboard
It's time to go
We're leaving
Sailing into the night
We're leaving